May 26, 2024

New study of 99 MILLION vaxxed people show conclusively that it can kill you. Media yawn

As of November, 2023, there have been over 13.5 BILLION injections of covid "vaccines."  About five BILLION people--over 70 % of all people on the planet--had received at least one dose of a covid "vaccine."

This was all made possible by the corrupt World "Health" Organization bleating that a virus that only killed the very old or those with co-morbidities--almost never healthy people under 60--was a crisis worse than any epidemic in history.

Corrupt governments parroted whatever the W.H.O. wallahs said, and the result was... hundreds of billions of dollars into the pockets of Big Pharma and politicians...and millions of deaths of people who were at no risk at all of dying from covid.

Now: there's an old saying that "The truth will out."  Unfortunately that's not always true, but in this case a few people are starting to realize the extent of this massive coverup.

SO...a group of scientists have just published a study of adverse effects on a staggering 99 million people who'd taken at least one jab, and compared their rate of adverse effects to that of people who never took the jab.  

Very straightforward, simple comparison, eh?

And they found a damning correlation between the jab and serious or fatal side effects.

Now this raises an obvious question: doesn't the U.S. government have two agencies that are charged with doing this sort of research?

Why yes, the CDC and FDA.  And there are hints that both agencies found the same correlation in American vax victims...but have refused to admit even looking for it.

For terminally stupid Democrats: Do y'all really think neither of those agencies would have looked for a link between the "vaccine" and adverse effects, since that's one of their biggest jobs?

In any event...if the "vaccines" injure or kill at a statistically significant rate greater than chance, data for 99 MILLION experimental subjects will find it.

White House shill: "Dis study jus' fake!  Duh pipo who did it aren't really scientists.  In fact they may not even exist!  An' too small a sample to be 'statistically significant!'  Yeah, dat's duh ticket!  
   Jus' like dat disinformation that a province in India with 240 million people went from 10,000 deaths per DAY to almost zero by giving people ivermectin.  Totally fake newz!  Cuz, if that had really happened, Media in India would have reported it.  You couldn't have kept it a secret!
   Wait...y'say India media *did* report that?  In that case it must have been fake newz!
   Wait...y'say our CDC funded that trial of ivermectin?  Nah, dat not possible, citizen!  Dat's as impossible as the claim that Dr. Fauci--"mister Science"--funded 'gain-of-function research' in China.
   Wait...y'say open-source U.S. data show Fauci's agency did give taxpayer-funded grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, via a "cutout" called "EcoHealth Alliance"?  Nah, someone has faked the NIH records!  Wow, dat's a big crime!  Prolly done by pipo workin' fo' Trump.  Yeah, dat's duh ticket!"

How much evidence will it take to convince you stupid people?  Wait, a lot of you are smart enough to grasp the truth...but if you're Democrats you're too damn stubborn to admit it regardless of how much evidence is found.

You can't admit your preznit ORDERED every working American to take the jab or be fired.  And even worse, worked with teachers' unions to force your innocent children--as young as 5--to take the "experimental use only" jab if their parents--you--wanted them to go to school.

The Democrat party is desperately trying to bury this story--the most egregious rape of Americans in history.  Your preznit ordered it, so they want you to forget it ever happened.

Yeah, I know: Trump cleared the way for the vaccine to be developed.  But instead of ordering Americans to take it he suggested "If you're at high risk, take it."  He didn't threaten you with being fired if you didn't.  Didn't force you to make your kids take it.  Healthy young people had almost zero risk of dying from the Chyna virus, but the biden regime conspired with the teachers' unions to allow school boards to force students as young as five to take the jab to be allowed to attend school.

Now: since the past obviously can't be changed, why do I bring this up?  Because the same party that ordered masks and "social distancing" and "vaccine passports" and forced your kids to take the jab to go to school hasn't learned a damn thing from this, and will do it all again. 

Source. (Caution: VERY dense reading!)


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