August 31, 2021

Pelosi refuses to allow names of the 13 US. toops killed in Kabul to be read aloud on House floor

Yesterday the leader of the Republicans in the House asked Pelosi to allow members to read aloud the names of the 13 members of our armed forces killed in Kabul to be read aloud on the House floor.

You'd think that would be an automatic for anyone who had an ounce of love for America and/or respect for our troops.  So naturally Pelosi...blocked the request.


August 29, 2021

Headlines we expect to see really soon

  • "Democrats: Trump to blame for failing to prepare for hurricane!"
  • "Mitt Romney:  Trump to blame for Afghanistan"
  • FEMA: "If you don't have a vaccine passport you won't be allowed to evacuate!
  • Governor of Lousiana: Only residents who have a vaccine passport will be allowed to loot
  • Jake Sullivan, regime's national security advisor: "We'll have a lot of leverage with the Taliban after we leave country"
  • Susan Rice:  "Pullout was managed almost perfectly; any glitches were Trump's fault"
  • Tony Fauci: "Vaccine passport won't be valid unless you've had the booster shot"
  • "Pelosi: Hurricanes are caused by global warming, so government needs to ban fossil fuels"
  • "AOC introduces bill to ban gasoline-powered cars by 2025"
  • "Federal judge bars Florida governor from criticizing school districts that make masks mandatory"
  • NPR: "Don't believe the hype: No evidence that natural immunity actually exists"

NPR leads Lying Media in discrediting "natural immunity," pushing everyone to get vax even if they've had Chyna virus

If you're an American adult you probably know that once you've had a viral disease you can't get it again, because your body now has "antibodies" to recognize the virus.  That's called "natural immunity" and it applies to the Chyna virus too.

And if you pay attention to current events you've probably noticed reports that "natural immunity" is roughly a dozen times more effective than the experimental mRNA "vaccine" in preventing people from getting the virus.

Next, the presence of antibodies can be detected by a blood test.  As a result, people who've had the virus and recovered are asking why they should be forced to take that shot  

So as you could have predicted, the Lying Mainstream Media --led by the leftist rat-bastards at National Public Radio but soon to be joined by the rest of the lemmings-- are starting to push stories saying "Hey, dat 'natural immunity' stuff you've been hearing about?  May not protect you, citizen!  So you need to take the jab!  And if you're already fully vaxxed you need to take the booster shot!  And then the next one!"

Here's part of NPR's propaganda to make people reject "natural immunity" and instead go for the vax, or for the fully vaxxed,  the booster shot:

Why tests don't tell the full story

On an individual level, antibody tests can be useful for picking up evidence of a past SARS-CoV-2 infection. They're also helpful to researchers studying the prevalence of the virus across a population or tracking the degree to which antibody levels wane over time. And the decline in antibody levels against the coronavirus among some people who got vaccinated late last year were cited as part of the scientific case for why millions of Americans need booster shots.

But scientists in the field say there's still considerable uncertainty about what these levels of detectable antibodies really mean when it comes to protection. And a lack of standardization among the commercially available tests for antibodies makes it even harder to decipher the results.

"There is no test that will give you that [degree of certainty] at this point," says Gigi Gronvall, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins

Got that?  "Scientists" say 'there's considerable uncertainty about what levels of antibodies mean,' and then a "senior scholar" explains that "No test will give you that [degree of certainty]."

This full-court press to discredit natural immunity in favor of the inferior and dangerous vax and its long string of required booster shots was as predictable as the sunrise.  But if you post the totally true statement that "There's still considerable uncertainty about how well the vax does at preventing you from getting the Chyna virus," Fakebook and Twatter will lock your account until you delete your own post--voluntarily, of course.

Source: NPR

Leftist teacher has her students pledge allegiance to the gay-pride flag

At the start of each day in public school, students used to stand, face the American flag (every classroom had one) and recite the "Pledge of Allegiance."

Maybe you thought that was silly or pointless.  Whether the pledge IS silly or pointless, the Left hated it, and DEMANDED that we stop doing it.  The only reason ever offered was along the lines of "What if there's an immigrant kid in the class?  It's clearly wrong to make an immigrant pledge allegiance to our flag cuz it's not HIS flag."  Followed by sounds of Leftist elites snarfing/laughing at your supidity compared to their brilliant logic.

Back then conservatives were too polite to say what I'm about to: "If you aren't all-in on your allegiance to this flag, and no other, get the fuck out of our country."

Simple, eh?  But being too polite to utter this obvious, logical retort is why we lost on this issue, and the Left won--as they do with every issue, because we're still too polite to hit them over the head with a logical two-by-four.  And until we learn to do this--to take back our country--we'll keep losing to people who SCREAM that "math is raaaacist!" and "There are really 57 genders!" and "America was really founded in 1619 and has always been raaacist and evil!"

SO...below is a microcosm of Left vs. Right:  The Pledge has vanished in every Dem-ruled city, and in many other cities where the school board dictators are communists.  But it still survives in a few cities.  So watch as a teacher laughs her ass off as she videos herself telling how she treats the policy of having everyone recite the Pledge:  First it's "You don't have to stand up," then it's "You don't have to actually say any words," and finally "I took down the American flag in my classroom because it made me uncomfortable (yes, she actually said that), so you can pledge allegiance to the gay-pride flag instead."

Seriously.  Take a look.

And note how this creature laughs her ass off while she's telling this story.  She knows she's beaten the system, defeating the purpose of the school board's policy, and she thinks that's absolutely hysterical.

August 28, 2021

Chicago judge orders mother not to see her 11-year-old son--because she hasn't taken the jab

Think Dem governors forcing people to wear masks outside, or forcing your kids to wear masks to go to school, was an unconscionable overreach?  

Think forcing everyone to take the vax or lose their job was a dictatorial overreach?

Think Democrat asshole officials DECREEING that you can't fly if you don't have a "vax passport" is a dictatorial overreach?

You ain't seen nothin' yet.  The full-speed rush over the cliff--with freedom fast being replaced by dictators who don't know shit but will DEMAND that you nevertheless obey their mad decrees or lose everything-- continues, at full speed.

In the latest example a tyrannical judge in the festering shithole known as Shitcongo (Cook County) has ORDERED that a mother not be allowed to see her 11-year-old son-- because the mother hasn't taken the experimental vax.

The mother has been divorced for seven years and shares custody and parenting time with her ex.  She was appearing (via video) before judge James Shapiro for a child support hearing.  Shapiro asked her whether she had taken the vax for the Chyna virus--something that should be none of his g_ddamn business, but of course judges do whatever they please.  The mother said she hadn't, saying she's had bad reactions to vaccines in the past.

Shapiro then ordered that the mother would not be allowed to see her son until she gets the experimental mRNA "vaccine."


August 26, 2021

Democrat candidate for gov of Virginia doesn't sign candidate form, but form has 2 witness signatures

Terry McAuliffe is a thoroughly corrupt Dem politician, a former money-raiser for the Clintons.  He was governor of Virginia from    to   and is now running for that post again.

The Democrat party touts McAuliffe as an extremely experienced, savvy politician.

Yeah.  Well...Virginia law requires that when someone wants to run for office must file a form announcing his candidacy.  Virginia law requires the candidate himself to sign this form.

The "extremely experienced" McAuliffe forgot to sign the form.  Thus by law he can't be on the ballot.

But gets better:  The form requires that two people attest that they witnessed the candidate sign the form.  Got that?  Good.

Now:  There are two signatures above the lines saying "witness signature."  Yet the candidate's signature is nowhere to be found.  How can the witnesses claim to have seen him sign it since McAuliffe's signature isn't there?  And how do the Democrats and McAuliffe explain the false witness statements, eh?
But gets even better:  Since Virginia law has not been obeyed, today the Virginia Republican Party filed a lawsuit asking that McAuliffe be barred from running for governor.  Separately, the lawsuit asks the court for an injunction barring the state board of elections from printing ballots containing McAuliffe's name.

Now...does anyone really think a state judge will rule against the Democrat party and their candidate?  Yeah, I agree, there's no way that will happen.  The Democrat judge will rule that *even though* some silly technical detail wasn't complied with, the candidate's intention is clear, so the judge will RULE that this failure to comply with this trivial detail isn't serious enough to remove the Democrat from the ballot.

Let that sink in for a minute.  I've been saying for years that there are two sets of laws in this country: ordinary people have to obey the law, but connected elites (Democrats all) can break any law with no penalty.  Judges and DA's simply look the other way.

So the fun here will be to see how the judge and the Dems spin this to pretend that they're *really* huge supporters of the law, but the law needs to be *flexible*, so as not to punish people for breaking trivial laws that are really*suggestions*.

The second hoot will be to see how the Mainstream Media will manage to ignore this story, since it proves the point above:  That there are two sets of laws, and the Dems can break laws the rest of us must obey.  But the Dems are never punished.


Poll: Which political party attracts the greater percentage of atheists?

According to a recent Pew poll, 15 percent of Republicans or Repub-leaners said they were atheists.

Now take a guess what percentage of Democrats and Dem-leaning claimed to be atheists.

Before we tell ya, which group would you guess had a greater percentage of its members claiming to be atheists?

If you honestly have no idea, ask your friends for their guess.

Here's a clue:  A huge number of the members of one U.S. political party thinks communism is really cool, and that it's great for teachers to help teens get a sex-change without their parents' permission, and that staying home to collect welfare it you're able to work is just fine, thanks.

Still stumped?  Nah, you're not. 

Now for the hard question:  How much more likely is it that Democrats are atheists?  So if 15% of Repubs say they're atheists, what would you guess the % is for Dems?  When you've got an answer, scroll way down.






The poll found 69 percent of Dems identified as atheists.  That explains SO much.

August 25, 2021

Fatal weakness: California Democrats have set a policy for the recall election that guarantees fraud

In less than 3 weeks California will get to vote on whether to recall the arrogant, hypocritical, corrupt Gavin Newsome.

The rules governing how this election is to be conducted were written by the Democrats, since they control the legislature (as they do every elected statewide office).  And they decree that ballots--ALL mail-in--will be counted as valid even if they arrive a stunning 30 days after election day.  

You're kidding, right?  What this means is that as interim results are announced on election night, the Democrat party will then have a generous 30 days to fabricate just enough fraudulent ballots to barely retain the governorship of the nation's most-populous state.

Accepting ballots for 30 days after election day virtually assures fraud.  If you don't want that, what's needed is a policy that no ballot be accepted after the polls close on election night.  This would force fraudsters to create a lot more fraudulent ballots to ensure a win, since they wouldn't know how close the authentic vote was going to be until hours after the polls closed.  

Barring bogus "water-main breaks" (which is the excuse the Dems used to chase observers out of the Fulton county vote-tabulating center on election night), the thieves wouldn't have much time to create fake ballots if they were short.  And the more fraudulent votes, the greater the chance of busting the election thieves.

Unfortunately, it's too late now.  Expect to see Newsome retain his office by a very believable half a percent or so, thanks to the generous window for accepting fraudulent ballots.

Supreme Court rejects biden*fail regime's appeal, reinstates Trump's "remain in Mexico" policy

President Trump--a clearly competent guy, even with "mean tweets"--negotiated an agreement with Mexico under which people from third countries supposedly "seeking asylum" in the U.S. would have to remain in Mexico until their cases were heard in a U.S. immigration court.  That policy kept tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from entering the U.S.

Almost the day he took office, Joe Biden and his handlers--determined to admit as many millions of third-world residents as possible as quickly as possible--eliminated the "remain in Mexico" policy.

A federal judge in Texas--turning the tables on the Democrats--said the Biden elimination of that program wasn't legal.  As you already guessed, Biden*fail's "Just Us" department immediately appealed.  

Yesterday the Supreme Court rejected that appeal, meaning "remain in Mexico" is once again in effect.

The Mainstream Media wasted no time in criticizing Trump's policy as one of "many hard-line immigration policies" instituted by president Trump, and praising Biden*fail for eliminating the "remain in Mexico" policy.  Of course the Media avoids saying that Biden*fail "eliminated" the program, instead coyly using the term "rolling back."  Cuz that sounds so much softer.


Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words


"On Monday the FDA gave full approval to the vax." No, it didn't. It's a carefully-worded head-fake!

Hey citizen!  Didja hear?  Last Monday the FDA gave FULL approval to the vax!

Well, at least that's what every single Mainstream Media outlet reported WOULD happen a few days earlier.  And then when the FDA did...something Monday morning, the media went with what they'd been told would happen.

Except...the FDA did NOT fully approve the vax.

The FDA’s “Letter of Authorization,” issued Monday morning ( ) is a total head-fake, designed and intended to make journalists and other casual readers think that the FDA removed the "Emergency Use Authorization" and gave the vax full approval.  

Of course you think I'm just making this up.  In that case download it and see for yourself.  The letter uses the term “THIS EUA” or some variation thereof about 50 times. In fact the closing ‘graf, just above the signature block, reads “THIS EUA will be effective until the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of the emergency use of drugs and biological products during the COVID-19 pandemic is terminated… or the EUA is revoked….”

It could not possibly be more clear. The FDA merely extended–or as the letter cunningly put it, “revised”– the existing (earlier) EUA.  They tried to mislead the handful of Americans who bothered to read the thing by occasionally writing “this authorization,” which I suspect was intended to obscure the “emergency use” modifier.

Note that at the same time that the FDA released this letter, it also issued a press release. Still looking for that but my guess is that it obscured the true meaning even more. And of course which document would the Lying Mainstream Media choose to read, eh?  The press release, of course.  And even if one or two "journalists" bothered to read the letter (as opposed to the press release), they'd already been told that the FDA would give full approval, so they wouldn't read the letter critically.


The corrupt FDA finally approved the vax; blogger shows how corruption has led to approval of other deadly drugs

Hey citizen!  Didja hear the news?  You knew the vax was only approved under a rule called "Emergency Use Authorization," right?  Which was only legal if there was NO EFFECTIVE TREATMENT for a life-threatening disease.  Of course there WAS (and is) an effective treatment, which is why the utterly, hopelessly corrupt FDA had to totally ignore HCQ and zinc and azithromycin, and ivermectin, and pretend that they were DANGEROUS.

And it's how the utterly, hopelessly corrupt FDA was able to allow Pfizer to make $26 BILLION from a vax that hadn't been adequately tested--cuz, life-threatening emergency, citizen!

Well two days ago, at 9am, the FDA finally gave the vax full approval.  Which means the biden*harris*fail regime can now force every American (but not illegals) to take the damn jab.  It's just a question of when.  Fauci already appeared on CNN saying "Your freedom doesn't matter.  It's time we forced you to take the vaccine."  Or words identical to that in their effect.  Prepping the public.

The gal in the pic below goes by "WhatsHerFace," and she's a fearless fighter for your rights a) to know the truth about the vax, and b) to know the truth about the utterly, hopelessly corrupt FDA.  To that end she tells the story of a drug that was touted as reducing blood-sugar in diabetics.  Hey, great plan, eh?

Except the drug caused liver failure in one of every 1,800 people who took it.  Lots of deaths.


When the drug was submitted for FDA approval, one honest employee (an M.D.) looked at the manufacturer's data and concluded that the drug wasn't particularly effective, and also had deadly side effects.  He recommended it not be approved.  But the manufacturer went to a corrupt ally high up the chain of command and got the first guy taken off the case, and got the drug approved.

It's important to note that the maker didn't do more tests to resolve the known problems, but simply got its ally to overrule the honest M.D. who had recommended against approval.

Watch the vid and decide for yourself.  BTW, her source is the LA Times, which back in 1996 had a healthy cynicism about government.  Of course now they're all-in on pushing the vax and demonizing anyone who doesn't want to take the jab.

The Left changed our military policy from "winning" to "nation-building." That was dumb

As the Dems scramble madly to find some way to shift the blame for ten thousand Americans trapped in Afghanistan by the Taliban, we're seeing the utterly predictable innuendo from the Lying Mainstream Media that the U.S. military lost the war.  The media implies (but carefully doesn't explicitly state) that our military couldn't defeat 70,000 illiterate savages.  

Horse shit.  We won the war, and quickly.  But American Democrats/leftists--with the help of a compliant, none-too-bright G.W. Bush--managed to change our objective from military victory to 19 years of "nation building"--including flying "gay pride" flags on our embassy and teaching "gender studies" to Afghani women.

The Left did this by pushing the notion--familiar to shopkeepers and shoppers--that "you break it, you bought it."  Because that's a familiar saying, lots of people believe it's universally true, so after we defeated the Taliban in barely a year the Left used this peacetime homily to push the policy that the U.S. was obligated to rebuild Afghanistan.  After all, we and our allies helped rebuild Germany after WW2, right?  So...see?

But Germany had surrendered, totally exhausted by years of war.  The Taliban--a loose alliance of tribal leaders--was never under a single command, and never surrendered.  If they had, perhaps one could make a case for helping them rebuild.  But they didn't, so the Left's policy was futile.

Rational policy shouldn't be driven by a shopkeeper's homily.  Our policy should have been much simpler: "If you are foolish enough to attack us, we will annihilate you.  And since you clearly were delighted to kill thousands of American civilians when your hijackers flew airliners into buildings, if we happen to kill some of your civilians while we're killing you, sorry about that."

We took care to capture enemy combatants when possible, instead of killing them.  We sent them to Guantanamo.  This was nuts.  Our policy should have been "If you shoot at our forces, you die. You don't get shipped to Cuba to live on our dime for decades, only to be released by Democrat presidents so you can start killing Americans again."

The notion of having non-combat lawyers write crippling, idiotic, "woke" "rules of engagement" is nuts.  Again, the war-fighting policy should be "if you attack us, we'll kill you.  If you even threaten to attack us, we might kill you.  If you show up on the battlefield carrying a rifle, we'll kill you.  If you supply weapons to people who are fighting us, we'll kill you.  

No trials, no lawyers, no apologies.  Because what Americans should want is for would-be opponents to have as their first thought:  "Do not attack or threaten Americans under any circumstances--because that's suicidal."

Unfortunately the Left has changed the mission of our armed forces so that it's no longer about winning wars, but about being nice, flying gay flags and teaching gender studies to natives.

Is it possible that some Americans might be starting to regret voting for Biden? Nah.

As all Biden's (and the Dems') catastrophic policies continue to cause one crisis after another, the American Spectator published a devastating summary.  Highlights:

Joe Biden has been a moron throughout his career in politics. He’s been a glib moron, but a moron nonetheless. He’s had the ability to articulate someone else’s words in order to present a facade of intelligence, and in American Democrat politics that will actually get someone quite far. Particularly when that someone is willing to do things others are not.

But what you need to understand about Joe Biden is that his lack of intelligence obscures his low character.

Joe Biden is an utterly dishonest man. He’s an unpatriotic, greedy, vain, venal, and vicious individual who has left a trail of destruction behind every step he’s taken.

And so when you view the carnage and national dishonor Joe Biden is responsible for in Afghanistan, understand that it isn’t just incompetence that's driving this derailed train.

It’s utter and complete bad faith as well.

Joe Biden was totally unperturbed in 1975 when South Vietnam fell to the communist thugs from Hanoi, something Joe Biden had expressly voted for in the United States Senate when he and his fellow Democrats cut off military aid to South Vietnam.  And it got worse. Here’s a quote from Biden at the time: “I’m getting sick and tired of hearing about morality, our moral obligation … the US has no obligation to evacuate one South Vietnamese.”

And in 2010, when Joe Biden was Barack Obama’s Vice President, then-Ambassador Richard Holbrooke warned of the likely humanitarian disaster if America pulled out of Afghanistan. Biden’s response? “F–k that, we don’t have to worry about that. We did it in Vietnam, and Nixon and Kissinger got away with it.”

That’s who Joe Biden is.

Biden’s administration won’t comment on what happens to Americans who can’t get to the Kabul airport before Sept. 1. And the administration doesn’t seem to have a plan for how to get Americans not in Kabul out of the country.

It’s worse than Saigon. It’s potentially worse than when the Iranians took over our embassy in Teheran. Joe Biden doesn’t even care about the victims of his incompetence. He sends underlings out to emote and blubber, but he’s oblivious. And it isn’t because he’s senile. He never cared.  When the Taliban marched into Kabul Biden didn’t even cancel his vacation.

Joe Biden doesn’t care about our national honor. What honor? Joe Biden doesn’t have the first concept of that. Hunter Biden’s laptop proved it.

Joe Biden sold out American interests in Ukraine, and bragged about it. He sold out our interests to the Chinese. Nobody really disputes any of that, largely because Biden isn’t the only Washington swamp-rat who’s gotten in bed with the ChiComs.

And the collapse in Afghanistan is hardly the only disaster Biden has triggered.  Consider the disaster of cancelling the Keystone pipeline, and oil leasing on federal lands and offshore.  A year ago the United States was wholly independent from OPEC and was even exporting oil.  But since Biden took office gasoline prices have doubled, due to his assault on domestic oil production.

How did he respond?  He begged OPEC to sell us more oil.  OPEC told Biden to go hang.

Joe Biden is a creep, a sexual predator if Tara Reade and others are to be believed (and they are), a racist of long standing and a man devoid of any notion of ethics. He’s a shameless liar and, so far in his time as president, a lawless tyrant.  He's importing COVID patients from the Third World and transporting them mostly to red states, and then assails those states for spikes in virus cases.

Fourteen Republican members of Congress have now requested the president undergo an examination for mental function.

In the face of the brutal videos from the Kabul airport, what did Biden do Wednesday?

He pivoted to COVID. He’s now demanding that all staffers in nursing homes be vaccinated or else he says he'll withhold Medicare and Medicaid funds from those facilities.  And he’s attacking red-state governors for fighting the abject institutional child abuse of mask mandates for schoolchildren.

The worse things get for him the more authoritarian he’s going to be:  More mask and vaccine mandates. More COVID shutdowns. More warnings about imaginary white supremacist terrorists, and almost assuredly more FBI entrapment of marginalized dissidents. More escalation of the border crisis.

It’s going to get much, much worse.  


August 24, 2021

Headline we expect to see REALLY soon

  • State Department says all Americans who wanted to leave have been evacuated
  •   --sub-head: "Over 4,500 emailed us that they wanted to stay in Afghanistan
  • "Internet and cell phone service out throughout Afghanistan"
  • "No reports of any human-rights violations by Taliban since pullout"
  • CNN:  "Biden praised for masterful exit plan"
  •   --sub-head:  "Far fewer casualties than anyone feared"
  • "Pfizer stock rises again as CDC orders monthly booster shots for everyone over 5 yrs"
  • "Fauci says country may be able to return to normal in November of 2022"
  •   --sub-head: "But only if Democrats retain control of House and Senate
  • "CDC says latest vaccine protects against latest variant--but only if you wear a mask"
  • August 2022: "42 states consider all-mail voting as Zeta variant cases increase" 

"We elite rulers bees bery smaht! We knows stuff! We smahtah den yew!"

"You must trust this person, citizen!  Cuz she's not just an expert, she was hand-picked by your brilliant team of leaders to head the CDC-- which means that like all the people we select, she's the absolute best and brightest in the country!  

And see how honest she looks?  Look at those wide eyes!  How could anyone with wide eyes like that ever lie to you, or tell you things as if certain fact, and then five months later trash the very things she said earlier?  Un-possible!  Cuz we chose her, citizens."

Ah.  Fortunately neither Porridge-brain nor his cackling replacement-in-waiting, nor Susan Rice, nor Val Jarrett, nor Pelosi, nor Schumer, nor the monsters running the CIA have found the balls to turn off the internet (though they're undoubtedly working on it), so as long as the Net exists, clever citizen-resistors are still able to post vids showing the "elites" contradicting themselves, over and over again.  Just like Tony Fauci's "two weeks to flatten the curve," eh?

Watch the toadying Rochelle Walensky trash her own statements, without realizing it.


August 22, 2021

Are effective COVID treatments being suppressed so vax makers can sell under the EUA?

In January of 2020, just after the Chinese virus hit the U.S, we heard about an inexpensive drug called hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) that showed great potential to treat Covid infection.  Not only was HCQ inexpensive, it had been approved by the FDA about 70 years earlier to treat malaria.  It had been taken by millions of American soldiers in WW2 and billions of people since.  It had virtually no side-effects.

A French doctor published two studies which showed amazing results of hcq, zinc and azithromycin. Soon thereafter President Trump mentioned hcq in a press conference as a potential game changer.  

Anthony Fauci quickly dismissed those studies as “anecdotal,” instead repeatedly pushing a far more costly drug called remdesivir.

Trials outside of France soon began, but they reported hcq wasn't effective as a prophylaxis or as a treatment.  But in ALL those studies either the dosage was way too low to be effective, or way too high, leading to unusual EKGs, or it was only given to patients in severe crisis, too late to recover, or without zinc, which seemed to be crucial.

The Mainstream Media eagerly jumped at the chance to sneer at Trump for proposing what the MSM and Fauci were branding a crazy snake-oil "remedy."  Within a week or two anyone who mentioned hcq was viciously attacked.

Next a study was published in a prestigious medical journal claiming HCQ was ineffective and dangerous, causing cardiac-related complications.  Ongoing trials and testing were halted immediately, and the FDA issued a warning advising HCQ not be used to treat COVID.  

Up until then, the FDA allowed doctors to prescribe any drug it had approved to treat one illness to treat a different illness--called "off-label use."  But now for the first time the FDA specifically banned doctors from prescribing hcq for off-label use.  It was unprecedented--and with that all research and testing of HCQ immediately stopped.  Mission accomplished.

Keep in mind that this was a drug that had been approved by the FDA 70 years earlier and had been taken by billions of people with virtually no side-effects.  Yet suddenly someone at the FDA decided it was too dangerous.  But only when used to treat the China virus; the FDA still permitted hcq to be used to treat lupus and arthritis.  Clearly something very odd was afoot.

Months later an investigator analyzed the data in the major study noted above, and found it was completely fraudulent.  Yet it had passed peer-review without anyone noticing.  The study was retracted, but the damage had been done.  Again, mission accomplished.

With reported deaths from the virus nearing a million worldwide, no one suspected that the two events noted above--the FDA's ban on off-label use of hcq, and the fraudulent study supposedly showing it wasn't effective--were part of an effort to discredit the drug.  It didn't make sense.

Then in December of 2020 senator Ron Johnson (WI) held a hearing on potential treatment options for Covid-19.  Dr. Pierre Kory and some of the country’s top practitioners in their field formed a group at the outset of the pandemic to find existing medications to treat those with COVID.  Kory said they'd found success with an FDA-approved drug called Ivermectin.  Introduced in 1981, it's been taken by over 3 billion people as an antiparasitic agent.

But almost immediately, just as happened with hcq/zinc/azithromycin, articles began to appear debunking Ivermectin.  The group of doctors who brought news of the treatment to the public were attacked, censored, and ridiculed.  The effort was so intense that Google-owned YouTube even deleted the video of the Senate hearing describing the results.

Studies and trials proving Ivermectin’s effectiveness were suppressed and marginalized.  Clinical trials have been sabotaged using the same tactics as were used to dismiss studies claiming HCQ was effective.

But those powerful forces didn’t work everywhere.  You might remember that not long ago India was facing an overwhelming surge in cases and deaths.  Remdesivir was widely administered and failed miserably.  Faced with a crisis, Indian doctors were willing to defy WHO warnings and try Ivermectin.  The results were nothing short of miraculous.

With the successful results of India, the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19 is no longer debatable.  Anyone can see that it is every bit of effective as Dr. Kory described during the senate hearing in December of last year.  But despite the Indian success, our FDA and NIH continue to warn that Ivermectin isn't helpful in treating the virus.  If they claim there's a scientific or medical basis for dismissing the success of this approved drug, what is it?  They won't say.  Just "Not approved for use against Covid."

We know Ivermectin works, is inexpensive, approved by the FDA and widely available.  The obvious question is, Why are the FDA, CDC and WHO trying their best to suppress Ivermectin?

The reason seems to be related to Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

When the FDA declares a "public health emergency" it's allowed to approve drugs and vaccines thought likely to be effective even if they haven't been fully tested.  The catch is, it can only issue an EUA *if there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.*

As of tonight, all the "vaccines" for the China virus only have Emergency Use Authorization--which, again, by law is only permitted "if there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.”  

HCQ and Ivermectin have been approved by the FDA.  Both are readily available.  So everything hinges on whether either is "effective."  If the CDC, FDA or NIH acknowledge that either is effective, the EUA wouldn't be legal, meaning no $26 BILLION in profits for one of the vax makers.  They'd also arguably lose their immunity from legal liability.  The vaccines would have to pass normal testing requirements before they could be used.  And before the biden regime could force all Americans to take the jab.

BTW: Tomorrow the FDA is likely to approve one or more of the vaccines for unrestricted use.

H/T Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit

Did Biden’s handlers deliberately trigger a disaster in Afghanistan?

Lara Logan is a keen analyst with lots of foreign experience, and she's convinced the rapid, disastrous flight from Afghanistan was deliberate, in the sense that the pols giving the orders didn't do ANY of the obvious things needed to ensure an orderly exit.  We should see if that's true--and if it is, why did Biden's handlers do it?

To find the answer, Christopher Skeet looks to Barack Obama, whom Biden served as a witless sidekick. Obama took office openly despising our nation, and promising to “fundamentally transform” it into a totally different country.

Via American Thinker:

Every time he could, Obama favored strict Islamist regimes over Western-friendly governments. When overseas pro-democracy demonstrators flew American flags, Obama reflexively sided with their oppressors. He removed sanctions from Cuba and Iran without negotiating for anything in return. The Iran "nuclear deal" (JCPOA), the Paris Climate Accords and the Trans-Pacific Partnership were specifically designed to reduce American power and weaken our nation.

The biden regime is totally infested with anti-American Obamunists, who seem to be calling all the shots for the senile Biden.  The failure to plan for the withdrawal seems to be consistent with their policy of deliberately undermining America and its allies.

The chaotic, untimely retreat from Afghanistan has shown democracy supporters in Hong Kong, Cuba, and Iran that they can’t count on U.S. support.  Our allies in Taiwan, Ukraine, South Korea, and Israel have seen the U.S. flee from 70,000 illiterate riflemen, so who would think we'd even try to stop the million-man Chinese army?

Since the only practical way to exit Afghanistan was by air, it made no sense to abandon the huge, defensible Bagram Air Base in favor of the commercial airport.  Yet for some unknown reason that's exactly what the U.S. did, clear back on July 4th.

Someone gave the order to abandon the base on July 4th.  It's not a coincidence.  There was no emergency or pressing need to pick that date, yet some American gave that order.  My guess is that it was a civilian, probably in the Pentagon, although the actual order may have come from the White House.  In any case, we need to find out who gave that order, and if he or she got the order from higher up.

Also note that Biden originally announced that the withdrawal would be completed on September 11th.  Coincidence?

(For Americans under 25, that date will be the 20th anniversary of the most deadly attack on U.S. territory since Pearl Harbor.  Or as Democrat revolutionary Ilhan Omar put it, that's when "Some people did something.")

Those two dates weren’t chosen by accident.  Even with the predictable, often-demonstrated stupidity of our government’s ivy-league "experts," it strains belief that both dates could have been chosen by coincidence.  Instead those dates were almost certainly specifically chosen--by people who hate America, yet are somehow collecting six-figure salaries paid by taxpayers-- to do the maximum damage to America's image around the globe.

To learn the "whys" behind the horribly botched retreat from Afghanistan, the event must be viewed in context with biden*harris's other major moves:  Biden opened our borders and invited the entire Third World to pour into America, where Democrats in congress have ensured that they'll receive lavish benefits.  This is a clear violation of U.S. laws, yet the border remains open, with over 1.1 MILLION illegal immigrants entering the U.S. since Biden took office, and roughly 7,000 more pouring across daily.  It should have been grounds for impeachment, but because the Democrats control the House, that's not possible.

At the current pace, two MILLION new illegal "immigrants" will be re-settled into the U.S. by year-end.  Aside from the illegals, who benefits from this?  Clearly not working Americans, who will face far higher welfare costs, higher crime, more illegal drugs and lower entry-level wages for the children.  But the Democrat party will benefit handsomely from millions of new Dem voters.  The devastating consequences have only begun to unfold.  Opening our borders is almost a textbook definition of treason.

It's hard to argue seriously that the open border policy is due to mere incompetence, or to a decision by some low-level flunky that was only noticed yesterday.  Instead, it's deliberate, and treasonous.

The same is true of the Democrats’ unfunded, multi-$trillion frivolous spending spree that will crush the country with debt and inflate our savings to worthlessness. These ghastly policies help us understand the whys of the Afghanistan debacle.

The invisible army of leftist Deep-State bureaucrats burrowed into the federal government--the people who push the Left's ghastly policies and sabotaged Trump's efforts to clean things up--are delighted with the chaos in Kabul, because that chaos makes America look weak.  This perception, in turn, ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy, because the Dems and Mainstream Media will blame it all on...our military.  Which ensures that congress won't be willing to maintain the military, since the public perception--carefully crafted by the Deep-State and the Media--is that our military isn't good at fighting.

We've already seen a few Mainstream Media talking heads sneer that any failure in Afghanistan was NOT a failure of America's political leaders but was instead a failure of our military.  It's as predictable as the sunrise, exactly as it happened after we left South Vietnam to the communists.  And once you know to watch for this slander you'll see it every couple of days.

What was actually happening in Afghanistand for the past couple of years?  Try this:  Search for "How many U.S. troops killed in combat in Afghanistan in the last 12 months?"  You'll probably be surprised to find that the number  It had turned into a non-combat standoff, with Taliban fighters not wanting to get into firefights with trained American troops, and our military leaders not wanting to stir things up by going out looking for Taliban.

Our armed forces are being neutralized by tapeworms like SecDef Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley.  Like demoralized and defunded American police, the armed forces are undergoing strategic demoralization, which prompts good men to get out, and will make the highest quality men less willing to join.

What young, idealistic American would enlist if the politicians don’t let them win wars and force them to retreat from 7th century quadrupeds while being slandered by "woke" Pentagon careerists who blather about “white rage” and who replace books by Mahan and Clausewitz on our service-academy reading lists with hacks like Ibram X. Kendi (real name Ibram Henry Rogers)?

So the sudden, chaotic flight from Afghanistan not only weakens our future military, but also advances an Obama-style foreign policy by making it clear to our allies that the U.S. can't be counted on to help them defend themselves.  The message sent by the left is clear:  "You've just seen America defeated by 70,000 illiterate riflemen with no air support, so what makes you think America would support you against a more competent force like Iran or North Korea, much less against China or Russia?

Eventually historians will conclude that our abandonment of Afghanistan was one of the left’s biggest foreign-policy victories.

But as it turns out, that may not matter, since at the current pace of the disaster being imposed on us by  Democrat "leaders," America as we've known it may not last long enough for anyone to be concerned.

Abraham Lincoln had it right:  "America will never be destroyed from the outside," he said.  "If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

Adapted from a piece posted at Moonbattery.

August 21, 2021

Under Biden the mission of our Armed Forces may have changed a bit!


Teen shoots 60-year-old woman after trying to steal her purse

In Louisiana a 60-year-old woman was waiting to pick up her grandchildren from daycare when she was approached by a teenage...person...who tried to steal her purse, then shot her in the stomach and ran away.

The suspect, 17-year-old Jamanie Dotch: 

Any bets on what sort of "punishment" this aspiring rapper will get?  90 days in juvie, maybe?  Or would you guess immediate release on his promise to appear for trial six months from now?

If you want to watch how "justice" operates in biden*fail's America, set up a Google Alert for Jamanie Dotch, and see what ends up happening.  You'll be shocked.  


How far over the falls have we gone? You don't wanna know

Wanna see how far over the falls our poor, abused nation has gone?

Actually you probably don't, but my job is to keep showing you reality until you wake up.  So... 

Kamala Harris dropped out of the Dem presidential primary with about one percent support.  With numbers like that, no rational presidential nominee would select her as VP.  But of course porridge-brain isn't making deciions like that.  All decisios more weighty than what flavor of ice cream to order are being made by his handlers.  Which is how Kammi got the VP slot.  So...

A week ago the Rasmussen polling agency asked 1,000 Americans: "How qualified is Kamala Harris to assume the responsibilities of the presidency?"

55 percent of respondents said they think Harris is unqualified to be president.

47 percent of respondents said they felt she is not at all qualified.

Stunningly (but not surprisingly, considering how many low-info Americans there are), although Kammi only got one percent support in the primary, as of last week 43 percent of respondents somehow think she's qualified to be president.  Presumably this is based on her faaabulous work in helping open the border to the entire world, and her trip to Central America to tell heads of those nations that their citizens were welcome to come to the U.S. any time.

Actually it's based on the slobbering, fawning adulation by the Lying Mainstream Media.

Thanks to the Dems/"progs" cunning plan, this creature--who got just one percent Dem voter support in the primary--is about to be installed as "your" president, whenever Joe's handlers decide to pull the trigger on removing him from office.  The Democrats' master plan is on schedule, and there doesn't seem to be anything that can stop it.


August 20, 2021

Obama-appointed judge RULES that the U.S. can't prosecute Mexicans who re-enter after being deported, cuz raaaaacis'

An Obama-appointed federal judge has just ruled that the U.S. can't prosecute illegal aliens who re-enter the country even after being deported multiple times--because that law discriminates against Mexicans.

Seriously.  The judge is Miranda Du, and her reasoning is insane:  She notes that roughly 80% of illegal alien invaders are from Mexico, so they couldn't possibly know that they don't have the right to invade our country without permission.

And in the past, if our prior administrations managed to override all the objections of corrupt judges and actually DEPORT a few of 'em, then because of global warming, after a couple of weeks they'd forget that U.S. authorities had told 'em you can't come here illegally, so they'd come again.

They only did that because they were so close to the border, and the lure of getting free health care, homes, education and welfare in the U.S. was just too seductive to resist!  Or something like that.

Actually her "reasoning" was exactly the following:  Because more Mexicans re-entered again after being deported, the law making that re-entry after deportation a felony had a "disparate impact" on them, and was therefore unconstitutional.  Seriously, that was her reasoning.

With a defective mind like that, she needs to be removed from the bench, and barred from holding any judicial or government position.

Du's "reasoning" is the same as that used by school boards in screeching that it simply wasn't FAIR that students of certain races got in trouble more often that others, and that there was only one fair solution: Schools wouldn't be allowed to discipline any members of any race more than any other race.

Brilliant, eh?  So schools would either have to ignore blacks ganging up on whites--letting the offenders off with no discipline--or would have to put white kids on detention for passing notes in class.

Sure, makes perfect sense.

And following her marvelous liberal victory in the deportation case, we hear Du has another case ready to go:  She'll RULE that both state and federal prisons must release minorities until the percentage of inmates of each race matches that race's percentage of the nation.  See?  Totes fair, citizen.


Cali recall ballot (pre-folded): a "Yes" vote aligns with holes deliberately cut in the official mail-in envelope

California just mailed out millions of ballots for the recall election.  After getting her ballot, one California recall voter noticed something...interesting: 

To vote to recall the abysmally corrupt Newsome, voters must blacken a circle saying "Yes," then another circle to vote for one of the candidates on the ballot.  Very normal.

Now: The election board provides THE envelope voters must use to return the ballot.  And that official envelope has two holes in it, ostensibly so election fraudsters workers can quickly tell if there's a ballot inside.  Still normal.

The ballot comes pre-folded to fit in the envelope.  And by complete coincidence, the circle that shows a "Yes" vote--to recall the ghastly Democrat governor--lines up with one of the holes in the envelope, which makes it easy to see if the ballot inside is a vote to recall.

But don't think for a MOMENT that anyone designed the ballots, folds and holes to do this--i.e. to make it easier for the Dems to steal the election.  PERISH THE THOUGHT!

Polls show Californians are almost evenly divided on whether to recall Pelosi's corrupt, totalitarian nephew.  How many Dem postal workers would you need to hire to "lose" Yes votes to ensure he keeps his job, eh?

And the beauty of this clever trick is that it's impossible to prove that it was deliberate.

My guess is the Dems already have the design for the 2022 ballot ready to go.

And do read the comments at the vid.  My favorite:

What is the proof of the date of this video - why is it cut out of the video shared? what is the proof that it is ballots or that they are doing anything they are not authorized to do?

Oh, indeed.  And morons like this vote, and their vote is always counted.  Yours, on the other hand....

Vid of two women unlocking an entire bank of PO boxes and stealing ballots delivered earlier that day

California is days away from a recall election.  The state election fraud board has mailed out a few million ballots.  So in apartment buildings with banks of mailboxes, enterprising Democrats are working overtime to intercept those ballots before they can get to angry voters.  Word has it that the Democrat party is paying twenty bucks per ballot.

The pic below is a screenshot from a video.  Each mailbox has a different key, but Post Office "workers" have keys that open the entire bank of mailboxes--no need to bother with silly individual keys, eh?  Dat's efficiency, bro!  She tilts out the entire row, and she and her comrade steal every ballot.

"Wait, dis not possible!  Voting by mail bees reel honest, no fraud!" 

So...where did they get the key to open the entire bank of boxes, eh?  Who runs the USPS?

The comments at the link are a hoot!  Some Dem moron says "These aren't real ballots, cuz duh real ballots bees yellow."  Another commenter immediately posted a pic of a real recall ballot: Blue and white.

"Take this video down at once!! Stop trying to undermine democracy!!"

"They’re just fortifying the election."

"There is absolutely no proof of election fraud!"

"Do you have any evidence that: 1) those are ballots; or 2) those are not postal employees doing their jobs?"  [Oh, certainly; the bags of mail on their shoulders show they were *delivering*, eh?]

And my favorite: "How can you tell they are stealing and not collecting their own mail?"  [Yeah, lots of peeps collct their own mail by unlocking the entire bank of boxes, eh?  Also you can see them reaching into every box.  But other than that, nothing particularly suspicious at all!]


August 19, 2021

This poster never gets old

Leading Democrats wanted "unrest in the streets."  Look at those faces.  This is the face of the Democrat party.  They all look deranged.  And yet they're running the country--into the ground.

State passes law ordering its officers not to enforce fed gun laws; biden regime asks court to strike down that law

The Founders of this nation created a document once called "the supreme law of the land."  That document specifically grants Americans the right to keep and bear firearms.

Democrat politicians have long sought to ban civilian gun ownership.  They know they can't repeal the Second Amendment, so to get what they want they have to find a way to somehow make it not apply. 

Before seven months ago rational adults familiar with the Constitution and the law would have thought this absurd, but in recent months the biden*harris regime has found it can violate the Contitution at will, without penalty.  Thus the possibility of the regime trying to nullify the 2A is no longer unthinkable.

To show the regime that they opposed gun confiscation, the Missouri legislature passed a law prohibiting state and local officials from enforcing federal firearms laws.

Yesterday the regime's laughably-misnamed "Justice Department" asked a Missouri court to strike down that  law.  Astonishingly, the regime claims the state's law violates the Constitution.

Here's the statement of interest filed by the regime's attorneys claiming the Missouri law--known as HB85--is unconstitutional, and asking the court to prevent it from being enforced.

The regime whines that the law hinders law enforcement efforts to promote public safety in the state and undermines law enforcement activities, as it interrupts federal, state and local partnerships.

Wait, just two years ago the Trump administration made this exact argument when it sought to withhold certain federal funds from so-called "sanctuary states" that had passed laws or simply ordered their officials not to cooperate with ICE in transferring illegal aliens who'd evaded deportation orders and were now in state custody to ICE.

Did "sanctuary state" laws undermine federal agents trying to enforce valid U.S. law?  Damn right they did.  Did those laws put American lives at risk?  Damn right they did.  Nevertheless, federal judges ruled that federal immigration law did NOT take precedence.

With that precedent in mind, how do you think fed judges (think Emmet Sullivan) will rule in this case, eh?

You already know:  They'll rule that THIS case is TOTALLY different, and in this case federal law is supreme--as it should have been in the case of "sanctuary states."  This means that when the Democrat-controlled congress passes a law confiscating all civilian-owned guns "for the safety of innocent, defenseless children and the public in general," the courts will already have decided the issue in the Democrats' favor. I hear many of you saying this isn't possible?  That the government doesn't have the authority to do that?  Really?  In that case, explain how the Dems believe they have the "authority" to force you and your family to be injected with an experimental "vaccine"in order to fly commercial.

The government has whatever "authority" they can get away with.  You only have "rights" that they generously see fit to grant.

If the federal courts support the regime on this, the case may not even go to the Supreme Court, because Dems in Missouri may pressure the state not to appeal.  But even if it does go to the SC, how do you think the SC will rule?

What's next on their list?  Abolishing the electoral college, allowing the presidency to be decided by the winner of the nationwide popular vote.  They're already moving in that direction.



August 18, 2021

Before Afghanistan debacle Kamala claimed she had a key role. After? "Nah, I din' know nuffin' bout it"

Last Sunday, as the Taliban were preparing to march into Kabul, the biden*fail*harris regime didn't realize how quickly things were falling apart.  Even if they had, they wouldn't have realized that no one in their incompetent ruling clique had bothered to ensure that all the steps necessary for a smooth evacuation of all Americans in that shithole had been taken.

Let me explain that last part:  Competent adults know how fast an enemy can take over a city once you've announced you're quitting.  Think Saigon, 1975.  So starting the day you announce you're through fighting, competent adults order the State Department to start quietly sending home all but 100 embassy staffers--a few each day.  The government orders all but 100 of the most critical civilian contract personnel to leave, a few each day.  

The day withdrawal is announced--long before it happens--a competent American government orders the military to quietly begin extracting 40 or 50 Afghan translators and their families per day from Bagram--not the spy-infessted civilian airport.  It orders the military to write ops-plans to pull out remaining embassy staff, contractors and remaining troops in 24 hours--again, from Bagram.  

All these operations use the far-more-secure Bagram Air Base, where access can be controlled.

But the incompetents in the biden*harris*fail regime did NONE of these things.  And our "woke" generals were too scared to give any of those orders themselves, because OMG that could be a career-ending move!!!

So what we had was NONE of the advance planning any competent adult would think necessary to avoid disaster.

To take just one example:  Someone in the U.S. government ordered our military to abandon Bagram and instead use the unsecurable, spy-infested commercial airport for evacuation operations.  That was an insane decision, and we need to find out who gave that order.

Meanwhile, note that before reality hit the fan, Cumala was claiming "I was the last person in the room after the president made the decision," and claimed to have played a key role.  Now that the disaster has appeared, watch how quickly all traces of the story below vanish as the Dems and their Media pals ready Cumala for the throne.


University study finds babies born in the U.S. in 2020 scored a staggering 21% lower in IQ than those born earlier

Here's a story you won't see in the Mainstream Media:  A study out of Brown University found that children born in 2020 scored 21 percent lower on IQ than those born in prior years.

Brown has run this study every year, and before this latest year the average IQ of young children stayed within a very few point of 100, so a 21 percent drop is definitely alarming.  And the study involved 672 subjects, so the confidence is pretty high that the results are accurate within a couple of percent.

Now, what might account for this huge drop?  The children hadn't had the Chyna virus, and the very young subjects were rarely masked.  So what could account for the drop?

The researchers weren't sure, but one theory was that because it's well known that babies as young as three months pick up on facial cues from adults, mask-wearing by adults may have impaired babies’ development because masks on adults prevented children from being able to learn from facial cues. 

BTW, if you'd like to try an experiment: Post the link to this study on Fakebook and Twatter, and see if either of those creepy outfits tags your post with a warning that it's "disinformation."


Taliban executes woman for appearing in public without wearing a face-covering; U.S. feminists silent

In Kabul yesterday, a member of the Taliban fatally shot a woman for appearing on the street with her face uncovered.

Immediately the U.S. National Organization for Women went on television to demand that the Biden administration intervene in Afghanistan to protect the right of women to go outside without a face covering.

Really?  Not even close.  As of this hour U.S. feminists--who normally scream bloody murder about the oppression of women by "the patriarchy" and "injustice"  hadn't uttered a peep of protest.  

It's almost as though all their points are simply theater--a convenient rhetorical construct allowing 'em to bag free air time and headlines.  Cuz if not, you'd think they'd be screaming against this REAL oppression of females by a patriarchy.  But no.

But never fear, citizens:  Even as the Islamic terrorist group was killing women without face coverings, your brilliant Democrat rulers found a solution:  Our U.N. ambassador said the U.N. sent the Taliban a strongly-worded..."press statement"??   

Wait, not even astrongly-worded letter?  The spineless rat-bastards couldn't even muster the resolve to send 'em a letter, but simply issued a "press statement."  Amazing.


After allowing Taliban terror group to use its platform for years, Fakebook finally decides...

For years, the Taliban have used Fakebook to push their propaganda and intimidate Afghan citizens.  Fakebook execs used utterly bullshit excuses to ban Trump, and deleted tens of thousands of posts that criticized Fauci or the Dem response to the Chyna virus, but continued to let the Taliban use their platform with nary a critical word.

But after the Islamic terror group completed its takeover of all of Afghanistan--with the help of Fakebook's platform--and with the Taliban now executing citizens in the streets, Fakebook execs appear to have had a sudden reversal of policy:

Facebook execs have decided they NOW consider the Taliban terrorist to be just that, and the company says from now on it will ban content praising or supporting the Taliban on its platform.

But be sure to keep in mind, citizen, that Fakebook is your friend!  They repeatedly tell you that you should only believe information from them or one of their "trusted sources."  One of which is the Democrat party.


Dems find a way to increase pain on unvaxxed: Deny them medical care!

The "leaders" of the Democrat party, and their media allies, have been openly discussing their goal of making life painful for anyone who doesn't submit to the experimental vaccine.  

In NYC you can't go to an indoor restaurant--or even an outdoor restaurant if it has a "roof overhang" and three walls--unless you show proof of vaccination.  They're about to order that you can't fly without the vax proof.  They've even proposed cutting off your Social Security.  Wow.

Now they've found an even more nightmarish way to punish people who aren't vaccinated:  Refuse them medical care.

If you find that hard to believe, you obviously haven't been paying attention.

In the vid at this link, a pregnant woman who was having heart problems had an appointment scheduled with her cardiologist for five months.  When she arrived for the appointment--wearing a mask--she was told the specialist would not be examining her because she wasn't vaccinated.   

Wait, do I hear my liberal friends saying "Dis bees fake!  Dis not happen!  Dis be right-wing scare story designed to hurt our wunnerful Democrat party!"

Yeah, by all means, go with that.

August 17, 2021

Hey citizens, remember this blast from the past?

Hey citizens!  Remember when Slow Joe said 

"Unlike [Trump], I'll do my job and take responsibility.  I won't blame others."

Wow, that was SO inspiring!  So beautifully scripted! crafted to get morons to vote Democrat.  And the best part worked!

So let's see that in action, eh?

That is SO cool!  It's almost eerie in how it induced trances in listeners!  Thanks, Democrats!  This is exactly the kind of cool, ivy-league leadership our nation needed, eh?

Say, would ya be interested in joining the pool on how many of the estimated 10,000 Americans still trapped in Kabul make it back alive?  How about the pool on how many 12-year-old girls in Afghanistan are forced to marry 40-year-old Taliban fighters?  That one has attracted lots of action from the National Organization for Women!

NY Democrat rep introduces HR4980 to bar Americans from flying unless they've been jabbed

For the past several months the biden*fail regime has been increasing pressure on Americans to take the expermental mRNA vax.  They've ordered every member of the military to take it, and have quietly let corporate CEOs know that biden*fail's laughably-misnamed Department of "Just-US" won't prosecute any company that forces its employees to take the vax if they want to keep their job--something that will eventually result in a class-action lawsuit against every company that does that.

But even with all that forcing, some Americans still hadn't taken the jab--something that infuriated the members of biden*fail.  They were going crazy at the defiance.  So they got their Media allies to claim that anyone who hadn't take the jab was "trying to murderer your kids!!!"  Of course that was a heinous lie, but no one could get the lib media to stop claiming it.

In any case, that lie hadn't persuaded the "vaccine-hesitant," so the regime looked for ways to punish defiant Americans even more.  And we quickly learned that one of the schemes the regime was about to unleash on Americans was to ORDER that no one would be allowed to fly commercial unless they'd taken the jab.

Naturally most of you considered that a right-wing scare story.  "Couldn't possibly happen," they said.  "After all, this is America, and the Constitution doesn't allow some armed government agent to force an injection into your arm, eh?"

Hahahahahahahaha!  Clearly you haven't been paying attention.  Because under the biden*fail regime, they can issue any order they want, do anything they want, and you can't stop them.  And even the Supreme Court has been intimidated into not hearing lawsuits against the regime.

But the calculating members of the regime are cunning: they know that issuing an ORDER barring unjabbed Americans from flying will cost them support (votes), so they want it to appear that the policy came from somewhere else--like some Dem congress-creep.  "See, not our fault," bleats the regime.

Thus just 11 days ago, N.Y. Democrat creep Torres Ritchie submitted H.R. 4980, directing the DHS to issue that ORDER barring anyone from flying unless they've been fully vaxxed.


As noted, the Dem congress-creep introduced this just 11 days ago.  And I'll bet you the drink of your choice that you never heard a word about it, eh?  Cuz the sleazy, lying, liberal/Dem media wouldn't tell you.  They'd claim it was not of national interest.  What a crock!  This should be of HUGE interest to Americans...and yet you haven't heard a word about it from the Media.

That should tell you something really important.  But you're probably far too busy raising your kids and keeping your job to figure it out.

And for my liberal friends who think this is just satire, and didn't really happen: click here to see it on the congressional website (controlled, as is everything run by government now, by Democrats).

August 16, 2021

How absolute is Democrat control over what even DOCTORS can say about the Chinese virus? Take a look:

There's a corrupt, toadying org called the "Federation of State Medical Boards."  Like all similar orgs, it has two real purposes: to generate six-figure incomes for its founder and directors, and to suck up to the endless bureaucrats and congresswhores in our corrupt government.  It does this very well.

With that as background: The Chinese virus had three main purposes: 1) to win the presidency for the Democrats, by getting key states to order total vote-by-mail; 2) to kill the U.S. economy; and 3) to make billions for Big Pharma and Anthony Fauci.

To do those things it was necessary for "the experts" and the Media to convince Americans that 1) the chyna virus was unusually deadly, AND that the only hope of surviving was to stay home and wear a mask or three; and 2) that there was no cure or treatment for the virus, so anyone who caught it would likely die.

This is why, despite hundreds of success stories, the CDC and NIH have never bothered to even TRY to determine whether hydroxychlorquin, zinc, azithromycin, vitamin D and ivermectin have almost a 100% success rate in curing those infected with the chyna virus, if treatment is started early enough.

To this end, the Democrat governors of Michigan (the abominable Gretchen Whitmer) and Nevada issued ORDERS that any doctor in their state who prescribed any of those treatments for people infected with the chyna virus would have his/her state medical license revoked.

This infuriated a LOT of docs, first because the treatments worked, and second, because all those drugs had been approved for use by humans--in one case over 70 years ago!  (Of course zinc vitamin D aren't drugs so you don't need the state's permission to take or prescribe 'em.  And azithromycin is already approved for infections.)  The only ones the state could bitch about were HCQ and ivermectin.

But here we find a key part of the story that you never knew about:  When AIDS appeared, the FDA was getting its knickers in a twist about people DARING to use "unapproved" drugs to try to fight off what was usually a fatal disease.  But finally, bowing to the gay community, congress passed a law called "Right to Try," which said if a drug had been approved for human use for disease X, but a patient wanted to try the drug against disease Y, under the new law any MD could legally prescribe it.

The ORDERS from Whitmer and the Dem governor of Nevada effectively violated that federal law.

(And for you Democrats out there who'll start wailing that "NOooo, it doesn't!  Cuz our wunnerful Democrat governor's order didn't say you couldn't do dat, but just that any doc who did would lose their state license!  See the difference?  It's like saying 'You have freedom of speech, but if you say something we don't like, we'll get you fired.'  See?  Not at ALL an infringement!)

(Spare me, dumb shits.)

But of course no M.D. was willing to take the state--with its armies of tax-funded gummint attorneys--to court to make 'em back off, so everyone just obeyed.  But the Dems knew that having Dem governors ORDERING doctors not to prescribe drugs that had proved lifesaving was starting to make the sheep wake up to a reality the Dems didn't want the sheep to see.  So they quickly found a solution:

Instead of having a Democrat governor issue those orders, why not have a "national federation of state medical mumble mumble" issue the orders?  That way neither a name nor the Democrat party would be tied to the order.  It was brilliant! 

The trigger was pulled by the ever-obliging "Federation of State Medical Boards," and was couched as threatening that any licensed doctor or nurse who "spread misinformation" about any aspect of duh chyna virus would "put their medical license at risk."

Of course you don't believe that, eh?  Too damn much like Orwell, or the Soviet Union.  Or chyna.  Well, here's the link, and here's what you'll see:

FSMB: Spreading COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation May Put Medical License at Risk

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 29, 2021) – The Federation of State Medical Boards’ Board of Directors released the following statement in response to a dramatic increase in the dissemination of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation and disinformation by physicians and other health care professionals on social media platforms, online and in the media:

“Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license. Due to their specialized knowledge and training, licensed physicians possess a high degree of public trust and therefore have a powerful platform in society, whether they recognize it or not. They also have an ethical and professional responsibility to practice medicine in the best interests of their patients and must share information that is factual, scientifically grounded and consensus-driven for the betterment of public health. Spreading inaccurate COVID-19 vaccine information contradicts that responsibility, threatens to further erode public trust in the medical profession and puts all patients at risk.”

Note how these filthy toads slid in the snide inference that any M.D. who said anything Fauci didn't like would be violating their "responsibility to practice medicine in the best interest of their patients."  Very cunning.  Very sly.

Also note the totally non-scientific bullshit that all info a doc posts must be "consensus-driven."  Wow!  And who determines the alleged consensus, eh?  Why, duh gruberment, of course.  I.e. Fauci and that ridiculous toady Rochelle Walensky, who biden*fail picked to run the entire NIH.

SO...with a bit of thought, the Democrats got a boot-licking org to do their dirtywork for 'em, and keep their party from being quite so tightly tied to the illegal orders.  Because the order NOT to prescribe HCQ or ivermectin is illegal, violating a valid federal law which wasn't repealed.

"Wait," I hear my liberal friends yelling.  "This mysterious, always-fatal virus--which the World Health Organization absolutely assures us was NOT modified in a Chinese research lab!--caused a dire, lethal EMERGENCY!  So all prior laws and rights are thereby suspended!  Yep yep yep!"

And all the Media lapdogs applaud.

Headlines we expect to see really soon

  •  CNN: "Experts blame Trump for debacle in Kabul"
  •   --sub-head: "Climate change played a big role"
  • NY Times: "Experts agree that the embassy evacuation was perfectly executed"
  • Slate: "Poll shows 97% of Americans are 'extremely pleased' that U.S. is out of Afghanistan"
  • Vox: "Poll shows 87% of Americans support de-funding the military"
  •   --sub-head: "Voters: 'Why spend all those billions if we can't defeat rag-tag JV team?"
  • The Hill:  "Pelosi says she's eager to shift those funds to Green New Deal"
  • WaPo:  "Biden administration urges unlimited number of Afghan refugees be admitted to U.S."
  •   --sub-head: "CDC says refugees who test positive for Covid will still be admitted because test isn't reliable"
  • NY Times: "Poll: 94% of Taiwanese want to unify with mainland China"
  •   --sub-head: "U.S. Secretary of State supports reunification; 'It's time' "
  • WaPo: "SecState: 'Reports of Americans trapped in Kabul are 'right-wing propaganda' "
  •  --sub-head: "Satellite phone calls claiming to be from trapped Americans 'can't be confirmed' "

Where's Biden? Hiding.

Taliban take over Kabul, tens of thousands of people at airport, trying to flee.  U.S. helicopters complete evac of our embassy by landing on the roof, just like Saigon.  (Bidenfail said it would never happen, said the situations were not remotely comparable.)

So where's Joe?  In hiding.  How about spokesliar Jen Psaki?  "Taking the week off."

Another video of the panic and chaos.

Pic below is a screenshot from a clever video juxtaposing the chaos at the Kabul airport with Joe's mumbling(If that doesn't work, click here.)



August 15, 2021

Headlines we expect to see really soon now

The screenshot below is from NBC "News."  It's a slide from a briefing by biden*fail's DHS--the same DHS headed by Cuban immigrant Alejandro Mayorkas, who famously declared "The border is closed!" as a million illegals poured across that totally open border.

The slide suggests the headlines we'll soon see:

  • "Regime declares that anyone who opposes taking the vax or wearing a mask is a terrorist" 
  • "Anyone who states or posts anything claiming election fraud is a terrorist!"
  • "Anyone who posts anything tying the 'incidents' of 9/11 to Islam or Afghans is a terrorist"


Say, Biden's SecState, Tony Blinken, seems to be really good at predicting five weeks ahead, eh?

Say, whaddya think of biden*harris's brilliant, sophisticated Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken?  He seems like one of biden*s BEST picks, eh?  I mean, this guy really knows how to read the international situation, eh?  Really on top of things.

For example, here he is on July 7th, saying 

"We are not withdrawing.  We are staying.  The embassy is staying.  Our programs are staying."

Wow, now THAT's leadership, eh?  A perfect example of how EVERYONE in the biden*harris regime is the "best of the best," eh?

Wait...did someone say the Taliban took over the capital of Afghanistan today?  That our embassy has been evacuated by helicopters landing on the roof?  That hundreds of thousands of Afghan residents of that city have fled, but many more thousands are trapped?

Dat not possible, citizen!  Cuz...well, Tony Blinken and Joe Himself said dat couldn't happen.  "Not remotely comparable to Saigon," Joe reassured reporters.

So there, Rethuglicans.

Did anyone else hear echoes of Baghdad Bob in Blinken's speech?


Headlines we expect to see soon

  • NY Times: "Secretary of State Blinken: 'This is absolutely NOT Saigon'"
  • "100 percent of Afghans interviewed say they prefer Taliban rule"
  • "By a huge majority, Americans say Biden & Harris were brilliant in ending U.S. role"
  • Slate: "Intel experts say video of helicopters landing on roof of U.S. embassy is fake"
  • Vox: "DHS Secretary assures Americans that the southern border is closed."
  • HuffPo: "HHS Secretary Becerra assures Americans that no COVID-infected immigrants are entering the U.S."
  • The Hill: "Intel community warned Bush not to invade Afghanistan"
  • Politico: "DHS Secretary assures Americans that undocumented Americans aren't being flown to U.S. cities far from border"
  • NY Times: "Democrats cheer as $3.5 trillion 'social infrastructure" budget passes"
  • WaPo: "Dow booms on passage of bill enacting long-awaited Green New Deal"
  • Motor Trend: "Why you should buy an electric car"
  • NY Times: "Democrats cheer as law is passed banning natural gas in all new construction; 
  •    --sub-head: "Switching to electricity expected to result in consumer spending boom"
  • Mother Jones: "FDA approves vax for children as young as 2 years old"
  •   --sub-head:  "CDC orders all children to be vaccinated within 30 days"
  • Army Times: "General Milley pushes for more transgenders in high-level staff positions"
  • WaPo: "Taiwan agrees to Chinese rule"

I'll have a LOT more to say about Afghanistan, but for now...

As Americans watch helicopters landing on the roof of our embassy to evacuate personnel--something biden*fail absolutely ASSURED US would not happen--"Impossible, situation not comparable to VN"--we would do well to remember the old saying that people get the government they deserve.

The people of Afghanistan are about to find that out the hard way--just as Americans are learning about our imposter rulers.

Headlines we expect to see soon

WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP)-- Today the New England Patriots announced that they're renaming the team, after complaints from BLM that the current name was offensive.  Some of the new names being considered are the New England Traders, the New England Chowders and the New England Oppressors.