August 25, 2021

Fatal weakness: California Democrats have set a policy for the recall election that guarantees fraud

In less than 3 weeks California will get to vote on whether to recall the arrogant, hypocritical, corrupt Gavin Newsome.

The rules governing how this election is to be conducted were written by the Democrats, since they control the legislature (as they do every elected statewide office).  And they decree that ballots--ALL mail-in--will be counted as valid even if they arrive a stunning 30 days after election day.  

You're kidding, right?  What this means is that as interim results are announced on election night, the Democrat party will then have a generous 30 days to fabricate just enough fraudulent ballots to barely retain the governorship of the nation's most-populous state.

Accepting ballots for 30 days after election day virtually assures fraud.  If you don't want that, what's needed is a policy that no ballot be accepted after the polls close on election night.  This would force fraudsters to create a lot more fraudulent ballots to ensure a win, since they wouldn't know how close the authentic vote was going to be until hours after the polls closed.  

Barring bogus "water-main breaks" (which is the excuse the Dems used to chase observers out of the Fulton county vote-tabulating center on election night), the thieves wouldn't have much time to create fake ballots if they were short.  And the more fraudulent votes, the greater the chance of busting the election thieves.

Unfortunately, it's too late now.  Expect to see Newsome retain his office by a very believable half a percent or so, thanks to the generous window for accepting fraudulent ballots.


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