May 31, 2024

Politico: "Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with US weapons"

Politico is a thoroughly Democrat-fellating website.  So if they post a piece claiming  biden's handlers have "secretly" given Zelensky permission to use U.S. missiles on targets in Russia itself, you can believe it's at least that if not worse.

May 30, 2024
   The Biden administration has quietly [sic!] given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia — solely near the area of Kharkiv — using U.S.-provided weapons, three U.S. officials said.  It's a major reversal [by the biden regime] that will help Ukraine to better defend its second-largest city.

“The president recently directed that Ukraine be allowed to use U.S. weapons for counter-fire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces,” said one U.S. official, adding that the policy of not allowing long-range strikes inside Russia has not changed.

All officials were granted anonymity to discuss internal decisions that haven’t been announced.

Kharkiv is a Ukrainian city, so thru this many paragraphs (I've deleted several 'grafs of boilerplate bullshit) readers haven't gotten any hint of a change.  But watch how well the Democrat-fellating leftists at Politico bury the HUGE policy change:

In effect, Ukraine can now use American-provided weapons, such as rockets and rocket launchers, to shoot down launched Russian missiles heading toward Kharkiv, at troops massing just over the Russian border near the city, or Russian bombers launching bombs toward Ukrainian territory. But the official said Ukraine cannot use those weapons to hit civilian infrastructure or launch long-range missiles to hit military targets deep inside Russia.

Note well the ambiguous weasel-word "deep inside Russia."

It’s a stunning shift the administration initially said would escalate the war by more directly involving the U.S. in the fight.  But worsening conditions for Ukraine on the battlefield –– namely Russia’s advances and improved position in Kharkiv –– led the president to change his mind.

Oh, y'say Porridgebrain changed his mind, eh?  Seriously?  biden doesn't know what day it is.  Probably not even what month.  He almost certainly didn't make this decision, but biden's handlers demand that Politico attribute it to him, because most Americans would be appalled by the truth--that the U.S. is being run by unelected Dem shitheads.

The National Security Council did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Hmm...If the story had been wrong you'd expect the NSC would have quickly said so, since this new policy is SO provocative.  But the NSC didn't deny the story.  Ergo...

And what the hell is with the word "secretly" in the headline?  Not that it ever was a secret, but it sure as hell isn't now, eh?  So the logical question is, why would Politico openly publish a supposed "secret" involving a really dangerous biden/harris/blinken policy decision--one Politico explicitly says the regime earlier said "would escalate the war by more directly involving the U.S. in the fight"?

Imagine our reaction (well, not under the Porridgebrain regime, but earlier) if the U.S. was engaged in a shooting war with Mexican drug cartels, and Russia not only gave the cartels missiles with a 100 mile range but also said "You can use these on targets in the U.S. as long as the targets aren't "deep" in U.S. territory."  Think the U.S. would take that clear provocation without responding?  (Well, not today, but...)  

I think most Americans wouldn't tolerate Russia doing that.  But for some bizarre reason the folks running biden expect Putin won't retaliate for us giving Ukraine missiles AND permission to strike targets in Russian territory as long as they're not *too* deep inside.

It's absolutely insane.  

And understand that I'm not a Russia defender.  It's horrible that they invaded Ukraine.  Do have to say we sure provoked 'em, and I suspect that in hindsight Putin would spend another year or so negotiating with the U.S. and NATO to get 'em NOT to admit the Ukraine to the latter.

Source: Politico

Update on Democrat party failing to meet Ohio deadline to certify prez candidate

Update on the problem the Democrats have with scheduling their convention too late to allow them to comply with Ohio law saying if a party wants its candidate on the ballot it must certify that candidate as their nominee 90 days before the election:

See, the Dems deliberately scheduled their convention too late to meet that long-known deadline.

Why dey doo dat, eh?

Because they KNEW they could break that law and still get Porridgebrain's name on Ohio's ballot.

They knew that even though Ohio has a majority-Republican legislature, and a fake Republican governor (RINO).

That's how totally the Democrats control the "two sets of laws" in this country now.  So they KNEW they could get Porridgebrain on the ballot despite not complying with valid Ohio law.

If you're a young American or a Democrat of any age, you don't understand the implications of what you just read.

One of the paradigm-changing principles embedded by the Founders of this nation was "All people are equal under the law."  This was also phrased as "We are a nation of laws, not of men," to distinguish us from kingdoms, where the law was whatever the ruler said it was on any given day.

The Democrats have ended that:  Now we have TWO sets of laws: a forgiving one for connected, powerful people, and a second, harsh one for everyone else.  

To Democrats the situation in Ohio is trivial--not even worth even noticing, like a day ending in Y.  But in places like Los Angeles, where the District Attorney--a communist Cuban transplant named George Gascon--routinely dismisses charges against murderers and rapists, or plea-bargains murder down to "felon in possession of a firearm" with a slap on the wrist, more people on the fringes of society will stop obeying laws, realizing they can get the same deal.  

Democrats don't realize that as more people start to see that we now have two sets of laws, you end up with a lawless society.

SO...the Democrat party has said it will "comply" with the law by certifying biden as the party's nominee "remotely," BEFORE the convention even takes place.  After all, he's won the primaries, so it's quite reasonable, eh?

Think the Democrat-ruled courts will do about that?  Of course not.  "Dat fine."

But just for fun, imagine that the Dems do what polls say half their party members want and replace biden with a much younger, cooler, slicker, oilier candidate, like Newsom.  Love to see what sort of knots they'd tie themselves into to get Ohio to DELETE biden from the ballot and replace him with the real nominee, eh?  "Ohh, yew gots ta put ouah real nominee on duh ballot!  Cuz when we sed biden wuz ouah nominee befo', we wuz jus' kiddin'."

"And besides, it jus' wudn' be FAIR to keep ouah REAL nominee off duh ballot, right?"

Democrats: "Don't be ridiculous!  Dat not possible!  We wud nevah replace biden!  Well, unless we do."

Here's one more thought experiment for young Americans:  Suppose the parties were all reversed, and the Republicans scheduled their convention too late to comply with Ohio law.  How do ya think the Mainstream Media would treat the story if the Republicans demanded that the governor call a special session of the legislature to change state law to allow the Republicans to get away with violating the existing law?

How would the Media react to the Republicans saying they could comply by certifying Trump "remotely," before the convention had even occurred?

Even stupid people already know the answer.  Q.E.D, citizen: Two sets of laws.

Most of you totally deserve what the Democrats have unleashed (see Juan Merchan, or biden open borders, or weaponization of law enforcement).  Barring a miracle our country is fatally wounded.  Because it's a big country it won't die right away, but the fatal injury has already been inflicted.  Thanks, Democrats.

And thanks to the Media there aren't enough conservatives in this country to fix this.  The Media and the "entertainment industry" have totally supported the Democrat party for 60 years or more, and have succeeded in demonizing conservatives.  So there aren't enough of us to fix it.  And no Democrat politician is willing to admit there are two sets of laws, or the fatal end two sets of laws makes inevitable.

And if you watch MSNBC or CNN or the alphabet nets you'll see endless numbers of talking heads positively gloating about their control, and denying that Hunty biden was collecting bribes for joe.  Denying that biden's DOJ allowed the statute of limitations to expire on Hunty's millions of dollars in unpaid income taxes on his tens of millions of bribes.  Democrats positively gloat about that.

Thanks again, Democrats.

I don't have kids.  Lots of Democrats don't, but lots do.  And while I really sympathize about the fact that your innocent kids will reap the pain you made inevitable, I'm absolutely delighted that most of their parents will live to realize it. 

If you still have no idea, consider the shithole of Haiti:  It's been a shithole for decades, but at least people could live without too many being killed.  Then suddenly about two months ago the gangs took over.  The courts hadn't prosecuted gangs for years, and when the country's leaders either were killed or fled with their loot, no one paid the cops, so they vanished.  And poof!  Mass murder.

Democrats: "Don't be stupid, that could nevah happen here!  Yew jus' a right-wing conspiracy theorist!"

Me: "Does Haiti exist?"

Democrats: "Uhh...yeah."

Me: "Are the gangs now murdering anyone they don't like?"

Democrats: " would we know?  MSNBC and CNN and ABC haven't said anything about it, so..."

Me: "Ahh, well, there ya go then!  If duh Mainstream Media doesn't spoon-feed it to ya, didn't happen, eh?"

Democrats: "Nonsense!  You can't talk down to me like that!  I went to [fill in name of elite university]"

Me: "Ahh, well...I just did, cuz you're one of the dumbest sons of bitches I've ever seen.  You think that because you haven't heard about X, it must not be true.  See any logic problem there, sparky?"

Dem: "Whut?"

Me: "If Haiti could go from poor-but-livable to mass murder in two months, what magic do you invoke to say that's not possible here once people realize the law no longer constrains them?" 

Dem: "Uhh...dat ridiculous!  Gang violence beez very rare here!  Ain't been no daytime smash-an-grab robberies in L.A. in over a week now!  Crime beez DOWN!"

Me: "You do realize that in California people have stopped reporting routine thefts and break-ins because the cops take no action, since the Democrat-ruled legislature approved a LAW allowing people to steal up to $950 worth of merch without being charged with a felony, right?"

Dem: "Don't be ridiculous!  No state would do something like that!"

Me: "See 'Proposition 47' which passed in 2014.  You don't know enough to be worth any more of my time.  Bye."

The trial proved one thing only

At least Trump is competent enough to stand trial.

(For the terminally clueless, the Special Counsel said the corruptocrat occupying the White House was NOT competent enough to stand trial.  Yet the Democrat party bleats that he's competent enough to be their candidate for president for four more years.  Seriously.)

May 30, 2024

Female Democrat mayor of Boston urges DAs not to even prosecute dozens of crimes

Boston has been Democrat-ruled for decades.  Since November of 2021 the mayor of Boston has been a leftist Democrat named Michelle Wu.

Wu has long supported so-called "progressive" (i.e. bullshit) approaches to crime, but now she's gone one better: she's now pushing to have city prosecutors refuse even to charge a large number of some of the most basic crimes.

For the reading-challenged, the shit-head Democrat mayor just said a long list of actual, y'know, crimes won't be prosecuted.  Got it?

Like what?  Shoplifting.  "Breaking and entering."  Destruction of property.  Drug possession, including sale of marijuana.  Receiving stolen property.  Driving with a suspended license.

All of the crimes above are on a 'do-not-prosecute' list created by former Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins, who later joined the Biden administration but resigned amid ethical violations.

Wu was also asked if she supported closing the Boston Police gang database.  Can ya guess what she said?  "Yes."

Now, kiddies: Can anyone predict whether the number of the crimes that Wu has urged no longer be prosecuted will increase?

Typical Democrat voter: "Don' be ridiculous, deplorable!  Ending prosecutin' of deez crimes won't have no effect at all on crime, cuz duh po' pipo who steals stuff, duh only reason dey steal is to feed dere po' starvin' chirren!"

You bet, sparky.


Woman who stole cop car and ran over cop acquitted by reason of insanity; hired by Chicago!

Black female judge rules black woman who stole police car, ran over Chicago cop, drove 90 mph down expressway and crashed not guilty by reason of insanity

May 29, 2024  CBS Chicago

Yesterday in the Democrat-ruled shithole of Chitcongo a black female judge issued a directed verdict (i.e. no jury) that a Whitley Temple--accused of attacking a Chicago police officer, stealing his squad car, and dragging him with it--was not guilty due to insanity.

Temple's defense attorney said his client was "in a psychotic state" at the time.

Hey, totally understandable:  Mental illness can strike at any time, and is totally debilitating.  Nothing is real to a person in the grip of mental illness.

But surprisingly, that's not the most notable thing about this story.  Instead it's that the city of Chitcongo *hired this mentally-ill woman earlier this year.*

Seriously.  She was hired by the city's "Department of Family and Support Services" as a lead accountant.  So...she's so mentally ill that a black judge declares her not guilty of what were serious crimes due to insanity, and yet a city agency hires her as a "lead accountant"?

She was fired in March after someone realized she was mentally ill.  But when asked if the city knew about the pending felony charges against her when they hired her, a spokesperson said they couldn't comment on personnel matters.

This is why it won't get better anytime soon, if ever: the system we depend on to make good decisions is both corrupt and totally incompetent.

Source: CBS newz, Chitcongo

Ever heard the phrase "American exceptionalism"? Young Americans don't believe we're exceptional

When I was a kid most Americans seemed to believe in a thing called "American exceptionalism."  You don't hear that term today, and surveys show young Americans do NOT believe our nation is exceptional in any way. 

I used to trust most of "official America:" My representatives and senators (at least a little).  I used to trust the president to be at least minimally competent and patriotic. I used to mostly trust the people who worked for my city or town.  Mostly trusted the police. 

I used to trust that our government would keep known thugs and crazies off the streets, so my family could walk around without being randomly attacked for no reason.  So people who'd been convicted of six DUIs would be in prison for life instead of free to kill when yet again driving drunk.

I used to trust the governor to run the state halfway decently.  I used to trust that most judges, and the people who choose which judge hears which cases, were at least mostly honest and not corrupt.

Not anymore--because somehow, gradually, the attitude of all of the above has shifted, from being at least minimally honest to seemingly focused solely on gaining wealth and power, at the expense of ordinary (i.e. not connected) citizens.

Our trust in all levels of what's amusingly called "our" government--and by extension, our trust in each other--has been so eroded by a seemingly endless stream of betrayals and lies that we no longer trust in the inherent goodness...the inherent superiority...of what was once called American exceptionalism.

Even the president has taken bribes from foreign governments, selling "influence."  The evidence is overwhelming.  Yet the Lying Mainstream Media buries the evidence--and in doing so is destroying America, down to the village clerk lining his pockets with the change from our parking meters (true story), or building inspectors taking bribes (another true story).  The list is endless.

Again, surveys show young Americans do NOT believe our nation is exceptional in any way. Corruption, Leftist lies and a scheming, lying Media have turned this once exceptional nation into just a wealthier version of a banana republic. 

Source. CBD at Ace of Spades

May 29, 2024

Jill biden says "Decency is on the ballot" in November. Yeah, and let's review:

Porridgebrain's wife famously said of the coming November presidential election, "Decency is on the ballot."  And she's right--just not in the way she imagined it.  Here ya go:

Recognize all those creatures who are worshiped by the Democrat party?  C'mon, surely you recognize the Vegetable's crack-addicted son Hunty, right?  And the tranny Deputy Secretary for Health in HHS who was made the first female admiral.
To the right of the tranny is a staffer for a Democrat senator who had himself filmed having anal sex in a senate conference room.  And because the Democrats support this stuff, no one was charged or prosecuted.  Wow.
If you don't understand that, imagine how the media and the DOJ would have reacted if the staffer had worked for a conservative senator.  Two sets of laws, citizen.

Above the senate staffer is a cross-dressing bald dude most Americans have already forgotten all about.  He was carefully hand-picked by the biden regime to be in charge of "nuclear waste disposal" for Jenny Granholm's "Department of No Energy."  In addition to being mentally ill, he also had a habit of stealing women's fancy luggage from airports.  Name was Sam Brinton.  Managed to avoid all penalty for stealing the luggage, cuz...two sets of laws, citizen. 

To the right of the thieving tranny is yet another tranny showing his boobs.  But what should outrage good Americans is that the tranny was attending a...celebration for trannies *on the lawn of the White House, hosted by Porridgebrain's regime.*  Yes, complete with topless trannies.  Wow, hell of a message to America's young pipo, eh?  Oh wait...that WAS the intended message.  

So yeah, Jill, decency is on the ballot.  And you and your corrupt husband are on the wrong side.

Pics from biden's "rally" today at a black college in Philly. Media staging makes it look packed.

Today the Vegetable-in-chief gave a speech at Girard College in Philadelphia.  A student lackey was handed a written introduction which she dutifully read as "Welcome to 'Black voters for Harris-Biden.'" 

Seriously, "Harris-Biden."  That's what the student lackey read from the written intro given to her.

But no big deal, cuz *look at dat HUGE crowd behind the vegetable.*  HUGE!  The proof is right there in the photos used by the Democrat-fellating liberal newz media.  Duh Dems' faaabulous preznit is SO totally popular!  He's like a rock-star!  Take a look!

Wait...what?  Y'say only 39 hand-picked students were present?  But...but...but the gym was *absolutely packed!*  Huge crowd!  Take a look again! don't think...  Let's take a look at some other pics--like the one above.  Note that the "crowd of excited spectators" consisted of the 40-some blacks (39 students hand a handful of faculty) carefully staged behind the vegetable, and Lying Media.  The back half of the gym was totally empty.

See the digits 1 thru 6 in the top pic?  That counts the flag-like decorations from the blue biden sign.  Now look at the shot from the back of the gym.  Notice that in this shot you can see there are actually 14 numbered flag-like decorations.  And now you can see that the fence at the back of the crowd is at roughly mid-court.  So..."wildly popular preznit" can't even find enough black students at a black college to fill a basketball court.  But in the shots carefully cropped by the Lying Media it sho' look diff'rent, eh?  

Here's another look: The structure just left of the center is the one of the two "scissor jacks" you can see in the pic below the one of biden.  This gives you another angle showing the empty half of the gym.  You can also see that they've brought in raised bleacher steps for the media.

Now, it's totally understandable that the Lying Mainstream Media want to make Porridgebrain look wildly popular.  But they're lying:  If he can only fill half a basketball court at a black college, for a rally titled "Blacks for Harris-Biden," he's totally NOT popular. 

In the former Soviet Union the media was entirely run by the State, and did this sort of thing constantly. But you'd think "our" (ha!) media would be better than that.

You'd be wrong.  As many have noted, the Media is the enemy.  They're totally in the tank for Democrats, and have managed to fool at least half of all Americans for decades.

If you only read the Mainstream Media almost everything you think is true is a lie.  Like "biden got 81 million votes--15 million more than Obama."

Oh, you bet.


Why is it legal to burn the American flag, but a felony if you lay rubber on an LGBT flag painted on the street?

In Delray Beach, Florida, the gay mafia had--with the full cooperation of cuck city gruberment officials--painted an entire intersection with an LGBTQ stripey thing.

Then last February a guy in a truck did some "burnouts"/donuts/whatever on it.

As you could guess, the LGBTQ mafia was *horrified.*  And city pols determined that defacing this "flag"--painted on the pavement--was...wait for it...a *felony.*

A week or so ago the cops found their perp, and supposedly he's been charged.

Then a couple of days ago some Americans started asking, How is it that the Supreme Court ruled decades ago that it's totally legal to burn an American flag--no charges for anything--but when people paint an LGBTQ flag on the pavement, and someone "defaces" it, it's a damn felony?

Unless we somehow regain control of this shit, this country is done--dead, finished.  Of course Democrats believe all the shit they've handed us is just faaabulous, and many bleat that they think the country is "built on stolen land," "raaacist" and so on.

I don't have kids, and my siblings are all liberal Democrats, so if their nieces and nephews have to live with the brave new world their parents created, ain't my problem.  But most of you have kids, or siblings who have voted for good people and played by the rules.  I feel sorry for you and yours.

Sadly, when a nation gets headed in a wrong, dangerous direction, it has more momentum than an avalanche.  Corruption becomes entrenched at every level (Deep State, etc) and the corrupt protect their own.  It becomes impossible to vote 'em out, because they rig (steal) elections.

Ah well...I've greatly enjoyed this life and this nation.  Wish I could do more to help. 


May 28, 2024

Jury instructions from judge in NYC trial of president Trump are...novel

NEW YORK, NY — As the criminal trial involving former President Donald Trump winds to a close, judge Juan Merchan instructed jurors that they don't have to believe Trump is guilty to convict him.

Judge Merchan issued that instruction to the jury as closing arguments began, clarifying that Trump doesn't necessarily have to be guilty of a crime in order for the jury to find Trump guilty.

"It's not your job to be concerned about what specific crime he's guilty of.  If you think he's guilty of anything the prosecution has charged,  you don't need to worry about which of the many possible crimes you believe he committed," said Merchan. "The important thing is that you listen to the closing arguments with an open mind and an unwavering commitment to handing down a guilty verdict.  

"Remember, it's not your job to decide which of the many crimes he's charged with is the one you're finding him guilty of.  Your only job is to find him guilty — that's all you're here for."

As closing arguments began, legal analysts agreed that Judge Merchan had conducted an extremely fair trial. "He hasn't allowed any type of shenanigans, reasoned arguments, or clear evidence to be presented during the trial was a bold choice, and now he's making sure the jurors are aware that they don't have to know which of several possible crimes they believe Trump to be guilty of to vote for conviction.  It's a bold approach from a totally impressive progressive judge."

The judge also told bailiffs to be ready to handcuff Trump and escort him to jail regardless of whether the jury found him guilty, as the judge would be sentencing Trump for violating his numerous gag orders.

Source: The Babylon Bee

Three years before covid, your government knew ivermectin cured one of the most aggressive cancers

"Glioblastoma" is an aggressive type of brain cancer.  Can't be removed by surgery, almost always fatal.

Suppose I showed you proof that the federal government knew ivermectin cured glioblastomas--again, one of the most aggressive forms of brain cancer--quickly and inexpensively, without surgery (which is essentially impossible with this type of brain cancer).

Suppose I showed you proof--on a genuine government website--that this was known over three years before the Chyna virus appeared.

How many of you would believe it?

biden supporters:  "Not ME!  Dat not possible!  You LIE!  Only stoopid pipo would believe dis!  Much bettah you take duh safe, effective vaccine, like ouah wunnerful preznit ordered!  He say duh covid wuz 'a pandemic of the unvaccinated,' an' he wud nevah lie!   Oh, an' take duh boosters too.  All of 'em.  An' duh vaxxes fo' duh variants!  Yep yep yep!  An' make sure yew get yo' kidz jabbed too!"

Ah, exactly as I expected.  So here ya go, clueless ones--right off a government website:

Democrat:  "Wait...what the hell is ''?  I nevah heard of dis agency!  Yew jus' made that up!"

Yeah, knew you'd bleat that.  "OSTI" is the "Office of Scientific and Technical Information," and the reason you have never heard of it is that it's an agency of...wait for it...the Department of Energy.  That's why this 2016 research paper hasn't gotten any publicity: it's under the damn Department of Energy!  When you do a search for "ivermectin" or "covid" you get about 100 million hits, and no one would think to click on this one, cuz why the hell would a research paper on covid be on a DOE website, eh?

I've been combing the Net for papers on ivermectin since January of 2020 and just now found this.

For those who still think it's fake, here's the link.

NOW:  Even though this was known in November of 2016, and that ivermectin had been approved for human use by your own FDA 40 damn years ago, the utterly corrupt Deep State--allied with Big Pharma--STILL ordered that no American be allowed to take it...and threatened to yank the license of any doctor who prescribed it, and any pharmacist who filled a legitimate prescription.

How much more will it take for you to realize the biden regime--and before the Dems stole the 2020 election, the Deep State--conned you?  Needlessly killed Americans of all ages.  

And the hoot is, half the country will vote Democrat again this November!  You people are almost funny, because you absolutely refuse to learn.

May 27, 2024

Leftist female park superintendent of an Alaskan national park orders building crew in to stop flying American flags

Most construction guys love this country, and it's common to see American flags on building sites.  So it was totally normal to that a construction crew building a long bridge in Alaska’s Denali National Park was flying three normal-size (3 x 5) American flags.

...Until recently, when the park's leftist female "superintendent" told the crew they could no longer fly the three American flags from their trucks or equipment.

According to the contractor, park superintendent Brooke Merrell contacted the federal official ruling the project, claiming there had been complaints about the U.S. flags, and telling him the crew must remove the flags, bleating that the flags "detract from the 'park experience.' ”

“I wouldn't have believed it was possible," the contractor continued.  "She orders us not to fly the American flag in a national park.  I'll bet you a thousand dollars there's NO rule against contractors working in a national park flying the American flag.  But as a leftist she was delighted to order the federal official to order us to remove the flags."

And of course the federal highway guy didn't have the balls to tell her to go pound sand, cuz under the Vegetable's regime that would have ended his career.

The paper that reported this noted that U.S. flags were flown at every ranger station and tourist center in the park, so apparently the leftist superintendent's claim that "The U.S. flag 'detracts from the park experience" is just a bullshit excuse.

Unbelievable, but in biden's America it's all too real.  Thanks, Democrats.


May 26, 2024

1978: Experts screamed about coming ICE AGE! 12 years later, it was Global Warming

Back in 1978 ALL the so-called "experts" bleated that the world was about to enter a new ICE AGE.

Seriously.  They all bought into it.  Time Magazine even ran cover stories about "How to Survive the Coming Ice Age."  They ALL bought into the madness.

Then barely12 years later all that was forgotten, cuz the socialists had a NEW boogeyman to scare ya with:  Global Warming!  Burning carbon fuels was gonna kill all life on Erf cuz of Global Worming!  Take a look:


So wait...which so-called "experts" know what they're bleating: The ones from 1978 or the ones today?  Cuz they sure as hell pulled a FAST switcheroo, eh?

Starting to see how you've been conned?  Kinda like the Chyna virus, eh?  Scare people to death and they'll do ANYTHING the rulers order.

And if you think that's all in the past, you're too naive to breathe.

Warmie vs. skeptic in 150 words

Hey citizen!  Didja know dat becuz of Global Warming, duh sea level beez risin'?  Oh yeah.  Dey say it gonna kill all life on duh planet!  

Me: " much is duh temp gonna rise to kill all life on duh planet?  An' when it gon' do dat?

Warmie: "Uh...ouha experts say duh average global temp gon' go up one degree." 

Me: "ONE degree?

Warmie: "Well of course that's 'Celsius.'  It's a LOT more in Fahrenheit."

Me: "How much more?" 

Warmie: "Um...[inaudible] degrees."

Me: "Can you speak up?  You tend to mumble when you don't want us to hear what you bleat."

Warmie: "1.8 degrees F."

Me: "So you're saying 1.8 degrees will kill all life on Earth??  That seems...most unlikely."

Warmie: "Dat cuz you don' know Science, smartypants.  Duh pipo on ouah side beez lots smahtah den yew, and dey sez 1.8 degrees F will make duh sea level rise enuf to drown Miami and NYC an' lotsa udda places!  Yew don' want dat, right?"

Me: "Uh...let me think about that for awhile.  So how fast do your experts claim sea levels are rising?"

Warmie: "Um...uh...about [inaudible] per year."

Me: "Sorry, you're mumbling again.  How much?"

Warmie: "About one millimeter per year."

Me: "Okay, so you say you're a 'sciency' person.  How many millimeters in a foot?"  

Warmie: " know Science but never claimed to be a math whiz.  So..."

Me: "About 300.  So at this rate it would take 300 years to rise a foot?"

Warmie: "If you say so.  I reserve the right to check that, cuz it looks like you did that without a calculator, and I don't think it's possible.  But for purposes of argument I'll go wif dat."

Me: "Thanks.  Can you predict whether it will rain here exactly one month from today?"

Warmie: "Is this a trick question?  Of course we can't predict that exactly."

Me: "Yet you implicitly claim your experts can predict global temperatures a century from now based on just one variable: CO2 level."

Warmie: "Whut?  Uh...sure.  Cuz dat beez way different den predicting rain.  See, dat's duh difference between 'weather' and 'climate'.  Yew too stupid to unnerstan duh diff'rence.  Yew prolly went to a state university."

Me: "Dude, my average class size was 12 students, and all the instructors were PhDs.  How does that compare to, say, Hahvahd?"

Warmie: "Whut?"

Me: "Nevermind.  You wouldn't believe me if I told ya.  So you claim that a century or two or three from now all life on Erf gon' be gone, cuz global worming?"

Warmie: "Well we not sure when ALL life gon' be killed, but dat whut ouah models say.  An' duh models use...wait fo' it...computers!  An' computers beez way smahtah den yew!  Yew don't claim to be able to match wits wif computer, right?"

Me: "Don't tell me: you believe 'AI' is smarter than humans."

Warmie: "Of course AI is smahtah den humans!  If dat wudn't true why would all deez companies pushing AI be driving the stock market to new records, eh?  Geez, you stupid!"

Me: "Say, who writes the AI programs, eh?"

Warmie: "Whut?"

Me: "You DO know that humans write the programs that tell computers what to consider and what to ignore when building their AI model of the universe, right?

Warmie: "Nah bro, dat fake newz.  Duh computers beez writin' dere own rules!  Dey way smahtah den yew."

Me: "Well I'll concede that if sea level rises a foot in the next century it's gonna raise the cost of flood insurance in Miami and NYC."

Warmie:  "So dat's reason enuf to ban the use of all carbon-based fuel! 

Me:  "Sure, sparky.  Say, who do you like for preznit in November?"

Warmie:  "Is that a trick?  Biden, of course.

Me: "Wow, who could have predicted that, eh?

A brief history of climate predictions by the Democrats and socialists


New study of 99 MILLION vaxxed people show conclusively that it can kill you. Media yawn

As of November, 2023, there have been over 13.5 BILLION injections of covid "vaccines."  About five BILLION people--over 70 % of all people on the planet--had received at least one dose of a covid "vaccine."

This was all made possible by the corrupt World "Health" Organization bleating that a virus that only killed the very old or those with co-morbidities--almost never healthy people under 60--was a crisis worse than any epidemic in history.

Corrupt governments parroted whatever the W.H.O. wallahs said, and the result was... hundreds of billions of dollars into the pockets of Big Pharma and politicians...and millions of deaths of people who were at no risk at all of dying from covid.

Now: there's an old saying that "The truth will out."  Unfortunately that's not always true, but in this case a few people are starting to realize the extent of this massive coverup.

SO...a group of scientists have just published a study of adverse effects on a staggering 99 million people who'd taken at least one jab, and compared their rate of adverse effects to that of people who never took the jab.  

Very straightforward, simple comparison, eh?

And they found a damning correlation between the jab and serious or fatal side effects.

Now this raises an obvious question: doesn't the U.S. government have two agencies that are charged with doing this sort of research?

Why yes, the CDC and FDA.  And there are hints that both agencies found the same correlation in American vax victims...but have refused to admit even looking for it.

For terminally stupid Democrats: Do y'all really think neither of those agencies would have looked for a link between the "vaccine" and adverse effects, since that's one of their biggest jobs?

In any event...if the "vaccines" injure or kill at a statistically significant rate greater than chance, data for 99 MILLION experimental subjects will find it.

White House shill: "Dis study jus' fake!  Duh pipo who did it aren't really scientists.  In fact they may not even exist!  An' too small a sample to be 'statistically significant!'  Yeah, dat's duh ticket!  
   Jus' like dat disinformation that a province in India with 240 million people went from 10,000 deaths per DAY to almost zero by giving people ivermectin.  Totally fake newz!  Cuz, if that had really happened, Media in India would have reported it.  You couldn't have kept it a secret!
   Wait...y'say India media *did* report that?  In that case it must have been fake newz!
   Wait...y'say our CDC funded that trial of ivermectin?  Nah, dat not possible, citizen!  Dat's as impossible as the claim that Dr. Fauci--"mister Science"--funded 'gain-of-function research' in China.
   Wait...y'say open-source U.S. data show Fauci's agency did give taxpayer-funded grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, via a "cutout" called "EcoHealth Alliance"?  Nah, someone has faked the NIH records!  Wow, dat's a big crime!  Prolly done by pipo workin' fo' Trump.  Yeah, dat's duh ticket!"

How much evidence will it take to convince you stupid people?  Wait, a lot of you are smart enough to grasp the truth...but if you're Democrats you're too damn stubborn to admit it regardless of how much evidence is found.

You can't admit your preznit ORDERED every working American to take the jab or be fired.  And even worse, worked with teachers' unions to force your innocent children--as young as 5--to take the "experimental use only" jab if their parents--you--wanted them to go to school.

The Democrat party is desperately trying to bury this story--the most egregious rape of Americans in history.  Your preznit ordered it, so they want you to forget it ever happened.

Yeah, I know: Trump cleared the way for the vaccine to be developed.  But instead of ordering Americans to take it he suggested "If you're at high risk, take it."  He didn't threaten you with being fired if you didn't.  Didn't force you to make your kids take it.  Healthy young people had almost zero risk of dying from the Chyna virus, but the biden regime conspired with the teachers' unions to allow school boards to force students as young as five to take the jab to be allowed to attend school.

Now: since the past obviously can't be changed, why do I bring this up?  Because the same party that ordered masks and "social distancing" and "vaccine passports" and forced your kids to take the jab to go to school hasn't learned a damn thing from this, and will do it all again. 

Source. (Caution: VERY dense reading!)

A great, guaranteed way to make a fortune!

I just came up with a great, can't-fail business plan! 

Become a member of congress and buy stock in a company that makes some product.  Then support your party's preznit ORDERING every American to use that product--except members of congress, of course.

Support your party's preznit in ordering every company with over, say, 100 employees to fire anyone who refuses to use the product. 

Finally, pass a law saying the company that makes the product--the company you own stock in--can’t be sued if that product injures or kills people.

Fabulous!  Huge money-maker!

Wait...y'say a bunch of people have already done that?  Wow.

May 25, 2024

This is not the same military as the one I was in

What happened to our once-great military?  How did it happen?  Who's responsible?

The pics below are authentic, not photoshopped.  Thanks, Democrats.

19 states file suit in Supreme Court against 5 Dem-ruled states that sued energy companies for billions for "climate change"

In the past year five Democrat-ruled states sued dozens of big energy companies--almost all oil, gas and coal producers--claiming their products are causing "climate change" (actually "global warming" re-named so the warmies win either way).  The Dems demanded that the companies pay billions of dollars in damages.

See, every time there's a tornado or hurricane, or floods, or droughts, the Democrats bleat that it was caused by..."climate change."  Cuz whatever it was, they claim recent versions are more severe than ever.  Or maybe more of them.  Or they caused more financial loss (inevitable since things cost more to rebuild today due to inflation).
But in 19 smaller states--almost none ruled by Democrats--a few people took Econ-101 in college, so they knew that any damages the Democrats forced energy company defendants to pay would actually be passed along to consumers.  It's one of those mysterious "laws of economics" that Democrats don't believe.

SO...those 19 states got together and filed a lawsuit seeking to have the lawsuits filed by the five Democrat-ruled states thrown out of court.  

This is significant because the Constitution says that when one state sues another, the Supreme Court is the "court of original jurisdiction."

What that means is that the states don't spend millions slogging thru the liberal-dominated lower federal court system.  The case automatically goes straight to the SC.

WELL!  Liberals and Democrats are wailing, screaming bloody murder!  "How DARE those deplorables file suit against us?!!  The nerve!"

So as you already guessed, shitty leftist outfits like Politico are sneering that the lawsuit by the 19 states just can't be allowed to succeed!

In a motion filed two days ago, 19 Republican states argued to the Supreme Court that the lawsuits by the five Democrat-ruled states —demanding billions from the oil and gas industry— threaten “our basic way of life.”

The states are Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming.  They've sued California, Connecticut, Minnesota, New Jersey and Rhode Island.

The five Democratic-ruled states are blaming energy companies for rising tides, stronger storms and other disasters--all of which they blame on...carbon dioxide.

Wait...I wasn't aware that energy companies sold CO2.

Of course they don't.  Ah, but what they DO sell can be burned--by deplorable consumers-- and that produces CO2, eh?

Ah, now it's all perfectly clear!  People get killed in car crashes?  Sue car makers.  Killed by thugs in drive-by shootings or robberies?  Sue gun makers.  China selling fentanyl to Mexican drug cartels to make billions?  Sue shipping companies.  You get the picture.

The filing is 88 pages, and it's well done.  Unfortunately for the plaintiffs, many of the arguments used are weak, such as "The suit filed by the defendants will cost our citizens more money."  True, but too easily defeated, because residents of every state would pay more for all forms of energy.  Ergo, totally fair, citizen!

Another weak part of the filing is "It's not fair that five states can dictate 'energy policy' for the other 45 states!"  (Or if you're barack obama, for the other 52 states.  See, he said, on live national TV, that there were 57 states.  Brain hiccup, right?  "57" sounds a lot like "50," eh?  Lotsa people confuse those two.  Nah.  He didn't know.)

You're kidding, right?  For decades states with lots of members of congress, like California, have been able to (effectively) dictate national policy on virtually anything.

So...this lawsuit will be decided by how many of the "justices" believe a) that the planet is warming by an unprecedented amount; b) that the amount of warming is dangerous; and c) that most if not all of this alleged warming is caused by CO2.

In other words, the court's ruling can easily go either way, depending on how many of the "justices" believe Media's lies that CO2 is causing global warming.  All the liberals believe that, and it only takes two conservatives to believe it to swing the ruling to favor the Democrats.

Having said that, here's the funny part: Back when Carter was prezzy the demand for natural gas (the stuff that burns in your stove) in the U.S. exceeded the supply.  Part of the reason was that the Democrats--always bleating that they're so eager to look out fo' duh' common pipo, eh?--had rammed thru a LAW capping the amount producers could charge for gas at three dollars per "mcf."  (For Democrats and young Americans, an "mcf" is 1000 cubic feet.)

This price ceiling (cap) was so close to the cost of producing (finding) gas that lots of investors decided they'd make more money putting their money into other fields.  With investors no longer interested in backing risky drilling, energy companies were hamstrung, and cut back on exploration.  And since production from existing fields always declines, cutting back on drilling soon resulted in demand exceeding supply.

Stay with me here, cuz we're about to the climax.

Faced with a shortage of natural gas, Democrats in congress passed a LAW stating that energy-producing states could NOT decrease shipments of their oil and gas to other states, even if that resulted in their own residents not being able to heat their homes or drive their cars.

Shitty Democrat-ruled states like Maryland, that produce no energy at ALL, sued energy-rich state like Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas demanding that those states be forced by law to continue to supply oil and gas to Maryland (and other Dem states) even if the producing state's own residents couldn't get energy.

And guess what?  The then-majority-liberal Supreme Court upheld those lawsuits, citing the "commerce clause" of the Constitution.  For young Americans, who have never been taught a single thing about our Constitution, that clause says congress has the sole power to "regulate interstate commerce."  The SC simply re-defined "regulate" as meaning the government could force one state to sell anything the government wanted to other states.

What that means is, the claim that "Those Dem-ruled states trying to set national energy policy aren't being fair!" has already been rejected by the court.  Which means they can do it again without a second thought.

The court's liberals will try every argument to get the court to reject this latest lawsuit without hearing it.  Wait...if the Constitution says the SC is the "court of original jurisdiction" for lawsuits between states, how can the court refuse to hear this lawsuit?

Yeah, well...just as the court refused to hear the lawsuit filed by Texas against Pennsylvania after the 2020 election, charging massive election fraud.  The SC's refusal to hear the case was in an unsigned two-paragraph statement that didn't cite a single word of legal reasoning. 

Still think this is a nation of laws?  The justices were afraid to anger the Left.

It only takes two "conservative" justices siding with the liberals to swing a 6-3 ruling to 5-4 the opposite way.  And each justice's vote will be driven NOT by science--like most Americans, most of the judges don't know the most basic principles of science.  Hell, biden's faaabulous black female choice for the court said she could not define "woman," since had she based it on biology it would have angered the Left, and had she claimed a "woman" was "Whutevah a pyrsyn claims to be" most Americans would have realized she was too far goofy to be on the court.

So...I can't predict which way the court will rule.  As in far too many cases it will depend on how many justices--who don't know any more than you do about science--buy the liberal lies about global warming.

Excuse me: "Climate change."


Footnote: Constitution, Article 3, section 2:

In all which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction.

Gavin Newsom and the "tiny home" scam

If you don't think the "homeless crisis" is a moneygrifting racket, read on.

Over a year ago the oily, lying, corrupt Dem governor of California majestically spoke before a crowd of adoring "newz-pyrsyns" in Sacramento, promising to send 1,200 "tiny homes" to cities, to allow people in tents or "mass" homeless shelters to live in privacy.

Last October the state awarded contracts to six companies to build the things.  But for some reason, seven months later not one of the "tiny homes" has been delivered.

If you're looking for a reason, good luck.  In Cali all communications with the governor's office are exempt from the California Public Records Act. 

Is that cunning or what?

The contracts, awarded last October, don't specify how many tiny homes or even which models the state will buy from each vendor, nor how much the state will pay.  Even the vendors themselves don’t know.

“It's not clear to us which product is to go to which city or when,” said the CEO of one of the companies. “At this point we are simply on standby, ready to deliver if we get called upon.”

Sounds to me like a total "illusory contract."  (For young Americans "illusory contracts" are unenforceable from the outset.)

If we can't get any info from Newsom's regime or from the six companies, maybe the corrupt Democrats running San Jose can help.  According to the mayor of that city, Newsom gave his city $13.3 million to buy tiny homes from any of the six builders.  But according to the mayor buying "tiny homes" for 200 people will cost $22.7 million.

For the math-challenged that's $113,500 apiece.

Now take a look at the photo below.  These things are maybe 8 feet by ten feet.  When equipped with a window air-conditioner, lights, plumbing and a bed you're looking at maybe $20,000, tops.

Yet according to the Dem mayor of San Jose, they're gonna cost $113,500 each.

But don't worry, citizen: Not a dime of this graft is going to the oily Newsom.  Instead the vast profits will be split between corrupt Cali legislators and a "non-profit" run by Newsom's wife.  And he'll get even more money for more graft from the biden regime, which will get it from hardworking taxpayers in flyover country.

One of the companies says their 70-square-foot basic cabin with no plumbing sells for  $18,900. A 120-square-foot unit (10 by 12) with a bathroom is $48,500.  Yet according to the corrupt mayor of San Jose, the cost per unit is $113,500. 

Ya have to wonder: when the state awarded contracts to the six companies, did those contracts specify the cost per unit, or did they leave that blank?

You'd think some "newz" channel might wanna know, eh?  But oopsie!  Since that contract came thru the governor's office, what do ya bet they won't allow those contracts to be inspected?  And of course no "newz" outfit will ever say a critical word...cuz dey luuuvv Gavin!  He a guud Democrat!


May 24, 2024

Liberal Media churn up sympathy for Hunty biden before gun-permit and tax-fraud trials

In two weeks or so a totally corrupt U.S. attorney for Delaware is scheduled to begin a trial of biden's son Hunty for a charge the Washington Post claims is almost never prosecuted.

That's a lie, but the Post is claiming it's true because...gotta gen up sympathy fo' po', oppressed, mistreated Hunty, eh?  Cuz unless the lib press has made Hunty look totally sympathetic to the public, then when he's escapes all punishment, a few tens of thousands of voters will say "Wow, the fix was in, eh?"

Cuz that's exactly what's up: The outcome of this sham is already certain.  No jail time, maybe a year of probation.

So the Post is busy firing up sympathy fo' po' Hunty.

One key is to portray Hunty as an innocent victim of...drugs.  The Post says "intimate texts on drug addiction could be offered as evidence."  Yeah?  As evidence of *what*?  Has no bearing at all on whether Hunty lied on a federal form when buying a handgun--and yet Post propagandist Matt Viser wrote the quoted line above cuz it's a key sympathy generator.

Here's the Post:
>>Hunter could face testimony from his ex-wife and his brother’s widow, with whom he became romantically involved, according to new filings from federal prosecutors that illustrate just how messy the seemingly simple court case could turn.>>

<<Wait...what do Hunty's former wife and his brother's widow have to do with whether Hunty lied on the federal form?

Nothing.  Those detail are designed to distract from the crime, and to generate sympathy fo' po' Hunty.

>>The filings from [U.S. attorney for Delaware] David Weiss show how prosecutors may reopen some of the most painful moments in the Biden family’s past, potentially embarrassing not only Hunter Biden but also a president whose political career has long been defined by a close-knit family that stuck together through difficult times.>>

This clearly has no bearing on the question of Hunty's guilt or innocence, but again is intended to gen up sympathy.  "Oh duh po' boy!  How cruel to "reopen some of the most painful moments in the biden family's past"!<<

>>The court filings [by the prosecutor] detail the depth of family members’ turmoil as they struggled to grapple with the death of President Biden’s oldest son, Beau, in 2015, and the drug and alcohol addiction of his younger son, Hunter. The family divisions were deepened when Hunter began a romance with Beau’s widow, Hallie.>>

<<Starting to see this for what it is yet?

>>Hunter has been charged with falsely declaring — on a form [everyone is] required to fill out to buy a gun — that he was not using illegal drugs.  Prosecutors appear to be trying to prove he was in fact abusing drugs at the time he filled out the form.>>

<<Since Hunty admitted in his book that he was using drugs at the time, that should be fairly easy.
   It's worth noting that the "prosecution" entered all of the following into the official court record a few days ago.  Ask yourself what relevance this has to the charge in the case.  If none, why would the prosecutor do this? <<

>>“I am afraid you are going to die,” Hallie wrote to Hunter at a time when he was in possession of the gun, according to one of the text messages entered into the court record by prosecutors. Two minutes later, she added: “And I can’t live without you.”>>

<<This is drama worthy of a mini-series!<<  

>>Those close to Hunter Biden worry about the toll the upcoming trial could take on someone who has struggled with addiction for much of his life.  The court documents show just how painful some of that could be.>>

<<Drama worthy of a Hollywood movie!<<

>>Much about the case is not in dispute. In Hunter Biden’s published memoir, which prosecutors have submitted as evidence, Hunter Biden described himself as someone who was “up twenty-four hours a day, smoking every fifteen minutes, seven days a week.”

“All my energy revolved around smoking drugs and making arrangements to buy drugs—feeding the beast,” he wrote.

Prosecutors are also planning to show images of drug paraphernalia and of Hunter Biden smoking crack that were backed up on his Apple iCloud account or his laptop.>>

<<Wait...have they charged Hunty with using illegal drugs?  No.  But yet again the Post article shows the prosecutors making the case that Hunty was addicted.  So the idea will be planted that Hunty is an innocent victim--any wrong was caused by duh drugs.<<

Barbara McQuade, a law professor at the University of Michigan and a former U.S. attorney, said it was unclear why prosecutors would include so much detail in a filing so close to the trial.

“If Weiss wanted to pressure Biden [to take a plea deal] he could have shared all of this information with Biden’s attorneys without filing it in a public document,” she wrote in an email. “Not sure what he is accomplishing by filing it publicly, other than perhaps prompting the witnesses to urge Biden to plead guilty.”

Still, prosecutors may face challenges at trial. Hunter Biden’s team is likely to argue that prosecutors rarely pursue someone for such a minor violation unless it is tied to a more serious crime.

>>Defense lawyers also could cite a recent revelation in court documents that at the time of the gun purchase, the store workers made copies of Hunter Biden’s passport but did not document viewing any ID with an address as required. Three years later, when the case became more controversial and officials asked for the original form, the shop owner decided to add more information to suggest he had also checked Hunter’s car registration.>>

<<Ahh, now it's the store's fault, presumably for forcing po' Hunty to lie about not using illegal drugs.  Yeh, dat's prolly it.<<

>>Prosecutors and Hunter Biden’s attorneys were close to a plea deal a year ago, but it collapsed when the two sides could not agree on whether it would preclude future charges against Hunter.>>

<<This is absolutely classic propaganda: Hunty's attorneys crafted a plea deal divided into two parts: one for the gun charge, and the other to agree that he wouldn't be prosecuted for income-tax fraud *or any other crime, known or otherwise.*  This last part was buried in a part of the plea that the judge wasn't allowed to modify.
   Hunty's attorneys came within a whisker of sneaking that in, but an inquisitive judge spotted it and got them to admit the effect it was intended to have.  Wow.<<

<<Now here's the hoot: Hunty is facing two trials: the gun charge in Delaware, and a charge of tax evasion in California.  But bizarrely, the prosecutor in both cases is Delaware U.S. attorney David Weiss.
   Why would the U.S. attorney for Delaware be the prosecutor in a totally unrelated case in California, eh?
   You already know.

Weiss’s team has also entered a significant amount of sensitive material in the tax-fraud case, including documents from his divorce case from Kathleen Buhle.

Buhle, who divorced Hunter Biden in April 2017, is reported to say that “through 2018 she would check his vehicle because she did not want their children in a vehicle with drugs.”

“While searching his vehicles, she found drugs or paraphernalia on approximately a dozen occasions, says Weiss's court filing. “She is corroborated by a text message exchange with the defendant, in which she tells the defendant on March 9, 2018, ‘I also found a few crack pipes.’”

Again, what do drugs have to do with a charge of millions of dollars of tax fraud?  Nothing.  So why did Weiss file these docs with the court?

Sympathy.  "Duh demon drugs took over dis' po' boy's life!  If he did anything wrong, he's not responsible!  It's his tragic addiction to duh drugs!"
Weiss is acting like a defense attorney.  Oh wait...of course.

Source: WaPo

biden's DOJ sues states that have passed laws charging illegal aliens with being...illegal aliens

The biden regime has allowed 11 MILLION illegals to enter the U.S, and has even flown them to cities far from the border.

A handful of states have responded by passing laws saying it's not legal for illegal aliens to live in their states.  But of course the Democrats trashed the Tenth Amendment long ago, so that only the position of the party running the federal government matters.

(If you're a parent, try asking your kids what the Tenth Amendment says.  Betcha a margarita they won't know.)

biden's "Department of Justice" has responded by suing every state that seeks to criminalize illegals.  Thus earlier this week Merrick Garland sued Oklahoma over a state law that seeks to impose criminal penalties on those living in the state who illegally entered the U.S.

The lawsuit seeks to overturn an Oklahoma law that makes it a state crime—punishable by up to two years in prison—for persons without legal immigration status to live in the state.

biden's DOJ has also challenged similar laws passed in Texas and Iowa.  Similar laws targeting illegal immigrants have been passed this year in Florida, Georgia and Tennessee.

Oklahoma's governor said the law was necessary because the Biden administration has deliberately allowed eleven million foreigners to enter the U.S. illegally.

biden's "Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General" and head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division, Brian Boynton, bleated “We have brought this action to ensure that Oklahoma adheres to the Constitution and the framework adopted by Congress for regulation of immigration.”

Of course you already know what will happen, eh?

A liberal judge will quickly RULE that states can't charge illegal alien invaders for illegally living in the U.S.  So the biden regime wins.  Cuz...reasons.


RINO governor of Ohio calls special session to *change state law* to put Biden on the ballot

I love to make predictions on seemingly impossible events and then be proven right the very next day.

In this case:  Ohio has a LAW saying that for a political party to get its candidate on the state ballot, it must "certify" its candidate to the state not less than 90 days before the election.

But despite this law being passed decades ago, the people who run the Democrat party scheduled their convention too late to meet that deadline.  But no problem!  Democrats don't obey laws they don't like, so it was easy to predict that they'd find a way to wave a magic wand and make that law suddenly not apply to THEM.

The question was, how would the fixers get away with demanding that the state's law be waived, so as not to apply to them?

The head of the state legislature said they wouldn't change the law--whereupon the Democrat minority leader blamed "hyper-partisanship" (i.e. Republicans) and threatened court action if the Repubs didn't do as the Democrat party demanded.

RINO governor Mike DeWine--a fake Republican--predicted that if the legislature didn't cave, the courts would probably force the state to waive its law.  I found that unlikely.

Instead I predicted that if the Repubs didn't cave, DeWine would issue an "emergency decree" or an executive order to waive the law to put biden on the ballot.  And sure enough, today DeWine said his "patience has run out with his fellow Republicans," and called a "special session" of the legislature, to start next Tuesday.  

The lying shitheads at NBC--not wanting to make people think the leaders of the Democrat party were stupid--described the unusual "special session" called by the RINO DeWine as "having the goal of fixing a timing issue between state election law and this year’s Democratic convention."  

Wow, "fixing a timing issue," eh?  Not a word about the particulars of the state law passed decades ago, or why the Dems so casually ignored it, AND were so totally sure they could get biden on the ballot despite not complying with that law.

In announcing the special session DeWine--posing as a Republican--said “Ohio is running out of time to get Joe Biden on the ballot this fall.  Failing to do so is simply not acceptable. This is a ridiculous, absurd situation.”

Note well, conservatives: your governor, who claims to be a Republican, says it's HIS job, and the legislature's, to get biden on the ballot.  No.  The Democrat party knew the law, but didn't care, because they knew they could ignore it with impunity.  That should tell you all you need to know about their party.

FINALLY, in the 14th paragraph, NBC gives a half-assed explanation of the REAL problem: 

The late date of this year's Democratic convention comes after Ohio's statutory deadline to certify presidential candidates for its November ballot. In the past, such issues have been handled with quick legislative fixes, but a number of Republican legislators have balked this year.

Note how NBC uses the passive voice about the late convention: it "comes after" Ohio's statutory deadline, as if it were a celestial event instead of a deliberate choice by corrupt, lawless sons of whores.  
Then note how deftly NBC blames the problem on Republicans: "In the past such issues have been handled with quick legislative fixes, but a number of Republican legislators have balked this year.

NBC quickly quotes the chair of the state Democrat party to again blame Republicans for the problem: 

Ohio Democratic Party chair Elizabeth Walters blasted "corrupt GOP politicians" for causing this problem.  
    "Republican politicians who hold supermajorities in both chambers must put politics aside and pass a clean bill to put Joe Biden on the ballot," she said. "Despite Republicans’ political gamesmanship, we’re confident Joe Biden will be on the Ohio ballot.”

That's a brazen, breathtaking inversion of the truth.  The Democrat National Committee deliberately scheduled the party's convention too late to comply with the well-known Ohio law, but the head of the Dem party in Ohio now bleats that Republicans' political gamesmanship is to blame for the Democrats' stupidity!  Sure.'s another prediction: Republican legislators in Ohio will cave, because they'd rather change state law, as the Democrat party demands, rather than stand up for "Here's the law.  Deal with it."

The Republican party has long been called the Stupid Party, because they always surrender to Democrat demands on everything.  Oh, state law says you must do X?  If the Dems don't like it, fake Republicans like DeWine will browbeat Republican legislators to get them to change the law.  And the legislators will do as ordered.

Now: Since the fix is in, and the outcome of this is absolutely certain, why bother discussing it, eh?

Because this is the heart and core of the problem with this country: the Democrats know they run the courts, so laws don't apply to them, only to Republicans and conservatives.  Take ANY current event in which Democrat "activists" got away with something, and imagine if the parties were reversed.  

Imagine how fast the riots in, say, Portland in 2020 would have been stopped if it was conservatives rioting against Democrat policies.

If conservatives set up tent camps on college campuses and blocked students from going to classes, imagine how fast the cops would have been called in, and everyone arrested.

Imagine if conservatives blocked traffic on the Golden Gate bridge for five hours.  They'd all be in jail and facing long sentences.

But when Democrats or their supporters break laws, no one is punished.  Instead the head of the Ohio Democrat party blames *Republicans* for her party's stupidity--and NBC totally slobbers over that.

Two sets of laws, citizen.  That should scare you.  And what should scare you more is that only one American in 10,000 seems to be at all concerned that because of the Democrats, our country has had two sets of laws for about 30 years now.

Source: NBC Newz (an arm of the Dem party)

May 23, 2024

Govt agency forecasts worst hurricane season evah

NOAA forecasts record hurricane season.  It'll be interesting to see how accurate this turns out to be.  It's based on reports that ocean temperatures in the mid-Atlantic are unusually high for this time of year.

Government schools in Seattle are now offering...'gender-affirming' puberty blockers to *children*

First the communists who run school boards got their schools to push the wonders of gay sex, then trannyism.  Then a year or two later it was "We can push your kid to 'transition' and keep it a secret from you."

Next it was "We'll put boys claiming to be girls in girls' locker rooms, and we'll have the FBI arrest you as a terrorist if you complain."

So who had bets on when schools in Dem-ruled cities would be offering puberty blockers to students?  You win.

In the Democrat-ruled cesspool of Seattle, liberal school boards have turned the traditional job of "school nurse" over to liberal-run "healthcare organizations" that operate inside the public schools.  And emails from the manager of one of those "clinics" says they can now offer "gender-affirming hormone treatment" to children.

Emails obtained by The Daily Wire show that a "healthcare organization" with the warm, fuzzy name Neighborcare Health, that runs clinics in middle and elementary schools in the Seattle Public Schools, announced that it was now offering "hormone treatments" to students as part of "gender-affirming care."

The corporate clinic called this "an exciting new update to our school-based health center *services"*  This was offered over a year ago (January 2023) but is just now coming to light.

I suspect most normal Americans would consider this a huge paradigm shift--yet in the era of biden/harris/mayorkas/garland/buttigeig, not a word of this made it into the news at the time.  We're just now finding out about it 17 months after it was (quietly) announced.

The emails were obtained by an organization called Parents Defending Education, through a public records request.

In other news, biden attorney-general Merrick Garland, head of the "department of Justice", said his agency would be charging Parents Defending Education with violating the civil rights of school board members by making the contents of the emails public.

The parents' organization countered that the emails were public records.  Garland replied with a smirk, saying "So what?  We can charge anyone with anything, and your legal fees will bankrupt you."

Now for the big question:  How long before the Democrats who run the department of "Education" will demand that every school in every state must do the same thing in order to receive federal funds?

Source: Ace of Spades

"U.S. Election 'Assistance' Commission" allows voters to register by MAIL with no documentary proof of citizenship

The Associated Press (AP) is a totally leftist, Democrat-fellating outfit.  Originally they were simply a "wire service" that made money by aggregating "newz" from members and putting it on-line for client newspapers.  But gradually (like all organizations) they've come to totally support Democrats and trash conservatives.

One of the ways they do this is by having their in-house propagandists write "op-eds" pushing Democrat/Left policies and screaming that conservative policies--like those requiring proof of citizenship to vote--are "voter suppression." of the MANY ways the Democrats get fraudulent ballots counted is to let non-citizens (whether legal or illegal) vote.  One of the ways they do that was put in place a decade ago, with a Democrat-passed law called "Motor voter."  Under that law everyone applying for a driver's license is automatically registered to vote...UNLESS the person affirmatively checks a box saying "I decline to be registered because I'm not a citizen."

But unless a non-citizen knew that box existed, and that non-citizens must check it to avoid being registered (illegally), they're automatically registered to vote.

So...Republicans in the House have introduced a bill that would require everyone registering to vote to show proof of citizenship.   It's called the Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, and Democrats oppose it.

So the Associated Press wants Americans to oppose it, so Dems who vote against it won't be harmed.  Like the Democrat party, the AP wants illegals to vote, since they vote Democrat.

Accordingly, the AP recently ran a hit-piece on the bill, claiming it was "voter suppression."  The piece acknowledged that foreign nationals have been caught illegally registering and even casting ballots, but claim it's rare enough not to be worth passing a law to stop it.

“Voting by people who are not U.S. citizens already is illegal in federal elections and there is no indication it’s happening anywhere in significant numbers,” bleated author Ali Swenson.  But how would anyone know?

See, once a ballot is accepted as legitimate, it's totally anonymous, so there's no way to know if it was cast by an eligible citizen.

AP propagandist Swenson bleats that illegals voting isn't a big deal--because “states have mechanisms to catch illegal voting."  That's horseshit, as she surely knows.  Again, for the dim-witted: once a ballot has been accepted as legitimate, it's impossible to know who cast it, so it's impossible to distinguish valid ballots from fraudulent ones.  Once it's in the ballot box it cannot be identifed as having been cast by a non-citizen.

Everyone needs to be totally clear on that point.

So states have repeatedly passed laws requiring that everyone registering to vote must present proof of citizenship.  But every time, the federal government's department of "justice" sues, claiming "voter suppression."

And in every case, liberal judges have agreed.

Also, the Constitution says elections shall be run by the individual states, not the feds.  But little by little the Democrats who control the senate and have effective control of the House have chipped away at that.  One result to make massive election fraud even easier than it already is, is that the Democrats pushed through a "U.S. Election Assistance Commission" which allows people to register to vote by mail, without ever appearing in person!  

No proof of citizenship is required.  Moreover, while the person must sign the registration form, no one will have verified this signature to compare it to a sig on a mail-in ballot if the newly-registered voter votes by mail (so obv. impossible to find fraud that way).

Think this absurd loophole is an accident?

Oh, y'say registering by mail, with no proof of citizenship, is too crazy to be real?  Here's the damn webpage of the "U.S. Election Assistance Commission."  See for yourself.

All you have to do to register is check a box claiming you're a U.S. citizen.  Again, NO proof of citizenship needed.  Yes, you have to put in the last four digits of "your" SS number, but you can bet no SecState in a Dem-ruled state will cross-check the name against a list of SS numbers...cuz "voter suppression," eh?

If current registration procedures prevent non-citizens from voting, why are Democrats so opposed to an additional “mechanism” to prevent foreign nationals from registering to vote?  The answer is obvious: the current laughably sloppy system has allowed a million or so non-citizens to be registered to vote.  And which party benefits from that?

The AP's Swenson says “Democrats fear adding more ID requirements could disenfranchise eligible voters who don’t have their birth certificates or Social Security cards on hand.” But she also parrots a claim by a left-wing propagandist that people who register to vote must provide some form of ID, such as a “Social Security number, driver’s license or state ID.”  But the website of the "election assistance commission" shows that you only need the last four digits of "your" SS number.

If eligible voters already have documentary proof of their citizenship from when they obtained any of the various forms of ID, how would requiring it to register to vote be “voter suppression,” eh?

The real reason leftists oppose the SAVE Act — and election integrity reforms like it — is that Democrats and their ballot-trafficking operations benefit from weak election security.

When Georgia Republicans enacted an election integrity measure in 2022, Democrats — including President Joe Biden — likened it to “Jim Crow 2.0.” The left claimed the law requiring voter ID to vote absentee was racist, suggesting black votes would be "suppressed" because blacks wouldn’t be able to obtain IDs.

That doesn't seem to have happened, as the state saw record-breaking turnout in the 2022 primary.

But Democrats had to make a fuss about the legislation because strong election integrity laws make it harder to cheat. Source.

May 22, 2024

Former Democrat DA for Baltimore (Marilyn Mosby) begs biden for pardon before sentencing for federal conviction

Marilyn Mosby is a black woman who was "state’s attorney" in Baltimore, Maryland.  That a position equivalent to District Attorney in other states.

A few months ago ol' Marilyn was convicted of perjury and mortgage fraud.   Both are jail offenses: prosecutors are asking that she be sentenced to a minimum of 20 months in prison.  So now, after being convicted, she's begging biden to pardon her so she doesn't have to spend a day in prison.

As you probably guessed, Mosby claims she is the victim of political persecution, and raaacism.  Of course, sparky.

Mosby’s begging biden for a pardon has the complete support of the congressional black caucus.  Mosby has tried to make the case herself in the court of public opinion.  Naturally MSNBC supported her:

“I know that I have done absolutely nothing wrong, nothing criminal, nothing to be separated from my children for 40 years as a result of withdrawing $90,000 of my own money.”

Mosby blamed Trump's Justice Department for her predicament and for “malicious prosecution.” 

Last year she was convicted on two counts of perjury related to her assertion of financial hardship during the pandemic.

She was also convicted on one count of mortgage fraud related to false statements made on loan applications that facilitated her purchase of a pair of vacation properties in Florida.

Federal prosecutors asked that she serve at least 20 months in prison, but Mosby has requested that she receive NO jail time, but probation only.

I don't know Moseby, but I can still predict what will happen: A Democrat judge will sentence her to a year in prison, but after just three months she'll be mysteriously released...cuz she checks two of the boxes for "specially-protected pyrsyns:"  Black and female.

Anyone wanna take the bet?

Let me explain one more time: Thanks to the Democrats there are two sets of laws in this country: a harsh, unforgiving one for ordinary people--hard-working, law-abiding, not connected; and a fawning, fellating, warm fuzzy one for Democrats.

Two vastly different sets of laws brazenly violates one of the core principles of the Founders, and if not stopped, will eventually destroy the country.

Here's a guide for reporters wanting airtime by cross-examining Dem politicians:
1.  Did you go to a good highschool?  Good college?  [The answer will be yes.]

2.  While you were in either highschool or college did you ever hear that one of the most basic principles put forth by our founders was "All men are equal under the law," or "No man is above the law"?  [Yes.]

3.  Does the criminal system in the U.S. today  treat everyone equally?   

Hmmm...think any "journalists" would ever ask these questions?

Hahahahahahahahahahaha!  No.  Cuz it exposes all the Democrat lies.


Big: Ohio law says parties must certify nominee 90 days before election. Dems just smirk

Elections in virtually every state are handled by the Secretary of State, who is presumably charged with obeying state law.

Now here's a twist that will show you a LOT about how far our nation has fallen:  Ohio has long had a law stating that if a political party wants its candidate to appear on the ballot, it must "certify" that such candidate is their nominee no later than 90 days before Election Day.

Despite this law being old and well known, this year the Democrat Party scheduled its national convention for Aug. 19--which is just 75 days before the election.  Thus there's no way the party can "certify" biden before then.

For weeks now Ohio's Republican secretary of state has repeatedly warned Democrats that per the long-known state law, biden can only appear on the ballot in Ohio if the Democrat party complies with state law.  Ohio Democrats have previously insisted that Ohio accept a "provisional certification" for Biden's candidacy, but the SecState says state law doesn't recognize that.

The speaker of the Ohio House says the legislature won’t change the law to accommodate the Democrat party's inexplicable late scheduling of their convention, so the SecState has sent a letter to the chair of the state's Democrat party seeking a solution.

His Democratic counterpart, Ohio House minority leader Allison Russo, whined that the problem was that "hyper-partisan" legislators refused to change the law to help the Dem party.

"We’ve seen the dysfunction here in this place," she said. "Folks have not been able to put aside partisanship and hyper-partisanship and infighting.  I think you’re probably going to see either, you know, some sort of inner party effects or perhaps court action."  In other words, Republicans in the legislature are to blame for refusing to allow the law to be changed to accommodate the Democrat party.

Wow, Allison, what do you mean by "inner party effects," eh?  "Court action" is predictable: a corrupt judge will say "Hey, it don' mattah whut duh law say, cuz judges kin ignore any law we don' like."  And that would work.  Problem is, that's gonna make the "two sets of laws" claim look really obvious--which hurts the Dems.

Another factor is Ohio's RINO governor, Mike DeWine.  Although he's a nominal Republican, the RINO assured voters that Biden would be on the ballot come November, arguing that if the legislature doesn't act, then it's "going to be done by the court."

My guess is that the RINO governor will issue an Executive Order or "Emergency Order" to force the Secretary of State to put biden's name on the ballot in violation of the state's law.  After all, before the 2020 election numerous state election boards changed their rules for mail-in ballots even though they didn't have the authority to do that without legislative approval, so this would be just like those illegal changes.

One thing's sure:  regardless of whether the Dems end up nominating biden or Cackles or Newsome or Gretchen Whitmer, whoever the Dems nominate will be on the ballot, regardless of state law.  The state's Republicans will file a lawsuit, but even if (by some miracle) a lower court finds for the GOP, the Dems will appeal to a federal court claiming "voter suppression" and asking for an emergency order to force the state to put the Democrat nominee on the ballot, and to delay the GOP lawsuit from being heard before the election--after which it wouldn't matter.

If you think this is outlandish, think again:  something very much like this has happened before.  New Jersey had a law saying a party couldn't replace a candidate less than 60 days before an election.  A Democrat U.S. senator had retired, and 30 days before the election the Dem nominee died.  Despite the clear wording of the law, the corrupt NJ supreme court said the law could be ignored.  The Democrats were allowed to put the retired senator on the ballot, and he won.  So much for laws, eh?

SO...I write this to do two things:  First, to show readers for the thousandth time that we are no longer a nation in which all are equal under the law; that instead we have two sets of laws--a harsh one for conservatives and an absurdly slobbering, fawning set for Democrats.

Second: To show you that because the Democrats totally control the Media and the courts, they're now so sure about their ability to ignore laws they don't like, and to spin "newz" to mold public opinion to support whatever the Democrat party wants, that they're now willing to be totally open about the fact that can ignore any law they wish, with impunity--as they did scores of times before the 2020 election.
