August 30, 2022

Proof #698,345 that "the experts" are often full of crap: What were you taught is the source of "fossil fuels"?

To the extent American students are taught anything at all about oil and "natural gas, " it’s that both came from dinosaurs (hence the term "fossil fuels").  If schools even teach this much, they don't explain HOW that happened, but it doesn't matter--because "oil from dinosaurs" is horseshit.

But for once we can't really blame schools, because since 1879 or so the “experts” have tried to figure out where oil and gas come from, and "dinosaurs" was the concensus of duh “experts.”

So if Americans know *anything* about oil, it’s that it comes from dinosaurs.

Except that turns out to be horseshit.  Let me explain.  And then at the end I'll tell you why I bothered, since not one in a million people care what the origin is.

Ever since the "dinosaur" theory was put forth, critics noted that there were LOTS of problems with it--that is, things that seemed clearly to contradict it.  Just like "Global Warming."  But just like GW, the "experts" blythely ignored the contradictions, figuring no one would notice.  After all, they were "experts," eh?  "You vill obey der Szience, citizen!"

Well...back in 1987--before the so-called “elites” declared math to be raaaacist--a brilliant astrophysicist named Thomas Gold did some math about well-known characteristics of oilfields––and realized the “dinosaur theory” couldn’t be true.  He wrote a book called “Power from the Earth” explaining a far better theory, and it’s gotten perfect reviews. It’s that good. 

To name just one of the MANY flaws in the “fossil fuel” theory, he noted something that had been well-known by petroleum engineers for a century: that in every known field, if you drilled deeper you found oil in deeper reservoirs. But since the layers of rock were separated by tens of millions of years, if the "dinosaur" theory was true it would require that the exact same location had repeatedly “gotten lucky” in terms of dinosaur "death fields."  

It defied logic.  And there are MANY other facts that reject the “dinosaur theory.”

Of course you don't care about arcane theories about the source of oil.  So my point in bringing this up is just this:  That VERY OFTEN the so-called experts are full of shit. That includes economists (“We’re NOT in a recession!!!) and the top asshole in the NIAID, the total fraud Fauci ("Duh vaccines are 'safe and effective!) and the slobberingly-praised female moron running the CDC (Rochelle Walensky, whose main qualification was that she'll do anything she's told).

Finally, for the two or three of you who may be curious as to the REAL source of oil and ‘natural gas:” It’s massive amounts of *carbonates* dating from the accretion of carbonate rocks as the Earth formed. When heated to thousands of degrees those rocks decompose to carbon, which combines with hydrogen to produce methane (CH4)–natural gas–which when forced thru rock under pressure then links together to produce all the hydrocarbons in oil.

Now just for fun:  If you've got a teenage kid, ask him or her what the schools taught 'em about where oil and gas comes from.  Guarantee the answer will be either "Huh?" or "dinosaurs."  After all, the Democrats constantly keep calling oil and gas "fossil fuels," right?  What do you think they mean by that?


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