August 18, 2021

Before Afghanistan debacle Kamala claimed she had a key role. After? "Nah, I din' know nuffin' bout it"

Last Sunday, as the Taliban were preparing to march into Kabul, the biden*fail*harris regime didn't realize how quickly things were falling apart.  Even if they had, they wouldn't have realized that no one in their incompetent ruling clique had bothered to ensure that all the steps necessary for a smooth evacuation of all Americans in that shithole had been taken.

Let me explain that last part:  Competent adults know how fast an enemy can take over a city once you've announced you're quitting.  Think Saigon, 1975.  So starting the day you announce you're through fighting, competent adults order the State Department to start quietly sending home all but 100 embassy staffers--a few each day.  The government orders all but 100 of the most critical civilian contract personnel to leave, a few each day.  

The day withdrawal is announced--long before it happens--a competent American government orders the military to quietly begin extracting 40 or 50 Afghan translators and their families per day from Bagram--not the spy-infessted civilian airport.  It orders the military to write ops-plans to pull out remaining embassy staff, contractors and remaining troops in 24 hours--again, from Bagram.  

All these operations use the far-more-secure Bagram Air Base, where access can be controlled.

But the incompetents in the biden*harris*fail regime did NONE of these things.  And our "woke" generals were too scared to give any of those orders themselves, because OMG that could be a career-ending move!!!

So what we had was NONE of the advance planning any competent adult would think necessary to avoid disaster.

To take just one example:  Someone in the U.S. government ordered our military to abandon Bagram and instead use the unsecurable, spy-infested commercial airport for evacuation operations.  That was an insane decision, and we need to find out who gave that order.

Meanwhile, note that before reality hit the fan, Cumala was claiming "I was the last person in the room after the president made the decision," and claimed to have played a key role.  Now that the disaster has appeared, watch how quickly all traces of the story below vanish as the Dems and their Media pals ready Cumala for the throne.



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