May 29, 2024

Pics from biden's "rally" today at a black college in Philly. Media staging makes it look packed.

Today the Vegetable-in-chief gave a speech at Girard College in Philadelphia.  A student lackey was handed a written introduction which she dutifully read as "Welcome to 'Black voters for Harris-Biden.'" 

Seriously, "Harris-Biden."  That's what the student lackey read from the written intro given to her.

But no big deal, cuz *look at dat HUGE crowd behind the vegetable.*  HUGE!  The proof is right there in the photos used by the Democrat-fellating liberal newz media.  Duh Dems' faaabulous preznit is SO totally popular!  He's like a rock-star!  Take a look!

Wait...what?  Y'say only 39 hand-picked students were present?  But...but...but the gym was *absolutely packed!*  Huge crowd!  Take a look again! don't think...  Let's take a look at some other pics--like the one above.  Note that the "crowd of excited spectators" consisted of the 40-some blacks (39 students hand a handful of faculty) carefully staged behind the vegetable, and Lying Media.  The back half of the gym was totally empty.

See the digits 1 thru 6 in the top pic?  That counts the flag-like decorations from the blue biden sign.  Now look at the shot from the back of the gym.  Notice that in this shot you can see there are actually 14 numbered flag-like decorations.  And now you can see that the fence at the back of the crowd is at roughly mid-court.  So..."wildly popular preznit" can't even find enough black students at a black college to fill a basketball court.  But in the shots carefully cropped by the Lying Media it sho' look diff'rent, eh?  

Here's another look: The structure just left of the center is the one of the two "scissor jacks" you can see in the pic below the one of biden.  This gives you another angle showing the empty half of the gym.  You can also see that they've brought in raised bleacher steps for the media.

Now, it's totally understandable that the Lying Mainstream Media want to make Porridgebrain look wildly popular.  But they're lying:  If he can only fill half a basketball court at a black college, for a rally titled "Blacks for Harris-Biden," he's totally NOT popular. 

In the former Soviet Union the media was entirely run by the State, and did this sort of thing constantly. But you'd think "our" (ha!) media would be better than that.

You'd be wrong.  As many have noted, the Media is the enemy.  They're totally in the tank for Democrats, and have managed to fool at least half of all Americans for decades.

If you only read the Mainstream Media almost everything you think is true is a lie.  Like "biden got 81 million votes--15 million more than Obama."

Oh, you bet.



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