February 16, 2018

Dems and lying media: "We need to ban private citizens from owning guns!"

After the nutter shot up the school in Florida we're hearing from the Dems and Lying Media wailing that we should ban private ownership of guns.  So here's a thought:
Congresscreeps, judges, governors, banks, military installations and useless crap like the State Department and the Department of "Education" are all defended by....men with guns.

By contrast, public schools are defended by...signs that plead "This is a gun-free zone."

See any pattern there?

When was the last time some crazy person shot a congresscreep, or a judge, or a governor, or shot up the State Department or the Department of "Education"?

If guns were inclined to shoot people all by themselves, wouldn't you expect congresscreeps and judges would be getting shot more often?

Oh, and have you also noticed that whenever some nutter shoots up one of the "gun-free zones," who gets called to capture the shooter?

Men with guns.

But to hear the Democrats and everyone in the Lying Media tell it, guns are the problem.  Not the crazies or criminals who use 'em to kill innocents.


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