May 27, 2024

Leftist female park superintendent of an Alaskan national park orders building crew in to stop flying American flags

Most construction guys love this country, and it's common to see American flags on building sites.  So it was totally normal to that a construction crew building a long bridge in Alaska’s Denali National Park was flying three normal-size (3 x 5) American flags.

...Until recently, when the park's leftist female "superintendent" told the crew they could no longer fly the three American flags from their trucks or equipment.

According to the contractor, park superintendent Brooke Merrell contacted the federal official ruling the project, claiming there had been complaints about the U.S. flags, and telling him the crew must remove the flags, bleating that the flags "detract from the 'park experience.' ”

“I wouldn't have believed it was possible," the contractor continued.  "She orders us not to fly the American flag in a national park.  I'll bet you a thousand dollars there's NO rule against contractors working in a national park flying the American flag.  But as a leftist she was delighted to order the federal official to order us to remove the flags."

And of course the federal highway guy didn't have the balls to tell her to go pound sand, cuz under the Vegetable's regime that would have ended his career.

The paper that reported this noted that U.S. flags were flown at every ranger station and tourist center in the park, so apparently the leftist superintendent's claim that "The U.S. flag 'detracts from the park experience" is just a bullshit excuse.

Unbelievable, but in biden's America it's all too real.  Thanks, Democrats.



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