biden regime is about to approve NEW vax for new corona variant; schools expected to demand students take it
Hey citizen, gotten vaxxed against Corona yet? How about "boosted"? Yes? Good for you! You may keep your job, and fly on commercial airlines! You may bask in your virtue.
Now guess what: There's a NEW vax, expected to be approved in less than a month. And if you don't take it, you're a "violent right-wing extremist insurrectionist who wants to kill innocent Americans"!
(FBI: If I accidentally left out any of your required psychological "flag words" in that last phrase, my apologies.)
Yesterday the regime's "coronavirus response coordinator" Ashish Jha said the "new, improved" updated COVID-19 vaccines are expected to be available in “a few short weeks.” And now that the regime has learned how to manipulate, they're not bothering to approve this first for "those at high risk if infected by covid"--people over 70 or those with dangerous "co-morbidities." Nope nope nope!
Instead the "coordinator" says he "believes" the FDA will approve it for everyone over the age of 12.
If you think this is fake news, watch Jha's interview with a regime shill Lester Holt on “NBC Nightly News.” I mean, if you can't trust Lester Holt and NBC, who can you trust, eh?
Earlier in the week Jha said the "updated" vaccines could be available in “early to mid-September.”
Back in June the FDA quietly told "vaccine makers" to start making the "new" vaccines, which are specifically designed to "protect" people against "subvariants of omicron" known as BA.4 and BA.5, which are
"currently circulating." So-called "experts" like Anthony Fauci have wailed that the new "subvariants" are WAY more readily transmitted than the original. Are they more dangerous? They never say, and no reporter dares to ask. All that's needed is the dire warning "more transmissible."
If that didn't convince ya, Jha says the new vax is also expected to be WAY more effective against earlier variants.
Now, start the clock. How long do ya think it'll be before both big teachers' unions DEMAND that all school kids take the NEW, IMPROVED jab in order to be allowed to attend school?
Of course no one will be able to blame the regime, since the "vax to attend" order would be coming from local school boards instead of from the regime itself. See how clever that is?
So the regime just gave Pfizer another $30 BILLION or so--less a billion in kickback to the corruptocrats. And if you take the jab and don't get covid, they'll say that's absolute proof that the new vax worked! But if you take it and DO get covid, they'll simply call it a "breakthru case" and will claim "Hey, everyone knows that no vaccine is perfect! We just had to protect everyone we could!"
Hey citizens, I've got a vaccine here that is absolutely guaranteed to keep you from being eaten by dinosaurs! It's only $100 per dose, and if it should fail to work we promise to pay you a million bucks! Works on all ages! You don't want your sweet child to be eaten by a dinosaur, do ya?
Of course this great vaccine is only effective for a year (which is way longer than the corona "vax"), and then you'll need another shot to stay protected. But don't worry--the government will cover most of the cost. Oh, and we absolutely guarantee there are NO adverse effects! No blood clots, no enlarged hearts, no sterilization, no cancers!
Better to be safe than eaten by dinosaurs, right?
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