February 16, 2018

Why do most citizens of socialist countries love nationalized health care?

Why are average citizens in places like Canada and the UK happy with socialized medicine?

Most obviously, they're comforted by the thought that if they get sick, they won't have to pay anything for treatment.  They constantly hear horror stories about the cost of medical care in the US.--pushed by their government-supporting media.

Second, the compromises used by the socialist governments to keep costs down are essentially invisible to the average citizen.  So for just one example, doctors don't tell patients about the procedure or drug that would cure them but that the nationalized system has declared it won't provide.

Third, wealthy people can use their wealth to buy better, private care.  Since they're not locked into the nationized system they have virtually no stake in changing it.

Look how long it took to get even the most basic reforms implemented at Veterans Administration hospitals.  Note how long they got away with lying--altering their records-- to keep themselves from look criminally incompetent.  Do you think that any national health service is any different?

A state run monopoly is far worse than a private one.  And once established they're impossible to get rid of.


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