Big: Ohio law says parties must certify nominee 90 days before election. Dems just smirk
Elections in virtually every state are handled by the Secretary of State, who is presumably charged with obeying state law.
Now here's a twist that will show you a LOT about how far our nation has fallen: Ohio has long had a law stating that if a political party wants its candidate to appear on the ballot, it must "certify" that such candidate is their nominee no later than 90 days before Election Day.
Despite this law being old and well known, this year the Democrat Party scheduled its national convention for Aug. 19--which is just 75 days before the election. Thus there's no way the party can "certify" biden before then.
For weeks now Ohio's Republican secretary of state has repeatedly warned Democrats that per the long-known state law, biden can only appear on the ballot in Ohio if the Democrat party complies with state law. Ohio Democrats have previously insisted that Ohio accept a "provisional certification" for Biden's candidacy, but the SecState says state law doesn't recognize that.
The speaker of the Ohio House says the legislature won’t change the law to accommodate the Democrat party's inexplicable late scheduling of their convention, so the SecState has sent a letter to the chair of the state's Democrat party seeking a solution.
His Democratic counterpart, Ohio House minority leader Allison Russo, whined that the problem was that "hyper-partisan" legislators refused to change the law to help the Dem party.
"We’ve seen the dysfunction here in this place," she said. "Folks have not been able to put aside partisanship and hyper-partisanship and infighting. I think you’re probably going to see either, you know, some sort of inner party effects or perhaps court action." In other words, Republicans in the legislature are to blame for refusing to allow the law to be changed to accommodate the Democrat party.
Wow, Allison, what do you mean by "inner party effects," eh? "Court action" is predictable: a corrupt judge will say "Hey, it don' mattah whut duh law say, cuz judges kin ignore any law we don' like." And that would work. Problem is, that's gonna make the "two sets of laws" claim look really obvious--which hurts the Dems.
Another factor is Ohio's RINO governor, Mike DeWine. Although he's a nominal Republican, the RINO assured voters that Biden would be on the ballot come November, arguing that if the legislature doesn't act, then it's "going to be done by the court."
My guess is that the RINO governor will issue an Executive Order or "Emergency Order" to force the Secretary of State to put biden's name on the ballot in violation of the state's law. After all, before the 2020 election numerous state election boards changed their rules for mail-in ballots even though they didn't have the authority to do that without legislative approval, so this would be just like those illegal changes.
One thing's sure: regardless of whether the Dems end up nominating biden or Cackles or Newsome or Gretchen Whitmer, whoever the Dems nominate will be on the ballot, regardless of state law. The state's Republicans will file a lawsuit, but even if (by some miracle) a lower court finds for the GOP, the Dems will appeal to a federal court claiming "voter suppression" and asking for an emergency order to force the state to put the Democrat nominee on the ballot, and to delay the GOP lawsuit from being heard before the election--after which it wouldn't matter.
If you think this is outlandish, think again: something very much like this has happened before. New Jersey had a law saying a party couldn't replace a candidate less than 60 days before an election. A Democrat U.S. senator had retired, and 30 days before the election the Dem nominee died. Despite the clear wording of the law, the corrupt NJ supreme court said the law could be ignored. The Democrats were allowed to put the retired senator on the ballot, and he won. So much for laws, eh?
SO...I write this to do two things: First, to show readers for the thousandth time that we are no longer a nation in which all are equal under the law; that instead we have two sets of laws--a harsh one for conservatives and an absurdly slobbering, fawning set for Democrats.
Second: To show you that because the Democrats totally control the Media and the courts, they're now so sure about their ability to ignore laws they don't like, and to spin "newz" to mold public opinion to support whatever the Democrat party wants, that they're now willing to be totally open about the fact that can ignore any law they wish, with impunity--as they did scores of times before the 2020 election.
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