August 25, 2021

The corrupt FDA finally approved the vax; blogger shows how corruption has led to approval of other deadly drugs

Hey citizen!  Didja hear the news?  You knew the vax was only approved under a rule called "Emergency Use Authorization," right?  Which was only legal if there was NO EFFECTIVE TREATMENT for a life-threatening disease.  Of course there WAS (and is) an effective treatment, which is why the utterly, hopelessly corrupt FDA had to totally ignore HCQ and zinc and azithromycin, and ivermectin, and pretend that they were DANGEROUS.

And it's how the utterly, hopelessly corrupt FDA was able to allow Pfizer to make $26 BILLION from a vax that hadn't been adequately tested--cuz, life-threatening emergency, citizen!

Well two days ago, at 9am, the FDA finally gave the vax full approval.  Which means the biden*harris*fail regime can now force every American (but not illegals) to take the damn jab.  It's just a question of when.  Fauci already appeared on CNN saying "Your freedom doesn't matter.  It's time we forced you to take the vaccine."  Or words identical to that in their effect.  Prepping the public.

The gal in the pic below goes by "WhatsHerFace," and she's a fearless fighter for your rights a) to know the truth about the vax, and b) to know the truth about the utterly, hopelessly corrupt FDA.  To that end she tells the story of a drug that was touted as reducing blood-sugar in diabetics.  Hey, great plan, eh?

Except the drug caused liver failure in one of every 1,800 people who took it.  Lots of deaths.


When the drug was submitted for FDA approval, one honest employee (an M.D.) looked at the manufacturer's data and concluded that the drug wasn't particularly effective, and also had deadly side effects.  He recommended it not be approved.  But the manufacturer went to a corrupt ally high up the chain of command and got the first guy taken off the case, and got the drug approved.

It's important to note that the maker didn't do more tests to resolve the known problems, but simply got its ally to overrule the honest M.D. who had recommended against approval.

Watch the vid and decide for yourself.  BTW, her source is the LA Times, which back in 1996 had a healthy cynicism about government.  Of course now they're all-in on pushing the vax and demonizing anyone who doesn't want to take the jab.


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