May 25, 2024

Gavin Newsom and the "tiny home" scam

If you don't think the "homeless crisis" is a moneygrifting racket, read on.

Over a year ago the oily, lying, corrupt Dem governor of California majestically spoke before a crowd of adoring "newz-pyrsyns" in Sacramento, promising to send 1,200 "tiny homes" to cities, to allow people in tents or "mass" homeless shelters to live in privacy.

Last October the state awarded contracts to six companies to build the things.  But for some reason, seven months later not one of the "tiny homes" has been delivered.

If you're looking for a reason, good luck.  In Cali all communications with the governor's office are exempt from the California Public Records Act. 

Is that cunning or what?

The contracts, awarded last October, don't specify how many tiny homes or even which models the state will buy from each vendor, nor how much the state will pay.  Even the vendors themselves don’t know.

“It's not clear to us which product is to go to which city or when,” said the CEO of one of the companies. “At this point we are simply on standby, ready to deliver if we get called upon.”

Sounds to me like a total "illusory contract."  (For young Americans "illusory contracts" are unenforceable from the outset.)

If we can't get any info from Newsom's regime or from the six companies, maybe the corrupt Democrats running San Jose can help.  According to the mayor of that city, Newsom gave his city $13.3 million to buy tiny homes from any of the six builders.  But according to the mayor buying "tiny homes" for 200 people will cost $22.7 million.

For the math-challenged that's $113,500 apiece.

Now take a look at the photo below.  These things are maybe 8 feet by ten feet.  When equipped with a window air-conditioner, lights, plumbing and a bed you're looking at maybe $20,000, tops.

Yet according to the Dem mayor of San Jose, they're gonna cost $113,500 each.

But don't worry, citizen: Not a dime of this graft is going to the oily Newsom.  Instead the vast profits will be split between corrupt Cali legislators and a "non-profit" run by Newsom's wife.  And he'll get even more money for more graft from the biden regime, which will get it from hardworking taxpayers in flyover country.

One of the companies says their 70-square-foot basic cabin with no plumbing sells for  $18,900. A 120-square-foot unit (10 by 12) with a bathroom is $48,500.  Yet according to the corrupt mayor of San Jose, the cost per unit is $113,500. 

Ya have to wonder: when the state awarded contracts to the six companies, did those contracts specify the cost per unit, or did they leave that blank?

You'd think some "newz" channel might wanna know, eh?  But oopsie!  Since that contract came thru the governor's office, what do ya bet they won't allow those contracts to be inspected?  And of course no "newz" outfit will ever say a critical word...cuz dey luuuvv Gavin!  He a guud Democrat!



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