August 22, 2021

Did Biden’s handlers deliberately trigger a disaster in Afghanistan?

Lara Logan is a keen analyst with lots of foreign experience, and she's convinced the rapid, disastrous flight from Afghanistan was deliberate, in the sense that the pols giving the orders didn't do ANY of the obvious things needed to ensure an orderly exit.  We should see if that's true--and if it is, why did Biden's handlers do it?

To find the answer, Christopher Skeet looks to Barack Obama, whom Biden served as a witless sidekick. Obama took office openly despising our nation, and promising to “fundamentally transform” it into a totally different country.

Via American Thinker:

Every time he could, Obama favored strict Islamist regimes over Western-friendly governments. When overseas pro-democracy demonstrators flew American flags, Obama reflexively sided with their oppressors. He removed sanctions from Cuba and Iran without negotiating for anything in return. The Iran "nuclear deal" (JCPOA), the Paris Climate Accords and the Trans-Pacific Partnership were specifically designed to reduce American power and weaken our nation.

The biden regime is totally infested with anti-American Obamunists, who seem to be calling all the shots for the senile Biden.  The failure to plan for the withdrawal seems to be consistent with their policy of deliberately undermining America and its allies.

The chaotic, untimely retreat from Afghanistan has shown democracy supporters in Hong Kong, Cuba, and Iran that they can’t count on U.S. support.  Our allies in Taiwan, Ukraine, South Korea, and Israel have seen the U.S. flee from 70,000 illiterate riflemen, so who would think we'd even try to stop the million-man Chinese army?

Since the only practical way to exit Afghanistan was by air, it made no sense to abandon the huge, defensible Bagram Air Base in favor of the commercial airport.  Yet for some unknown reason that's exactly what the U.S. did, clear back on July 4th.

Someone gave the order to abandon the base on July 4th.  It's not a coincidence.  There was no emergency or pressing need to pick that date, yet some American gave that order.  My guess is that it was a civilian, probably in the Pentagon, although the actual order may have come from the White House.  In any case, we need to find out who gave that order, and if he or she got the order from higher up.

Also note that Biden originally announced that the withdrawal would be completed on September 11th.  Coincidence?

(For Americans under 25, that date will be the 20th anniversary of the most deadly attack on U.S. territory since Pearl Harbor.  Or as Democrat revolutionary Ilhan Omar put it, that's when "Some people did something.")

Those two dates weren’t chosen by accident.  Even with the predictable, often-demonstrated stupidity of our government’s ivy-league "experts," it strains belief that both dates could have been chosen by coincidence.  Instead those dates were almost certainly specifically chosen--by people who hate America, yet are somehow collecting six-figure salaries paid by taxpayers-- to do the maximum damage to America's image around the globe.

To learn the "whys" behind the horribly botched retreat from Afghanistan, the event must be viewed in context with biden*harris's other major moves:  Biden opened our borders and invited the entire Third World to pour into America, where Democrats in congress have ensured that they'll receive lavish benefits.  This is a clear violation of U.S. laws, yet the border remains open, with over 1.1 MILLION illegal immigrants entering the U.S. since Biden took office, and roughly 7,000 more pouring across daily.  It should have been grounds for impeachment, but because the Democrats control the House, that's not possible.

At the current pace, two MILLION new illegal "immigrants" will be re-settled into the U.S. by year-end.  Aside from the illegals, who benefits from this?  Clearly not working Americans, who will face far higher welfare costs, higher crime, more illegal drugs and lower entry-level wages for the children.  But the Democrat party will benefit handsomely from millions of new Dem voters.  The devastating consequences have only begun to unfold.  Opening our borders is almost a textbook definition of treason.

It's hard to argue seriously that the open border policy is due to mere incompetence, or to a decision by some low-level flunky that was only noticed yesterday.  Instead, it's deliberate, and treasonous.

The same is true of the Democrats’ unfunded, multi-$trillion frivolous spending spree that will crush the country with debt and inflate our savings to worthlessness. These ghastly policies help us understand the whys of the Afghanistan debacle.

The invisible army of leftist Deep-State bureaucrats burrowed into the federal government--the people who push the Left's ghastly policies and sabotaged Trump's efforts to clean things up--are delighted with the chaos in Kabul, because that chaos makes America look weak.  This perception, in turn, ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy, because the Dems and Mainstream Media will blame it all on...our military.  Which ensures that congress won't be willing to maintain the military, since the public perception--carefully crafted by the Deep-State and the Media--is that our military isn't good at fighting.

We've already seen a few Mainstream Media talking heads sneer that any failure in Afghanistan was NOT a failure of America's political leaders but was instead a failure of our military.  It's as predictable as the sunrise, exactly as it happened after we left South Vietnam to the communists.  And once you know to watch for this slander you'll see it every couple of days.

What was actually happening in Afghanistand for the past couple of years?  Try this:  Search for "How many U.S. troops killed in combat in Afghanistan in the last 12 months?"  You'll probably be surprised to find that the number  It had turned into a non-combat standoff, with Taliban fighters not wanting to get into firefights with trained American troops, and our military leaders not wanting to stir things up by going out looking for Taliban.

Our armed forces are being neutralized by tapeworms like SecDef Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley.  Like demoralized and defunded American police, the armed forces are undergoing strategic demoralization, which prompts good men to get out, and will make the highest quality men less willing to join.

What young, idealistic American would enlist if the politicians don’t let them win wars and force them to retreat from 7th century quadrupeds while being slandered by "woke" Pentagon careerists who blather about “white rage” and who replace books by Mahan and Clausewitz on our service-academy reading lists with hacks like Ibram X. Kendi (real name Ibram Henry Rogers)?

So the sudden, chaotic flight from Afghanistan not only weakens our future military, but also advances an Obama-style foreign policy by making it clear to our allies that the U.S. can't be counted on to help them defend themselves.  The message sent by the left is clear:  "You've just seen America defeated by 70,000 illiterate riflemen with no air support, so what makes you think America would support you against a more competent force like Iran or North Korea, much less against China or Russia?

Eventually historians will conclude that our abandonment of Afghanistan was one of the left’s biggest foreign-policy victories.

But as it turns out, that may not matter, since at the current pace of the disaster being imposed on us by  Democrat "leaders," America as we've known it may not last long enough for anyone to be concerned.

Abraham Lincoln had it right:  "America will never be destroyed from the outside," he said.  "If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

Adapted from a piece posted at Moonbattery.


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