May 24, 2024

RINO governor of Ohio calls special session to *change state law* to put Biden on the ballot

I love to make predictions on seemingly impossible events and then be proven right the very next day.

In this case:  Ohio has a LAW saying that for a political party to get its candidate on the state ballot, it must "certify" its candidate to the state not less than 90 days before the election.

But despite this law being passed decades ago, the people who run the Democrat party scheduled their convention too late to meet that deadline.  But no problem!  Democrats don't obey laws they don't like, so it was easy to predict that they'd find a way to wave a magic wand and make that law suddenly not apply to THEM.

The question was, how would the fixers get away with demanding that the state's law be waived, so as not to apply to them?

The head of the state legislature said they wouldn't change the law--whereupon the Democrat minority leader blamed "hyper-partisanship" (i.e. Republicans) and threatened court action if the Repubs didn't do as the Democrat party demanded.

RINO governor Mike DeWine--a fake Republican--predicted that if the legislature didn't cave, the courts would probably force the state to waive its law.  I found that unlikely.

Instead I predicted that if the Repubs didn't cave, DeWine would issue an "emergency decree" or an executive order to waive the law to put biden on the ballot.  And sure enough, today DeWine said his "patience has run out with his fellow Republicans," and called a "special session" of the legislature, to start next Tuesday.  

The lying shitheads at NBC--not wanting to make people think the leaders of the Democrat party were stupid--described the unusual "special session" called by the RINO DeWine as "having the goal of fixing a timing issue between state election law and this year’s Democratic convention."  

Wow, "fixing a timing issue," eh?  Not a word about the particulars of the state law passed decades ago, or why the Dems so casually ignored it, AND were so totally sure they could get biden on the ballot despite not complying with that law.

In announcing the special session DeWine--posing as a Republican--said “Ohio is running out of time to get Joe Biden on the ballot this fall.  Failing to do so is simply not acceptable. This is a ridiculous, absurd situation.”

Note well, conservatives: your governor, who claims to be a Republican, says it's HIS job, and the legislature's, to get biden on the ballot.  No.  The Democrat party knew the law, but didn't care, because they knew they could ignore it with impunity.  That should tell you all you need to know about their party.

FINALLY, in the 14th paragraph, NBC gives a half-assed explanation of the REAL problem: 

The late date of this year's Democratic convention comes after Ohio's statutory deadline to certify presidential candidates for its November ballot. In the past, such issues have been handled with quick legislative fixes, but a number of Republican legislators have balked this year.

Note how NBC uses the passive voice about the late convention: it "comes after" Ohio's statutory deadline, as if it were a celestial event instead of a deliberate choice by corrupt, lawless sons of whores.  
Then note how deftly NBC blames the problem on Republicans: "In the past such issues have been handled with quick legislative fixes, but a number of Republican legislators have balked this year.

NBC quickly quotes the chair of the state Democrat party to again blame Republicans for the problem: 

Ohio Democratic Party chair Elizabeth Walters blasted "corrupt GOP politicians" for causing this problem.  
    "Republican politicians who hold supermajorities in both chambers must put politics aside and pass a clean bill to put Joe Biden on the ballot," she said. "Despite Republicans’ political gamesmanship, we’re confident Joe Biden will be on the Ohio ballot.”

That's a brazen, breathtaking inversion of the truth.  The Democrat National Committee deliberately scheduled the party's convention too late to comply with the well-known Ohio law, but the head of the Dem party in Ohio now bleats that Republicans' political gamesmanship is to blame for the Democrats' stupidity!  Sure.'s another prediction: Republican legislators in Ohio will cave, because they'd rather change state law, as the Democrat party demands, rather than stand up for "Here's the law.  Deal with it."

The Republican party has long been called the Stupid Party, because they always surrender to Democrat demands on everything.  Oh, state law says you must do X?  If the Dems don't like it, fake Republicans like DeWine will browbeat Republican legislators to get them to change the law.  And the legislators will do as ordered.

Now: Since the fix is in, and the outcome of this is absolutely certain, why bother discussing it, eh?

Because this is the heart and core of the problem with this country: the Democrats know they run the courts, so laws don't apply to them, only to Republicans and conservatives.  Take ANY current event in which Democrat "activists" got away with something, and imagine if the parties were reversed.  

Imagine how fast the riots in, say, Portland in 2020 would have been stopped if it was conservatives rioting against Democrat policies.

If conservatives set up tent camps on college campuses and blocked students from going to classes, imagine how fast the cops would have been called in, and everyone arrested.

Imagine if conservatives blocked traffic on the Golden Gate bridge for five hours.  They'd all be in jail and facing long sentences.

But when Democrats or their supporters break laws, no one is punished.  Instead the head of the Ohio Democrat party blames *Republicans* for her party's stupidity--and NBC totally slobbers over that.

Two sets of laws, citizen.  That should scare you.  And what should scare you more is that only one American in 10,000 seems to be at all concerned that because of the Democrats, our country has had two sets of laws for about 30 years now.

Source: NBC Newz (an arm of the Dem party)


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