Update on Democrat party failing to meet Ohio deadline to certify prez candidate
Update on the problem the Democrats have with scheduling their convention too late to allow them to comply with Ohio law saying if a party wants its candidate on the ballot it must certify that candidate as their nominee 90 days before the election:
See, the Dems deliberately scheduled their convention too late to meet that long-known deadline.
Why dey doo dat, eh?
Because they KNEW they could break that law and still get Porridgebrain's name on Ohio's ballot.
They knew that even though Ohio has a majority-Republican legislature, and a fake Republican governor (RINO).
That's how totally the Democrats control the "two sets of laws" in this country now. So they KNEW they could get Porridgebrain on the ballot despite not complying with valid Ohio law.
If you're a young American or a Democrat of any age, you don't understand the implications of what you just read.
One of the paradigm-changing principles embedded by the Founders of this nation was "All people are equal under the law." This was also phrased as "We are a nation of laws, not of men," to distinguish us from kingdoms, where the law was whatever the ruler said it was on any given day.
The Democrats have ended that: Now we have TWO sets of laws: a forgiving one for connected, powerful people, and a second, harsh one for everyone else.
To Democrats the situation in Ohio is trivial--not even worth even
noticing, like a day ending in Y. But in places like Los Angeles, where the District Attorney--a communist Cuban transplant named George Gascon--routinely dismisses charges against murderers and rapists, or plea-bargains murder down to "felon in possession of a firearm" with a slap on the wrist, more people on the fringes of society will stop obeying laws, realizing they can get the same deal.
Democrats don't realize that as more people start to see that we now have two sets of laws, you end up with a lawless society.
SO...the Democrat party has said it will "comply" with the law by certifying biden as the party's nominee "remotely," BEFORE the convention even takes place. After all, he's won the primaries, so it's quite reasonable, eh?
Think the Democrat-ruled courts will do about that? Of course not. "Dat fine."
But just for fun, imagine that the Dems do what polls say half their party members want and replace biden with a much younger, cooler, slicker, oilier candidate, like Newsom. Love to see what sort of knots they'd tie themselves into to get Ohio to DELETE biden from the ballot and replace him with the real nominee, eh? "Ohh, yew gots ta put ouah real nominee on duh ballot! Cuz when we sed biden wuz ouah nominee befo', we wuz jus' kiddin'."
"And besides, it jus' wudn' be FAIR to keep ouah REAL nominee off duh ballot, right?"
Democrats: "Don't be ridiculous! Dat not possible! We wud nevah replace biden! Well, unless we do."
Here's one more thought experiment for young Americans: Suppose the parties were all reversed, and the Republicans scheduled their convention too late to comply with Ohio law. How do ya think the Mainstream Media would treat the story if the Republicans demanded that the governor call a special session of the legislature to change state law to allow the Republicans to get away with violating the existing law?
How would the Media react to the Republicans saying they could comply by certifying Trump "remotely," before the convention had even occurred?
Even stupid people already know the answer. Q.E.D, citizen: Two sets of laws.
Most of you totally deserve what the Democrats have unleashed (see Juan Merchan, or biden open borders, or weaponization of law enforcement). Barring a miracle our country is fatally wounded. Because it's a big country it won't die right away, but the fatal injury has already been inflicted. Thanks, Democrats.
And thanks to the Media there aren't enough conservatives in this country to fix this. The Media and the "entertainment industry" have totally supported the Democrat party for 60 years or more, and have succeeded in demonizing conservatives. So there aren't enough of us to fix it. And no Democrat politician is willing to admit there are two sets of laws, or the fatal end two sets of laws makes inevitable.
And if you watch MSNBC or CNN or the alphabet nets you'll see endless numbers of talking heads positively gloating about their control, and denying that Hunty biden was collecting bribes for joe. Denying that biden's DOJ allowed the statute of limitations to expire on Hunty's millions of dollars in unpaid income taxes on his tens of millions of bribes. Democrats positively gloat about that.
Thanks again, Democrats.
I don't have kids. Lots of Democrats don't, but lots do. And while I really sympathize about the fact that your innocent kids will reap the pain you made inevitable, I'm absolutely delighted that most of their parents will live to realize it.
If you still have no idea, consider the shithole of Haiti: It's been a shithole for decades, but at least people could live without too many being killed. Then suddenly about two months ago the gangs took over. The courts hadn't prosecuted gangs for years, and when the country's leaders either were killed or fled with their loot, no one paid the cops, so they vanished. And poof! Mass murder.
Democrats: "Don't be stupid, that could nevah happen here! Yew jus' a right-wing conspiracy theorist!"
Me: "Does Haiti exist?"
Democrats: "Uhh...yeah."
Me: "Are the gangs now murdering anyone they don't like?"
Democrats: "Uhh...how would we know? MSNBC and CNN and ABC haven't said anything about it, so..."
Me: "Ahh, well, there ya go then! If duh Mainstream Media doesn't spoon-feed it to ya, didn't happen, eh?"
Democrats: "Nonsense! You can't talk down to me like that! I went to [fill in name of elite university]"
Me: "Ahh, well...I just did, cuz you're one of the dumbest sons of bitches I've ever seen. You think that because you haven't heard about X, it must not be true. See any logic problem there, sparky?"
Dem: "Whut?"
Me: "If Haiti could go from poor-but-livable to mass murder in two months, what magic do you invoke to say that's not possible here once people realize the law no longer constrains them?"
Dem: "Uhh...dat ridiculous! Gang violence beez very rare here! Ain't been no daytime smash-an-grab robberies in L.A. in over a week now! Crime beez DOWN!"
Me: "You do realize that in California people have stopped reporting routine thefts and break-ins because the cops take no action, since the Democrat-ruled legislature approved a LAW allowing people to steal up to $950 worth of merch without being charged with a felony, right?"
Dem: "Don't be ridiculous! No state would do something like that!"
Me: "See 'Proposition 47' which passed in 2014. You don't know enough to be worth any more of my time. Bye."
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