August 29, 2022

How crazy are they in NYC? New law DECREES that you can't buy **whipped cream** unless you're over 21

How goofy is this country--specifically Democrats who rule it?  And especially New York City.

In NYC, violent crime is virtually legal.
  So is shoplifting.
  Shooting a police officer can go unprosecuted.   

  Foreigners who are in the country illegally are welcomed with open arms as if there were no laws;
     *authorities even hand them cash gifts, house them for free in luxury hotels, and want them to vote.

By contrast, you can get in big trouble for calling the illegal aliens “illegal aliens.”

And as of two weeks ago you'll need to be 21 to buy a can of pressurized whipped cream.

And if you're a store that doesn't DEMAND ID before selling a can of this dangerous stuff, you can go to jail.

The reason the Democrats are kids are chugging the whipped cream to get high from the nitrous oxide propellant.

Not kidding.  Apparently New York City has done such a faaabulous job of solving the problems of outrageous crime, random crazies pushing subway patrons in front of trains, heroin addiction and fentanyl deaths that they're actually demanding a photo ID to buy...whipped cream. 

H/T Moonbattery.  Great reading!


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