August 30, 2022

Mainstream Media: "Consumer confidence jumps!!!!!"

Headline ten minutes ago, on (a total shill page for Wall Street):

Consumer Confidence Jumps in August as Inflation Slows

Wow!  Great news for Democrats, eh citizen?  Cuz for a couple of months there voters were  worried about things like inflation, soaring energy prices, shrinking GDP, Democrat laws raising taxes, growing Chinese aggression, and...well, it's a long list, eh?  But today?  Confidence has JUMPED, "as inflation slows."!

Buried deep in the enthusiastic article is this 'graf that explains the title (all else is hype):

The increase comes as inflation showed signs of abating, with both major inflation indices registering a deceleration in July. The consumer-price index dipped to an 8.5% annual pace, down from the previous month’s 9.1% pace...

SEE?  Inflation is DOWN.  Plummeted!  From 9.1 to a mere, trivial 8.5% !

Well no wonder consumer confidence jumped, hearing news like THAT, eh?  I mean, who wouldn't be giddy with "confidence" after the annual inflation rate fell to a mere 8.5%, eh?  It's almost like Porridgebrain (that would be the vegetable occupying the White House) saying that between June and July there was NO inflation!  That wasn't quite true, of course, but his supporters in the Lying Mainstream Media didn't say a critical word, so gullible voters believed it.

But let's not spoil the GOOD NEWZ being pushed by Bloomberg, eh?  I mean, you've all noticed how much better things are now than they were a year ago, right?  Your kids can go to college without being forced to mask or take the next new, improved jab.  You probably got a big raise.  Your family's monthly bill for groceries has plummeted!  (If you're a guy, ask your wife.)

What's not to love, eh?

Here's a prediction for ya, and you can watch to see if I'm right:  We've got two more months before the crucial mid-term elections.  I'll predict that in each of those months the Mainstream Media will claim that "Consumer confidence is soaring," and "Inflation plummeting" and using the "core CPI" to show you that inflation is trivial--because the "core CPI" conveniently does NOT include the silly, incidental costs of food and energy.  Cuz, reasons.

All that is designed, intended, to enable the Democrats to claim enough votes to retain control of both chambers of congress in November.

Wait, I hear my Democrat friends saying "Dis can't be true, cuz if duh U.S. wuz gettin' hurt by doze FAAABULOUS Democrat policies, duh Mainstream Media would nevah support 'em, cuz duh Media pipo would be hurt TOO!  So you're just an ol' poopy-head!"

Ah.  Well, there ya go, eh?  Except for two things:  First, not a single person in the Mainstream Media--even the entry-level "reporters"--believes Democrat policies are hurting the nation.  And second, the folks who actually run the Mainstream Media are wealthy enough that they'll be just fine regardless. 

You think Brian Stelter or Chris Cuomo or Don LeMon or Joy Reid or Andrea Mitchell will suffer even a tiny bit if the U.S. economy craters?


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