August 25, 2021

"On Monday the FDA gave full approval to the vax." No, it didn't. It's a carefully-worded head-fake!

Hey citizen!  Didja hear?  Last Monday the FDA gave FULL approval to the vax!

Well, at least that's what every single Mainstream Media outlet reported WOULD happen a few days earlier.  And then when the FDA did...something Monday morning, the media went with what they'd been told would happen.

Except...the FDA did NOT fully approve the vax.

The FDA’s “Letter of Authorization,” issued Monday morning ( ) is a total head-fake, designed and intended to make journalists and other casual readers think that the FDA removed the "Emergency Use Authorization" and gave the vax full approval.  

Of course you think I'm just making this up.  In that case download it and see for yourself.  The letter uses the term “THIS EUA” or some variation thereof about 50 times. In fact the closing ‘graf, just above the signature block, reads “THIS EUA will be effective until the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of the emergency use of drugs and biological products during the COVID-19 pandemic is terminated… or the EUA is revoked….”

It could not possibly be more clear. The FDA merely extended–or as the letter cunningly put it, “revised”– the existing (earlier) EUA.  They tried to mislead the handful of Americans who bothered to read the thing by occasionally writing “this authorization,” which I suspect was intended to obscure the “emergency use” modifier.

Note that at the same time that the FDA released this letter, it also issued a press release. Still looking for that but my guess is that it obscured the true meaning even more. And of course which document would the Lying Mainstream Media choose to read, eh?  The press release, of course.  And even if one or two "journalists" bothered to read the letter (as opposed to the press release), they'd already been told that the FDA would give full approval, so they wouldn't read the letter critically.



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