August 20, 2021

Obama-appointed judge RULES that the U.S. can't prosecute Mexicans who re-enter after being deported, cuz raaaaacis'

An Obama-appointed federal judge has just ruled that the U.S. can't prosecute illegal aliens who re-enter the country even after being deported multiple times--because that law discriminates against Mexicans.

Seriously.  The judge is Miranda Du, and her reasoning is insane:  She notes that roughly 80% of illegal alien invaders are from Mexico, so they couldn't possibly know that they don't have the right to invade our country without permission.

And in the past, if our prior administrations managed to override all the objections of corrupt judges and actually DEPORT a few of 'em, then because of global warming, after a couple of weeks they'd forget that U.S. authorities had told 'em you can't come here illegally, so they'd come again.

They only did that because they were so close to the border, and the lure of getting free health care, homes, education and welfare in the U.S. was just too seductive to resist!  Or something like that.

Actually her "reasoning" was exactly the following:  Because more Mexicans re-entered again after being deported, the law making that re-entry after deportation a felony had a "disparate impact" on them, and was therefore unconstitutional.  Seriously, that was her reasoning.

With a defective mind like that, she needs to be removed from the bench, and barred from holding any judicial or government position.

Du's "reasoning" is the same as that used by school boards in screeching that it simply wasn't FAIR that students of certain races got in trouble more often that others, and that there was only one fair solution: Schools wouldn't be allowed to discipline any members of any race more than any other race.

Brilliant, eh?  So schools would either have to ignore blacks ganging up on whites--letting the offenders off with no discipline--or would have to put white kids on detention for passing notes in class.

Sure, makes perfect sense.

And following her marvelous liberal victory in the deportation case, we hear Du has another case ready to go:  She'll RULE that both state and federal prisons must release minorities until the percentage of inmates of each race matches that race's percentage of the nation.  See?  Totes fair, citizen.



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