August 15, 2021

Say, Biden's SecState, Tony Blinken, seems to be really good at predicting five weeks ahead, eh?

Say, whaddya think of biden*harris's brilliant, sophisticated Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken?  He seems like one of biden*s BEST picks, eh?  I mean, this guy really knows how to read the international situation, eh?  Really on top of things.

For example, here he is on July 7th, saying 

"We are not withdrawing.  We are staying.  The embassy is staying.  Our programs are staying."

Wow, now THAT's leadership, eh?  A perfect example of how EVERYONE in the biden*harris regime is the "best of the best," eh?

Wait...did someone say the Taliban took over the capital of Afghanistan today?  That our embassy has been evacuated by helicopters landing on the roof?  That hundreds of thousands of Afghan residents of that city have fled, but many more thousands are trapped?

Dat not possible, citizen!  Cuz...well, Tony Blinken and Joe Himself said dat couldn't happen.  "Not remotely comparable to Saigon," Joe reassured reporters.

So there, Rethuglicans.

Did anyone else hear echoes of Baghdad Bob in Blinken's speech?



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