Democrat party leaders and their stalwart defenders in the Lying Media have been trying mightily to get Americans to ignore the brazen lawbreaking by Obama's laughably-misnamed Department of "Justice" and its wholly-owned sub-agency, the FBI. Specifically they want to trivialize the huge efforts of those two agencies to destroy the remote chance of Trump winning, by hiring a Brit to fabricate a salacious "dossier" depicting the Republican candidate as perverted.
In other words, the Democrats used the FBI to try to fix the 2016 election to ensure Hilliary won.
To see how absurd the media's efforts to sweep all this under the rug are, imagine how they'd be reacting if the roles were reversed: If a Republican candidate had paid foreign agents to produce a file of unverifiable accusations against the Democrat candidate, and agencies controlled by a sitting Republican president had conned the FISA court into granting a warrant to spy on an
associate of the Democratic nominee’s campaign, the media would be calling it
the most terrible political scandal in the history of the nation.
Every little development would be blared in two-inch headlines at the top of every front page, and would lead every nightly news broadcast, as the newspapers and networks did in the Watergate case that eventually forced Nixon to resign.
But when the Democrat does it? Trivial, citizen. Nothing to get worked up about.
Laws? Well, citizen, the law is...complicated. Probably too complex for you to understand. So when the Republicans tell you that Obama's justice department and FBI applied a different test to avoid charging Hilliary for something that ordinary military troops have been jailed for, you're just not well-educated enough to grasp the nuances.
Some extreme, far-right, tinfoil-hat-wearing Republican congressmen on some trivial committee have claimed that when one of Mueller's top investigators, FBI special agent Peter Strzok, texted FBI attorney Lisa Page,
I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s
office—that there’s no way he gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take
that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die
before you’re 40…
it showed that the FBI was doing something unusual--possibly even trying to sabotage Trump's candidacy.
The text came after a meeting involving Ms. Page, Mr. Strzok and the f'n
Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe.
But is it really evidence of anything shady? Come now, citizen, you're not a conspiracy theorist, are you?
Don't believe the Republican propaganda, citizen. After all, government employees are just like you. You wouldn't deny an honest, hard-working government employee the right to buy insurance, would you? After all, you have insurance, and they need it too. Right?
Besides, our sources in the FBI (which we can't name because we care about national security) tell us that Peter Strzok was actually talking about an upcoming election for the coveted post of Director of Parking Place Assignments. Agent Strzok was concerned that a guy who didn't like him would be elected. So...see?
Also, it should be clear to you that when Republicans criticize our wonderful, honest FBI, they're simply betraying our great nation into the hands of Russia's evil Vladimir Putin--just like we've been telling you Trump did. See?? They're all conspiring to sell your country to Russia.
Russia, Russia, Russia! Keep your eye on Russia, because that's what's important here. Russia is our enemy, right? Of course Russia wasn't
always our enemy: Back when the wonderful Hilliary Clinton--who, by the way, won the popular vote and should be president--was SecState, and signed off on the sale of 20% of U.S. uranium leases to Russia, Russia wasn't our enemy at all. Not a bit. So Hilliary didn't do anything even a tiny bit questionable.
But two years later, when Trump started conspiring with Russia, that's when they became our enemy.
Got it?
If you don't understand how Russia went from friend to enemy in just two years, don't worry: It's very complicated. Probably too complex for ordinary voters to understand. So you'll just have to trust your friends in the Mainstream Media and the Democrat party.
After all, we've never lied to you before.