"U.S. Election 'Assistance' Commission" allows voters to register by MAIL with no documentary proof of citizenship
The Associated Press (AP) is a totally leftist, Democrat-fellating outfit. Originally they were simply a "wire service" that made money by aggregating "newz" from members and putting it on-line for client newspapers. But gradually (like all organizations) they've come to totally support Democrats and trash conservatives.
One of the ways they do this is by having their in-house propagandists write "op-eds" pushing Democrat/Left policies and screaming that conservative policies--like those requiring proof of citizenship to vote--are "voter suppression."
So..one of the MANY ways the Democrats get fraudulent ballots counted is to let non-citizens (whether legal or illegal) vote. One of the ways they do that was put in place a decade ago, with a Democrat-passed law called "Motor voter." Under that law everyone applying for a driver's license is automatically registered to vote...UNLESS the person affirmatively checks a box saying "I decline to be registered because I'm not a citizen."
But unless a non-citizen knew that box existed, and that non-citizens must check it to avoid being registered (illegally), they're automatically registered to vote.
So...Republicans in the House have introduced a bill that would require everyone registering to vote to show proof of citizenship. It's called the Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, and Democrats oppose it.
So the Associated Press wants Americans to oppose it, so Dems who vote against it won't be harmed. Like the Democrat party, the AP wants illegals to vote, since they vote Democrat.
Accordingly, the AP recently ran a hit-piece on the bill, claiming it was "voter suppression." The piece acknowledged that foreign nationals have been caught illegally registering and even casting ballots, but claim it's rare enough not to be worth passing a law to stop it.
“Voting by people who are not U.S. citizens already is illegal in federal elections and there is no indication it’s happening anywhere in significant numbers,” bleated author Ali Swenson. But how would anyone know?
See, once a ballot is accepted as legitimate, it's totally anonymous, so there's no way to know if it was cast by an eligible citizen.
AP propagandist Swenson bleats that illegals voting isn't a big deal--because “states have mechanisms to catch illegal voting." That's horseshit, as she surely knows. Again, for the dim-witted: once a ballot has been accepted as legitimate, it's impossible to know who cast it, so it's impossible to distinguish valid ballots from fraudulent ones. Once it's in the ballot box it cannot be identifed as having been cast by a non-citizen.
Everyone needs to be totally clear on that point.
So states have repeatedly passed laws requiring that everyone registering to vote must present proof of citizenship. But every time, the federal government's department of "justice" sues, claiming "voter suppression."
And in every case, liberal judges have agreed.
Also, the Constitution says elections shall be run by the individual states, not the feds. But little by little the Democrats who control the senate and have effective control of the House have chipped away at that. One result to make massive election fraud even easier than it already is, is that the Democrats pushed through a "U.S. Election Assistance Commission" which allows people to register to vote by mail, without ever appearing in person!
No proof of citizenship is required. Moreover, while the person must sign the registration form, no one will have verified this signature to compare it to a sig on a mail-in ballot if the newly-registered voter votes by mail (so obv. impossible to find fraud that way).
Think this absurd loophole is an accident?
Oh, y'say registering by mail, with no proof of citizenship, is too crazy to be real? Here's the damn webpage of the "U.S. Election Assistance Commission." See for yourself.
All you have to do to register is check a box claiming you're a U.S. citizen. Again, NO proof of citizenship needed. Yes, you have to put in the last four digits of "your" SS number, but you can bet no SecState in a Dem-ruled state will cross-check the name against a list of SS numbers...cuz "voter suppression," eh?
If current registration procedures prevent non-citizens from voting, why are Democrats so opposed to an additional “mechanism” to prevent foreign nationals from registering to vote? The answer is obvious: the current laughably sloppy system has allowed a million or so non-citizens to be registered to vote. And which party benefits from that?
The AP's Swenson says “Democrats fear adding more ID requirements could disenfranchise eligible voters who don’t have their birth certificates or Social Security cards on hand.” But she also parrots a claim by a left-wing propagandist that people who register to vote must provide some form of ID, such as a “Social Security number, driver’s license or state ID.” But the website of the "election assistance commission" shows that you only need the last four digits of "your" SS number.
If eligible voters already have documentary proof of their citizenship from when they obtained any of the various forms of ID, how would requiring it to register to vote be “voter suppression,” eh?
The real reason leftists oppose the SAVE Act — and election integrity reforms like it — is that Democrats and their ballot-trafficking operations benefit from weak election security.
When Georgia Republicans enacted an election integrity measure in 2022, Democrats — including President Joe Biden — likened it to “Jim Crow 2.0.” The left claimed the law requiring voter ID to vote absentee was racist, suggesting black votes would be "suppressed" because blacks wouldn’t be able to obtain IDs.
That doesn't seem to have happened, as the state saw record-breaking turnout in the 2022 primary.
But Democrats had to make a fuss about the legislation because strong election integrity laws make it harder to cheat. Source.
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