Three years before covid, your government knew ivermectin cured one of the most aggressive cancers
"Glioblastoma" is an aggressive type of brain cancer. Can't be removed by surgery, almost always fatal.
Suppose I showed you proof that the federal government knew ivermectin cured glioblastomas--again, one of the most aggressive forms of brain cancer--quickly and inexpensively, without surgery (which is essentially impossible with this type of brain cancer).
Suppose I showed you proof--on a genuine government website--that this was known over three years before the Chyna virus appeared.
How many of you would believe it?
biden supporters: "Not ME! Dat not possible! You LIE! Only stoopid pipo would believe dis! Much bettah you take duh safe, effective vaccine, like ouah wunnerful preznit ordered! He say duh covid wuz 'a pandemic of the unvaccinated,' an' he wud nevah lie! Oh, an' take duh boosters too. All of 'em. An' duh vaxxes fo' duh variants! Yep yep yep! An' make sure yew get yo' kidz jabbed too!"
Ah, exactly as I expected. So here ya go, clueless ones--right off a government website:
Democrat: "Wait...what the hell is ''? I nevah heard of dis agency! Yew jus' made that up!"
Yeah, knew you'd bleat that. "OSTI" is the "Office of Scientific and Technical Information," and the reason you have never heard of it is that it's an agency of...wait for it...the Department of Energy. That's why this 2016 research paper hasn't gotten any publicity: it's under the damn Department of Energy! When you do a search for "ivermectin" or "covid" you get about 100 million hits, and no one would think to click on this one, cuz why the hell would a research paper on covid be on a DOE website, eh?
I've been combing the Net for papers on ivermectin since January of 2020 and just now found this.
For those who still think it's fake, here's the link.
NOW: Even though this was known in November of 2016, and that ivermectin had been approved for human use by your own FDA 40 damn years ago, the utterly corrupt Deep State--allied with Big Pharma--STILL ordered that no American be allowed to take it...and threatened to yank the license of any doctor who prescribed it, and any pharmacist who filled a legitimate prescription.
How much more will it take for you to realize the biden regime--and before the Dems stole the 2020 election, the Deep State--conned you? Needlessly killed Americans of all ages.
And the hoot is, half the country will vote Democrat again this November! You people are almost funny, because you absolutely refuse to learn.
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