There's a corrupt, toadying org called the "Federation of State Medical Boards." Like all similar orgs, it has two real purposes: to generate six-figure incomes for its founder and directors, and to suck up to the endless bureaucrats and congresswhores in our corrupt government. It does this very well.
With that as background: The Chinese virus had three main purposes: 1) to win the presidency for the Democrats, by getting key states to order total vote-by-mail; 2) to kill the U.S. economy; and 3) to make billions for Big Pharma and Anthony Fauci.
To do those things it was necessary for "the experts" and the Media to convince Americans that 1) the chyna virus was unusually deadly, AND that the only hope of surviving was to stay home and wear a mask or three; and 2) that there was no cure or treatment for the virus, so anyone who caught it would likely die.
This is why, despite hundreds of success stories, the CDC and NIH have never bothered to even TRY to determine whether hydroxychlorquin, zinc, azithromycin, vitamin D and ivermectin have almost a 100% success rate in curing those infected with the chyna virus, if treatment is started early enough.
To this end, the Democrat governors of Michigan (the abominable Gretchen Whitmer) and Nevada issued ORDERS that any doctor in their state who prescribed any of those treatments for people infected with the chyna virus would have his/her state medical license revoked.
This infuriated a LOT of docs, first because the treatments worked, and second, because all those drugs had been approved for use by humans--in one case over 70 years ago! (Of course zinc vitamin D aren't drugs so you don't need the state's permission to take or prescribe 'em. And azithromycin is already approved for infections.) The only ones the state could bitch about were HCQ and ivermectin.
But here we find a key part of the story that you never knew about: When AIDS appeared, the FDA was getting its knickers in a twist about people DARING to use "unapproved" drugs to try to fight off what was usually a fatal disease. But finally, bowing to the gay community, congress passed a law called "Right to Try," which said if a drug had been approved for human use for disease X, but a patient wanted to try the drug against disease Y, under the new law any MD could legally prescribe it.
The ORDERS from Whitmer and the Dem governor of Nevada effectively violated that federal law.
(And for you Democrats out there who'll start wailing that "NOooo, it doesn't! Cuz our wunnerful Democrat governor's order didn't say you couldn't do dat, but just that any doc who did would lose their state license! See the difference? It's like saying 'You have freedom of speech, but if you say something we don't like, we'll get you fired.' See? Not at ALL an infringement!)
(Spare me, dumb shits.)
But of course no M.D. was willing to take the state--with its armies of tax-funded gummint attorneys--to court to make 'em back off, so everyone just obeyed. But the Dems knew that having Dem governors ORDERING doctors not to prescribe drugs that had proved lifesaving was starting to make the sheep wake up to a reality the Dems didn't want the sheep to see. So they quickly found a solution:
Instead of having a Democrat governor issue those orders, why not have a "national federation of state medical mumble mumble" issue the orders? That way neither a name nor the Democrat party would be tied to the order. It was brilliant!
The trigger was pulled by the ever-obliging "Federation of State Medical Boards," and was couched as threatening that any licensed doctor or nurse who "spread misinformation" about any aspect of duh chyna virus would "put their medical license at risk."
Of course you don't believe that, eh? Too damn much like Orwell, or the Soviet Union. Or chyna. Well, here's the link, and here's what you'll see:
FSMB: Spreading COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation May Put Medical License at Risk
WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 29, 2021) – The
Federation of State Medical Boards’ Board of Directors released the
following statement in response to a dramatic increase in the
dissemination of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation and disinformation by
physicians and other health care professionals on social media
platforms, online and in the media:
“Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation
or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical
boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.
Due to their specialized knowledge and training, licensed physicians
possess a high degree of public trust and therefore have a powerful
platform in society, whether they recognize it or not. They also have an
ethical and professional responsibility to practice medicine in the
best interests of their patients and must share information that is
factual, scientifically grounded and consensus-driven for the betterment
of public health. Spreading inaccurate COVID-19 vaccine information
contradicts that responsibility, threatens to further erode public trust
in the medical profession and puts all patients at risk.”
Note how these filthy toads slid in the snide inference that any M.D. who said anything Fauci didn't like would be violating their "responsibility to practice medicine in the best interest of their patients." Very cunning. Very sly.
Also note the totally non-scientific bullshit that all info a doc posts must be "consensus-driven." Wow! And who determines the alleged consensus, eh? Why, duh gruberment, of course. I.e. Fauci and that ridiculous toady Rochelle Walensky, who biden*fail picked to run the entire NIH.
SO...with a bit of thought, the Democrats got a boot-licking org to do their dirtywork for 'em, and keep their party from being quite so tightly tied to the illegal orders. Because the order NOT to prescribe HCQ or ivermectin is illegal, violating a valid federal law which wasn't repealed.
"Wait," I hear my liberal friends yelling. "This mysterious, always-fatal virus--which the World Health Organization absolutely assures us was NOT modified in a Chinese research lab!--caused a dire, lethal EMERGENCY! So all prior laws and rights are thereby suspended! Yep yep yep!"
And all the Media lapdogs applaud.