August 29, 2021

NPR leads Lying Media in discrediting "natural immunity," pushing everyone to get vax even if they've had Chyna virus

If you're an American adult you probably know that once you've had a viral disease you can't get it again, because your body now has "antibodies" to recognize the virus.  That's called "natural immunity" and it applies to the Chyna virus too.

And if you pay attention to current events you've probably noticed reports that "natural immunity" is roughly a dozen times more effective than the experimental mRNA "vaccine" in preventing people from getting the virus.

Next, the presence of antibodies can be detected by a blood test.  As a result, people who've had the virus and recovered are asking why they should be forced to take that shot  

So as you could have predicted, the Lying Mainstream Media --led by the leftist rat-bastards at National Public Radio but soon to be joined by the rest of the lemmings-- are starting to push stories saying "Hey, dat 'natural immunity' stuff you've been hearing about?  May not protect you, citizen!  So you need to take the jab!  And if you're already fully vaxxed you need to take the booster shot!  And then the next one!"

Here's part of NPR's propaganda to make people reject "natural immunity" and instead go for the vax, or for the fully vaxxed,  the booster shot:

Why tests don't tell the full story

On an individual level, antibody tests can be useful for picking up evidence of a past SARS-CoV-2 infection. They're also helpful to researchers studying the prevalence of the virus across a population or tracking the degree to which antibody levels wane over time. And the decline in antibody levels against the coronavirus among some people who got vaccinated late last year were cited as part of the scientific case for why millions of Americans need booster shots.

But scientists in the field say there's still considerable uncertainty about what these levels of detectable antibodies really mean when it comes to protection. And a lack of standardization among the commercially available tests for antibodies makes it even harder to decipher the results.

"There is no test that will give you that [degree of certainty] at this point," says Gigi Gronvall, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins

Got that?  "Scientists" say 'there's considerable uncertainty about what levels of antibodies mean,' and then a "senior scholar" explains that "No test will give you that [degree of certainty]."

This full-court press to discredit natural immunity in favor of the inferior and dangerous vax and its long string of required booster shots was as predictable as the sunrise.  But if you post the totally true statement that "There's still considerable uncertainty about how well the vax does at preventing you from getting the Chyna virus," Fakebook and Twatter will lock your account until you delete your own post--voluntarily, of course.

Source: NPR


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