Deaths from all causes in Israel--with 98% of population vaxxed and boosted--show a frightening trend
Whut dis mean?
Democrats: "Is got numbers, an' we know math be raaaaacist, so dis be raaaacist! So we ignore!" (In case you missed it, in Democrat-ruled Seattle, leftist teaching "consultants" have actually claimed "math is racist." Seriously.)
Ah, math is raacist, eh? Sure, sparky. You bet. Now go groom some 8-year-olds and let the adults talk.
As noted, the table above shows total deaths in Israel from all causes. You'll quickly note that total deaths for 2020--the first year duh Chyna virus escaped China to start the plandemic --and before any of the so-called "vaccines" were available--were higher than before the plandemic arrived (48,797 vs 46,004, an increase of 6.07%), as you'd expect.
Let's assume all of that increase was due to deaths from Covid.
The first vax was approved in the U.S. in late December of 2020, and Israel began to jab its citizens a couple of months later. They now have the highest percentage of popuation fully jabbed of any nation.
Total deaths for 2021 were 50,736, vs. 48,797 for 2020--an increase of about 4% over 2020. That increase is two percent less than 2020 to 2021. How much of this drop in percent increase was due to the vax and how much to improved treatment methods can't be determined.
Now look at 2022: As of end of July Israel had recorded 31,631 deaths from all causes. The same period for 2021 showed 29,580. So almost seven percent more deaths thru July of this year than for a year earlier.
Wait, that's...really odd. Because with even more experience treating patients we would expect the year over year increase to be less than the 4% increase of 2021 over 2020. If fact if the so-called "vaccine" worked you'd expect the increase in deaths to drop back to matching the growth in population. But it's clearly significantly higher. What can be accounting for this?
"Global Warming," right?
Okay, kidding aside: 31,600 people is a very large sample, and it would take something very big to change that number by just one percent--300 or so. The only plausible candidates are either they're still having lots of deaths from Covid, OR from the jab.
Democrats: "Dat not possible! Duh vaccines bees safe and effective! Safe! And Effective!"
Okay, then you explain the numbers in the table. We're listening.
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