August 25, 2021

The Left changed our military policy from "winning" to "nation-building." That was dumb

As the Dems scramble madly to find some way to shift the blame for ten thousand Americans trapped in Afghanistan by the Taliban, we're seeing the utterly predictable innuendo from the Lying Mainstream Media that the U.S. military lost the war.  The media implies (but carefully doesn't explicitly state) that our military couldn't defeat 70,000 illiterate savages.  

Horse shit.  We won the war, and quickly.  But American Democrats/leftists--with the help of a compliant, none-too-bright G.W. Bush--managed to change our objective from military victory to 19 years of "nation building"--including flying "gay pride" flags on our embassy and teaching "gender studies" to Afghani women.

The Left did this by pushing the notion--familiar to shopkeepers and shoppers--that "you break it, you bought it."  Because that's a familiar saying, lots of people believe it's universally true, so after we defeated the Taliban in barely a year the Left used this peacetime homily to push the policy that the U.S. was obligated to rebuild Afghanistan.  After all, we and our allies helped rebuild Germany after WW2, right?  So...see?

But Germany had surrendered, totally exhausted by years of war.  The Taliban--a loose alliance of tribal leaders--was never under a single command, and never surrendered.  If they had, perhaps one could make a case for helping them rebuild.  But they didn't, so the Left's policy was futile.

Rational policy shouldn't be driven by a shopkeeper's homily.  Our policy should have been much simpler: "If you are foolish enough to attack us, we will annihilate you.  And since you clearly were delighted to kill thousands of American civilians when your hijackers flew airliners into buildings, if we happen to kill some of your civilians while we're killing you, sorry about that."

We took care to capture enemy combatants when possible, instead of killing them.  We sent them to Guantanamo.  This was nuts.  Our policy should have been "If you shoot at our forces, you die. You don't get shipped to Cuba to live on our dime for decades, only to be released by Democrat presidents so you can start killing Americans again."

The notion of having non-combat lawyers write crippling, idiotic, "woke" "rules of engagement" is nuts.  Again, the war-fighting policy should be "if you attack us, we'll kill you.  If you even threaten to attack us, we might kill you.  If you show up on the battlefield carrying a rifle, we'll kill you.  If you supply weapons to people who are fighting us, we'll kill you.  

No trials, no lawyers, no apologies.  Because what Americans should want is for would-be opponents to have as their first thought:  "Do not attack or threaten Americans under any circumstances--because that's suicidal."

Unfortunately the Left has changed the mission of our armed forces so that it's no longer about winning wars, but about being nice, flying gay flags and teaching gender studies to natives.


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