June 30, 2022

Odd election results in Colorado GOP primary for Secretary of State

In most states, elections are overseen by the "Secretary of State."  So if someone wanted to rig elections, owning that office would be a good move, eh?

Three days ago Colorado had a primary election for Secretary of State.  On the Republican side were three candidates: Pam Anderson, Tina Peters and Mike ODonnell.

Tina Peters was an election official for Mesa County, and had gotten a lot of publicity a year ago when she claimed there were massive irregularities in the vote count in that county in the 2020 election.

Unsurprisingly, the Democrats who run Colorado didn't want Peters to win.  Their pick was Pam Anderson.

The result?  Of 600,000 votes cast, Anderson was credited with 261,801, Peters with 174,393.  ODonnell with 170,797.  So seemingly a clear win for Anderson, eh?

Investigative journalist Emerald Robinson was skeptical.  ODonnell is an Australian businessman with little presence in the state.  He had almost no supporters on Fakebook and Twatter, and had raised just $4,700 three weeks before the primary.  Yet he supposedly managed to get almost 171,000 votes?

Robinson checked Facebook, and found only 193 people were following his campaign page.  He fared better on Twatter, with 560 followers.  His last tweet the day before the election got four "likes"--the most interaction that his campaign's Twitter account ever received.

And yet 171,000 votes? 

During the campaign O’Donnell sent 1,306 tweets.  Robinson found that the vast majority of them got: no Likes, no Retweets and no Comments.  So Robinson was very curious as to how, with no backers, no interaction on his Fakebook or Twitter accounts and almost no advertising, he managed to be credited with almost 171,000 votes--almost one-third of the votes cast.

It was like 171,000 voters suddenly appeared out of nowhere to vote for the guy.  The New York Times claimed he actually won 17 counties outright.

It's almost as though some twist in the programs of voting machines erroneously gave ODonnell lots of votes.  If that's true the question is, where did those votes come from?

Robinson speculates that a candidate with no strong historical presence in the state, and no support on social media, would be lucky to get 20,000 votes--basically the protest vote.  If the machines were programmed (whether intentionally or by error) to switch votes from Peters to ODonnell, that could easily change the result.  And this has happened in other states with corrupt voting machines.

Here's the twist: the current Secretary of State is a Democrat, Jena Griswold, who has illegally erased electronic voting records from 2020 beyond the possibility of recovery.  Stands to reason she wouldn't want to risk a win by a county voting official who'd already come forward with charges of massive election irregularities from 2020.

In an honest state, people would at least examine the programming of voting machines statewide.  Of course with a Democrat governor and Dem secretary of state, Colorado won't do that.


A telling exchange: Fauci was asked if anyone on vax approval committee got money from vax makers

When someone is asked a direct question, and fails to answer the question asked, what does that suggest to you about their truthfulness?

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) recently asked Fauci if anybody on the NIH vaccine approval committee “ever received any money from the people who make the vaccines?” 

Fauci replied, “People who receive royalties are not required to divulge them even on their financial statement according to the Bayh-Dole Act.” 

Let the record reflect that Fauci's artfully-worded reply did not answer the question. 



When all indicators point to recession and stock plunge, look for articles saying "Great time to buy Stocks!!!"

When every indicator--record low consumer confidence, record high inflation due to doubling the supply of paper money, big drops in business orders, high energy prices, the loss of trillions in the collapse of crypto, low presidential approval--points to a big drop in the stock market, start looking for "shill" articles  in supposedly-unbiased Media channels like CNBC, Marketwatch and others touting the brilliance of buying stocks.

It's as predictable as the sunrise.  Here's an example from today, written by one "Jonathan Clements" and published by Marketwatch.com.

Two years ago we were hiding out in our homes, fretting over a global pandemic and worrying about an economic collapse. Today, COVID-19 is still spreading like wildfire but vaccines have helped slash the number of hospitalizations and deaths—and folks are spending so merrily that we’ve ended up with 8.6% inflation.

Didja get that last cutesy bit of Democrat propaganda?  Putative "expert" Clements (hey, Marketwatch published an article he wrote, and they wouldn't do that if he wasn't an expert, right?) blames inflation on...wait for it...people like you spending so "merrily"!  So any inflation is YOUR fault, NOT the regime's for green-lighting the doubling of the amount of printed money in circulation.  Can Clements really be unaware of the link between governments printing paper money and inflation? 

He attended Cambridge so he probably knows, but he also knows that the average American doesn't have any idea that printing oceans of paper money causes inflation.  

Clearly, all is not right with the world, but that doesn’t seem to justify today’s widespread pessimism.

Oh you bet, sweetheart.  Go back and re-read the indicators in the first 'graf above.  How could anyone who knows about those factors be pessimistic about the future, eh? 

In fact, you can count me among the optimists.

Glad you cleared that up, sparky.  For ten seconds there we weren't sure how you were gonna jump.

Worried about your investment losses? Keep these ideas in mind:

Expectations. The financial markets reflect what’s already happened and what the consensus expects. Will the news in the months ahead be surprisingly bad—or not quite as bad as feared?  If it’s the former, the stock-market sale will likely last a few months more.  If it’s the latter, we’ll look back and wistfully wish we’d bought in June 2022.

So don't worry, citizen.  Be happy!  And all the indicators you thought were causes to worry?  Do not be alarmed!  They're not causes for worry, but causes for optimism!  Buy stocks NOW, while the market is down!  Yeah, dat's duh ticket!



June 29, 2022

Some oddities in Maricopa County, Arizona

Trump won almost all of Arizona except for Maricopa county--the largest by population in the state.  A large number of...irregularities were found in the county's procedures, including voting machines and scanners that were allegely improperly programmed.  In any case, the official vote in Maricopa went for Biden by something like 80,000 votes.

The official vote for the whole state had biden winning by about 13,000 votes out of some four million.

The state's legislature has been trying to investigate ever since.  They brought in an expert named Jovan Pulitzer, who found and documented dozens of...anomalies.  One of these was that Maricopa bought its ballots from a printing company called Runbeck.  The company's website features a testimonial from the election director of Maricopa county, so they have a cozy relationship.

By March of 2020 no one knew so many states would use Covid as an excuse to institute all-mail voting.  Yet on March 1 Runbeck placed the largest order ever for envelope-stuffing machines.

Pulitzer finds that odd.  How did they know?  I have the order and everything. 

Pulitzer also notes something interesting about the US Postal Service:

Our United States Post Office has what’s called a mail cover system. This is how when somebody sends anthrax to the president; you’re able to track it. And our Postal Service, when that comes in and goes on the conveyor belt, it snaps the front and back photo and it’s automatic. Those records are kept for six years—for investigational work like we do.

As soon as Runbeck ordered, the machines our United States Post Office stopped its mail cover program—on April 1. It undid it from six years and changed it to 30 days. Let the election run, let Biden get installed, and then turned it back on. We do not have the physical evidence trial. That’s what I was telling you. This is the highest levels of the government. This is how far it goes.”

Now, I haven't confirmed this, but it should be quite straightforward to do so.  And if Pulitzer is right, that the Post Office had the installed system taking front and back pics of all letters, then turned it OFF on April 1and changed the retention policy for the images, but then turned the system back on after the election--meaning the system was never removed, was never not working due to mechanical problems--this would seem...odd.


Jan 6th committee's star witness claims events in president's limo--contradicted by SS. Media eat it up.

The star witness of the totally one-sided Jan 6th "committee" was a low-level staffer by the name of Cassidy Hutchinson, who was eager to tell the committee a story they really wanted to hear.

Cassidy was the star because she claimed that on Jan 6, while Trump was being chauferred in the presidential limo, he demanded to be driven to the Capitol.  When his agents declined to do that, she claimed the president grabbed the wheel of the limo and assaulted his Secret Service agents!

The Mainstream Media went nuts!  "This isn't just testimony, this is HISTORY!" one "reporter" gushed.

There was just one problem: Two SS agents in the vehicle claimed the story was false.

So how did Cassidy Hutchinson learn her version?  Which seat was she in when this happened?

Um...uh...um...she was nowhere near the limo.  Not in it, not within visual distance.  Instead she claims to have heard it from someone who was there.

NOW, for those of you who don't know much about the law, that's called "hearsay."  And if there are no eye-witnesses, it's sometimes allowed.  But in this case the SS agents were alive and available--and had been interviewed by committee staff.

Had this been a real legal proceeding the attorney for the president would have objecting: "Hearsay."  But in this proceeding, the corrupt Democrat speaker of the House, Pelosi, has only allowed Republicans on the panel if they're actually Democrats.  So no one objected to the hearsay testimony.

Well gee, that's...curious.  If real eyewitnesses were alive and available, why not call the actual eyewitnesses to testify, eh?

Because the committee already knew that they contradicted Cassidy's bullshit.

But you'd never know that from listening to the Trump-hating alphabet networks, who gloated that this was the damning testimony they'd hoped for.  But a few non-corruptocrats saw thru the bullshit:

The presidential limo

So on and on it goes.  The whole purpose of these hearings is to claim Trump is barred by law (14th Amendment?) from running for president in 2024.  If the Dems have to trash longstanding rules of legal proceedings, it's worth it to 'em.

CDC enlists Sesame Street's "Elmo" to push the totally safe, totally effective jab for "kids under 5". Wait...

What do you know about propaganda?

Most people older than 50 know propaganda is a tool used by totalitarian dictatorships to convince their people to do something the government wants.  It's usually associated with dictatorial regimes like Hitler, Stalin and Mao.  What you don't realize is that your own government (using "your" ironically) uses propaganda a LOT.

One way to recognize government propaganda is that since the government has essentially infinite resources, it can get every means of communication and entertainment to start pushing whatever new Narrative is.  Suddenly the new Narrative is everywhere.  To use a familiar example, a few days or weeks before a Hollywood studio releases a "big" movie you start seeing TV ads for promotional tie-ins like "action figures" being advertised at a certain fast-food chain, and T-shirts with the movie logo at a couple of department stores.

You see outlets that normally don't run articles about movies running oddly gushing articles about the studio's about-to-be-released movie.  (Word is those are paid articles, have been for decades, and that all movie studios do it, so no one in the business complains--and certainly no one writing the reviews.)

Multiply that by ten and that's what government propaganda looks like.

So with that said: If you pay attention to government you probably know that the ultra-corrupt, incompetent CDC and FDA just approved the risky, ineffective "vaccine" for children under 5.

Wait...how MUCH younger than 5?  Article doesn't say.  And that's one of the tells that the article is pure propaganda, because the UPPER limit isn't the alarming one, but the lower age limit.  And as you all should know if you have kids or grandchildren, that lower limit is...what?  (Once you've said what it is out loud, drag your mouse over the blank at the end of this sentence to show the answer: six months).

Again, the tell that a story is pure propaganda is that it will give the *upper* age--often several times, as if to reassure parents--but never the lower one, because that would cause lots of voters to say "Wait, kids that young just don't get covid, and the survival rate among those that do is over 99.99%.  And the few who do succumb almost always have "co-morbidities."

There are something near 18 million U.S. children between those age limits.  Just over a third of those are kids of Democrat parents, who are so scared of duh Chyna virus that they had their youngest kids jabbed the first day it was offered.  But parents who aren't Democrats are likely to be much harder to sell.

Getting these 12 million to take the jab would be worth something north of $200 MILLION dollars to the vax makers (and of course the regime has already been paid them).  So if the classic scare story ("You're all gonna DIE if you don't get the jab!) didnt' work, how does the regime push reluctant parents to get their kids jabbed?  

Glad you asked.  Here's the propaganda from "Marketwatch," by Nicole Lyn Pesce.

Meet “Vaccinate Me Elmo.”

The little red Sesame Street character revealed on Tuesday that he just gotten his COVID-19 vaccine, a week after the FDA and the CDC authorized the Pfizer and Moderna shots for children under 5.

“Elmo got the COVID vaccine today, just like Elmo’s mommy and daddy!” reads a post from the Muppet’s official Twitter account. “Elmo’s daddy had a lot of questions, but Elmo’s doctor said the vaccine would help keep Elmo healthy, and all of Elmo’s friends and family too!”

The tweet included a video by the Sesame Street Twitter account featuring Elmo’s dad, Louie, explaining how their family pediatrician recommended the vaccine, which was recently approved for the youngest American children.

[Click to read side-story:]
["Related: COVID vaccines for kids under 5: what parents need to know"]

“I had a lot of questions about Elmo getting the vaccine. Was it safe? Was it the right decision?” Louie says in the video. “I talked to our pediatrician so I could make the right choice.  I learned that Elmo getting vaccinated is the best way to keep himself, our friends, neighbors and everyone else healthy and enjoying the things they love.

This video was also shared on YouTube, with comments turned off.

Gee, why do you think YouTube turned the comments off, eh?

The tweet drew plenty of comments and reactions,  Reactions were mixed. Some praised the public health announcement, while others suggested Elmo was being used as a puppet for the CDC.

Gosh, what would make anyone think that?  Oh yeah: the PSA was done in partnership with the CDC.

The public service announcement comes from Sesame Workshop, the educational nonprofit behind the “Sesame Street” PBS series, and produced in partnership with the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics. [invoking presumed experts] The AAP has given a “strong recommendation” for administering the authorized COVID-19 vaccinations to all infants, children and adolescents 6 months of age and older who do not have contraindications to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, noting that the vaccines were evaluated by “a long-standing, rigorous and transparent process by the FDA and CDC.”

"Rigorous and transparent," you say?  Not even close.  When the FDA finally responded a Freedom of Info lawsuit (after ignoring the FOIA request) for all the approval request paperwork, the agency said they'd comply but that due to "staffing concerns" it would take them 75 YEARS to "review" all the papers.  Yeah, that sounds like transparency, eh?  And we know Pfizer didn't have time to test the jab on, oh, pregnant women, for example.  Rigorous?  No.  

“Many parents understandably have questions about the COVID-19 vaccines for young children, and we want to encourage them to ask questions and seek out information,” Jeanette Betancourt, Sesame Workshop official said in a statement. “With help from Elmo and his dad Louie, we want to model real conversations, encourage parents’ questions, and help children know what to expect.”

Indeed, plenty of parents have had questions about COVID vaccine for kids under 5.  Just one in five parents of kids under 5 said they plan to vaccinate a child right away. And a little over half of parents with kids in this age group said they needed more information about the vaccines’ safety and effectiveness for young children — although with back-to-school just a few months away, health officials are urging parents to get their children vaccinated without delay.

Wait...how many kids under 5 are in public school?  Daycare, maybe, but the regime hasn't previously ordered kids in daycare to be jabbed.

“These are very safe vaccines, and we know that COVID can be dangerous, including in children,” said Dr. Adam Ratner, director of pediatric infectious diseases at [place]. More than 30,000 children under 5 have been hospitalized with COVID-19, and nearly 500 deaths have been reported in that age group. 

Deaths caused by covid?  Or deaths from all causes with a positive PCR test?  Article doesn't say. (I've seen official figures of 170 deaths over two years.  It's VERY hard to pin down the numbers. In a population of 18 million over two years, 500 deaths would be one in 36,000, which is a risk far lower than the identified risks to young people from the vax.

BTW, another indicator of propaganda is that because "the story" is usually just a cut-and-paste, it's often assigned to a newbie with no experience.  In this case the subject of author Nicole Lyn Pesce's last piece is shown below:   

As you see, the editors at Marketwatch put Nicole on the really challenging stories, eh


June 28, 2022

48 "migrants" die locked in an abandoned semi near San Antonio. biden flack claims "The border is closed."

Yesterday evening a semi was found abandoned on the side of the road near San Antonio.  Inside were 100 "undocumented persons"--46 of whom were dead of heat and dehydration.  Two of those taken to a hospital later died, bringing the total death toll to 48.

Texas governor Greg Abbott tweeted "These deaths are on Biden.  They are a result of his deadly open border policies--a consequence of his refusal to enforce valid U.S. immigration law."

Now, so far this is a pretty normal occurrence.  I mention it because of the way the regime responded:  Biden's press secretary--America's Smartest Woman after Hilliary and Kamala, Karine Jean-Pierre-- immediately declared...wait for it...that "The fact of the matter is, the border is closed."  

Not "This is not true, it didn't happen."  Or "If it happened, it's Trump's fault."

Nope, just the blythe lie "The border is closed."  And no reporter or congressman or senator has the balls to say "You are a brazen, absurd, bald-faced liar!"  That's because Karine is a black lesbian, so Merrick Garland's vaunted DOJ would charge anyone who dared to criticize her with a "hate-crime."

I'm waiting for Karine and Garland and Schumer and Pelosi and Schiff to claim

"War is Peace.  Freedom is Slavery.  Ignorance is Strength."  

Any day now, comrade.

Source: Ace of Spades 

Another video of bidenfail saying he wants to end all U.S. oil, even if it costs hundreds of thousands of jobs

In reading comments on energy blogs it's clear that many Democrats (I suspect most) believe nothing biden has done has hurt U.S. oil and gas production.  When critics who are experts in oil production, leasing and economics claim that's false, Dems and their Media allies bleat "Putin's price hike!" or similar nonsense.

Democrats who don't pay much attention to reality simply cannot believe biden would deliberately kill the U.S. oil industry.  After all, energy independence is a HUGE advantage, for many reasons.  Why would a rational preznit sacrifice that, causing gas prices to skyrocket and potentially putting tens of thousands of American workers out of a job?  (As happened on his first day in office when he ordered construction of the Keystone XL pipeline halted.) 

The stated reason is to fight "global warming."  But as we've seen, the effect of cutting our use of, say, coal by a million tons a year is quickly wiped out by China and India increasing their use of that same energy source by a hundred million tons a year.

So unless you're stupid, it doesn't seem to make sense.  And if it doesn't make sense, the average person thinks "It cannot be true that biden wanted to kill the oil industry."

Ah, well...take a look at this short (less than one minute) video.  It's from the Democratic party debate with Bernie Sanders for the 2020 nomination.  biden admits he wants to do "end" all oil.  When he's asked if he'd be willing to do that even if it meant "potentially displacing hundreds of thousands of American workers" ("displacing" is gobblespeak for "losing their jobs") biden quickly replies "The answer is yes."

"But...but...but dis NOT possible!  Dis fake newz!"  Really?  Watch the damn clip.

Seattle public school system has a program open only to black males. It's "Kingmakers" and students are called "Kings"

Rational Americans already know how utterly insane the Leftists who rule Seattle's schools and gruberment are.  These are the folks who claim--apparently seriously--that "math is raaacist!"  They're the same people who abolish advanced courses because...wait for it..."advanced courses are raaaacist because the students in them are predominantly White!!"

(That may seem persuasive until you learn that just 30 percent of black students and 18 percent of Native American students are meeting minimum grade-level standards.)

It's truly insane.  And yet Seattle voters seem oblivious to the insanity.

Well...I just learned about a program the leftists who rule Seattle schools have been running since 2017.  It's only open to black males, and it's called...wait for it..."Kingmakers."  And the black students in it are called...did you already guess?  "Kings."

Seriously.   Here's the link to the page on the Seattle Public Schools' website.

Apparently the morons who run Seattle have decided black males can't be treated like other students, learn math and english and science and history because that's the key to being a productive person, and a good thing.  Instead the po' li'l snowflakes must be given special treatment that "supports the cultural, historical, social, and emotional needs of young black males."

And here we thought government was supposed to treat all races equally, eh?  Silly voters!  Seattle's Dem rulers know better.  Equal treatment ain't woke enough!

Imagine how Democrats' heads would explode if some school system in Florida or Alabama or Texas were to have an identically-named program--"Kingmakers"--open only to White males and calling participants Kings!  The feds would sue in two seconds.  The Lying Mainstream Media would scream "RAAAACISM!" and bloody murder.

But a Democrat-run program open only to black males, and calling black male participants Kings?  "Perfectly fine, citizen.  How can you be put off by something so perfectly reasonable?" 

Lori Lightfoot screams "F*ck Clarence Thomas!" at a rally. Supporters scream their approval

As Exhibit 3,674,093 in the annals of demon-possessed Democrats and their Media allies, I give you the Democrat mayor of Chitcongo (claimed by some to be female), Lori Lightfoot.

After the SC overturned Roe, Lori rallied her supporters with a speech clearly intended to fan the flames of hate by leftists.  Click to see just 24 seconds.

Beetlejuice rallied her followers by screaming "F*ck Clarence Thomas."  Now, imagine how the Media would react if a Republican mayor screamed "F*ck Sonia Sotomayor!"  The Media would scream that this was uncivil, hateful, and "inciting violence."

But when a Democrat mayor does it, not a single word by the Mainstream Media.

Lightfoot went on to scream that "they are coming for our right to marry...and our right to bear children!"  Wait...what?  How in the world can even the demented Beetlejuice get that last part from anything in the SC decision?  

Can't, but that doesn't matter to people like Beetlejuice.  Fully a third of her follow cultists will believe her, because she's a Democrat official.  Democrat strategy is to say anything, regardless of utter falsity, if it makes a few more people vote Democrat.

June 27, 2022

Texts and video BY Hunter Biden show more loathsome behavior, financed by Joe.

More damning information surfacing from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop.  This time Hunter is apparently in Moscow.  He emails his sister-in-law "I don't have a dime."  The next day, at 6:31 pm, Joe bid wires crack-head Hunter $5,000.

Less than three hours later Hunter films the video at the link below.  He's had some sort of fight with a hooker and is clearly trying to set up a defense by asking her "Are you hurt?  Have I ever touched you?  Have I always asked you if I could touch you??"  Really obvious cover-your-ass stuff.

Oh, and he also tells her--on video, which he obligingly records!--that he's sorry that it took him so long to pay her $10,000.

Wait, didn't he tell his dead brother's wife--with whom he was having an affair--that he didn't have a penny?  So where did the other $5,000 come from?  (Trivial, just showing that the guy is shameless.)


Now, imagine how the Mainstream Media would react if this video had been of one of Trump's sons.  It would be front-page, lead story every night for three weeks.  But Democrat president's son?  Crickets.

And for Democrats who bleat "Dis can't possibly be real!," consider this:  If it were NOT real Andrew Kerr would be facing a huge lawsuit for defamation, and probably getting a 5a.m. visit from the FBI.  Yet he posted it anyway.  Why does he not seem concerned about the possibility of being sued, eh?

You know, of course.  But if you're a Democrat you don't want to believe it.

Democrats will also defend by saying since Hunter was never a government employee, his behavior is a private matter of no concern to Americans.  Would the Media back that up if the video was one of Trump's sons?  Of course not.

Hunter is the way is is because his father is equally corrupt and immoral.  And yet you people either elected biden, or helped cover up the steal.  And I'll go either way you wanna go on that one.


The U.S. was founded on the rule of law, and that the law would apply equally to all. Unfortunately...

Since its founding, our nation has supposedly been governed by the rule of law rather than the rule of men.  Though not perfect, and sometimes requiring amendment, our Constitution has--mostly successfully--guided the behavior of our government for more than two centuries.

In doing so, by applying the rule of law, and the principle that all people are to be treated equally under the law, it has guaranteed Americans freedom, and the prosperity freedom produces.

But that freedom and prosperity is only obtained when citizens feel confident that the government follows the law, and the law is applied equally to all--or as equally as possible.

When citizens begin to recognize Orwell’s famous line “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” in their daily lives and on their streets and television screens, civilization’s days are numbered.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what Americans are seeing today.

Feminist posts standard complaint about "If men could get pregnant this crap wouldn't happen." Ooh, wait..!!

For years--maybe decades--a standard trope from feminists has been "If MEN could get pregnant none of this crap would be happening!!!" (And there certainly may have been some merit to that!)  So when Roe was overturned, feminists jumped on Twatter with the standard, always-worked-before wail.  Like this:

You go, girl!  "Wait...WHAT?"  Yep, about one minute after Gina Darling posted what was the standard feminist slogan two years ago, her twatter feed blew up with angry curses from female-to-male trannies.  "How DARE you, you trans-exclusionary radical feminist!" 

"Gina honey, you need to read the memos EVERY DAY to keep up with the latest wokie position!  Cuz feminists now enthusiastically, wholeheartedly claim men can get pregnant.  Yep yep yep.  Thass why the new, wokie term for people who can get pregnant is no longer "women" but "birthing people."  Only mean ol' "TERFs" like J.K. Rowling think "men" can't get pregnant.

"Seriously honey, do keep up."  So Gina immediately groveled, begging for forgiveness from the tranny mafia for implying that men couldn't get pregnant, when every woke persun demands you acknowledge that men CAN get pregnant.  Simple. 

Of course Gina still doesn't quite get it, since she seems to think female-to-male trannies are "people born with male reproductive organs."  No, they weren't, but don't worry about the details.  Just nod and repeat whatever your leaders tell you.

Since you're young and apparently not very bright, we won't demand that you be fired this time, but don't let it happen again.

biden regime threatens to use "emergency war powers" if oil companies don't produce more gasoline. Really?

In his first two days in office biden crippled the U.S. oil industry, revoking drilling permits and halting lease auctions in federal waters and on federal lands.  Now, with gas prices at record levels, his moronic regime is desperate for a way to make voters forget those dumb decisions and convince 'em he's Doing Something to lower gas prices.

So last week the bidenfail regime sent a letter to all large U.S. oil companies, saying he's considering using his "emergency war powers" to increase gasoline production.

Porridgebrain's letter warned oil companies that “at a time of war, refinery profit margins well above normal being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable.”

Wow, did you know the U.S. was at WAR?  Me neither.  So naturally reporters pressed Porridge on this point:  "When did we go to war?  Did congress declare war and we just missed it?"  Nah, just kidding: no reporter said a word about biden's lie--which was evidently approved by dozens of sets of lackeys, since it was in a letter to all oil companies, and thus a pretty big deal.

The letter continued, “My administration is prepared to use all reasonable and appropriate...tools and emergency authorities to increase refinery capacity and output...and to ensure that every region of this country is appropriately supplied.”

“Your companies need to work with my Administration to bring forward concrete, near-term solutions that address the crisis and respect the critical equities of energy workers and fence-line communities,” said the letter.

Ah, "concrete, near-term solutions," eh?  One is strongly tempted to say "Here's a set of wrenches and a roll of blueprints.  Knock yourself out, asshole.  Clock starts now, and you should have that new refinery built in, say, ten years or so--assuming your own green supporters don't file suit to block construction.

And hey, you should tell your totally incompetent, sarcastic Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, that she's to supervise construction.  That should work well.  She can hire your corrupt crack-addict son, cuz Democrats seem to think Hunter is a real expert in energy from his years on the board of a Ukrainian gas company at a cool million dollars a year, eh?

Porridgebrain's letter blamed “Putin’s price hike” for record-high gas prices in the United States, ignoring the fact that gas prices began their steep climb the day biden was installed.

Porridge complained that oil companies were “blunting the impact of the historic actions” his administration had taken to bring down oil prices.

Wait..."historic actions to...bring DOWN oil prices"?  White House staff should try taking an econ course, because every single act Porridge has taken had the effect of reducing production.  And what does that cause, class?

Biden announced he had ordered his Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, to meet with oil company executives in the future, and “In advance of that I request that you provide concrete ideas that would address the immediate inventory, price, and refining capacity issues in the coming months — including transportation measures to get refined product to market,” he wrote.

Say, Brandon, we've got an "immediate, concrete idea" about how to get oil to refineries and refined product to consumers better and faster.  It's called a "pipeline."  Maybe your moronic staff should have learned about those gems before you cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline on your first day in office!

Granholm has rankled most Americans by repeatedly claiming the best solution to high gas prices is buying an expensive electric vehicle--something clearly impractical for most Americans who already own a newer gasoline-powered car or truck.

In a recent interview Granholm said “If you filled up your EV by charging and you filled up your gas tank with gasoline and you had the same sized tank, you would save $60 per fill-up by going electric rather than using gasoline.”

It's hard to figure out what Granholm meant by "the same-size tank" in an electric vehicle, but then she make dumb-ass statements like this ALL the time.  But if we take the average EV as having a range of 300 miles, so maybe ten gallons for a gasoline-powered car, at the current price of $5 per gallon that would cost about $50.  So perhaps Jenny was looking ahead to August when many experts think gas will be $6 per gallon.


June 26, 2022

A brief history of duh CDC, FDA and the virus

January 29th, 2020:  First confirmed case of duh Chyna virus in the U.S.

February 15th, 2020:  President Trump halts all flights from China.

February 16th, 2020:  Candidate Joe Biden and Democrats accuse Trump of xenophobia for halting flights from China.

March 1, 2020:  Candidate Biden and Democrats accuse Trump of not taking strong enough action to counter the virus.

March 20th, 2020:  Democrat governors order their citizens locked down and small businesses closed. ("Big-box" chains are allowed to remain open, because Science.)

March 25th, 2020:  Dr. Anthony Fauci recommends every American wear a mask at all times.

March 28th, 2020:  Fauci emails a friend who asked about masks, tells her "they don't help, so don't worry about not wearing one."

Dec 2020:  CDC and FDA: "The vaccines are totally safe, and will prevent you from getting or transmitting covid.  And if we can get 60% of people vaccinated we'll achieve 'herd immunity.'"

April 2021 [Twatter and Fakebook]:  "Claims that the totally safe vaccines can cause injuries, or that they don't prevent you from being infected with the virus, are disinformation, and anyone who makes such claims on our platforms will have their account deleted.  We're committed to only letting readers see information that's true.  And of course we and our partners will decide what's true."

May, 2021:  "The VAERS system was set up to log all injuries that could possibly be attributed to a vaccine.  It shows very few injuries.  Moreover, there's no way to know if those injuries were caused by the vaccine.  So it's all just anecdotal.  We said it's safe, so trust the system."

June 2021: "We've gotten a handful of anecdotal reports that a few people who have been vaccinated have been diagnosed with covid.  This has not yet been confirmed by the CDC or FDA.  In any case, it's well known that vaccine immunity decreases with time, so be sure to get your "booster."  In fact we suggested you get boosted earlier, but some of you didn't listen, so it's probably your fault.  But be assured that all the vaccines are perfectly safe.  And all we need to do to achieve 'herd immunity' is get 70% of Americans to take the vaccine."

July 2021:  "My administration will NEVER order Americans to take the vaccine!  Perish the thought!  Instead the Labor Department issued a new 'rule' today that all companies with 100 or more employees must fire any employee who refuses to take the vaccine.  But note that my administration is still NOT ordering voters to take the vaccine!  We would NEVER do that!  You have a choice.  If you don't need your job, you're free to decline the totally safe vaccine.  Besides, we're almost at the 80% vaxxed level to reach 'herd immunity.'

    "And for those who are complaining that the Patient Privacy Act doesn't allow your employer to force you to prove you've been vaccinated, my Department of Justice says it does.  So shut up."

August 2021: "Reports to the VAERS system are voluntary and are neither confirmed nor investigated by your trusted FDA or CDC.  Thus figures you may see on VAERS should not be considered reliable.  You are instructed that the vaccines are totally safe and very effective, and anything that contradicts either of those things is disinformation.  Anyone repeating disinformation may be fired or jailed."

August 19th, 2021: "You may have heard a rumor that the CDC is changing the definition of a "vaccine," and "immunization."  These are just rumors, spread by right-wing extremists to make people question our leadership."

August 26th, 2021:  "In our continuous efforts to streamline language to make it easier to understand, the CDC has decided that the definitions of a "vaccine" and "immunization" were too confusing to users of our website, so we've made the definitions simpler.  The old definition of a vaccine was something that made you 'insuseptible' to a disease.  Our careful research shows that many Americans weren't familiar with that term, so we changed it to "something that stimulates your immune system."  Much better.  And basically the same thing.  Same for immunnization:  The old definition was "something that makes you unable to get a disease."  That was too...limiting, so we changed it to "something that makes you less likely to get a disease."  Again, it's basically the same thing.  Really.  Trust us."

October 2021:  "Remember, you're not fully immunized unless you've had a booster and one more shot.  Of course everyone knows no vaccine is perfect, but you can be assured that after you've been fully vaccinated--four shots--you can only get a very mild case of covid.  Without the vaccine it would be much worse.  Probably."

December 2021:  "Some small-town newspapers have reported a few cases of deaths in people who were claimed to be young athletes with no known medical conditions.  We at the FDA and CDC cannot confirm these stories, and consider them unconfirmed.  And since the CDC is charged with identifying life-threatening conditions, if such deaths actually occurred in several young athletes with no known prior medical problems, we'd definitely investigate those claims.  And since we haven't investigated a single such alleged death, do you think they actually happened?
   Also there have been no reports that any that anyone experiencing a sudden death had taken the vaccine--which we assure you is perfectly safe.  We have advised all newspapers and television stations that asking the family about their child's vaccine status would violate the "Patient Privacy Act."  

April 2022: "Some small-town newspapers have reported a few cases of young athletes with no known medical conditions dying suddenly.  We at the CDC and FDA want to assure Americans that every year a few young, healthy people have died suddenly, for no known reason.  Any deaths are within the range of normal rates that have always happened.  So it's nothing to be alarmed about.  And it has nothing to do with the vaccine.  In fact no report of such a death has ever said whether the deceased was vaxxed.  So let us reassure you that this is normal--at least within one or two standard deviations.
    If you don't know what that means, it's part of a "standard normal distribution," which has the word "normal" in it.  Feel free to google it."

June 17th, 2022: "Because the covid vaccines have been proven so totally safe, we at the CDC and FDA have authorized them for children as young as six months old.  And to make it easier for parents we're arranging for the covid vax to be combined with other routine vaccinations that every child must have to attend school.  We haven't decided which shots to combine the covid vaccine with yet, but don't worry about it, because it's perfectly safe.  And effective.

July 2022:  "There has been a scary increase in covid cases this month, which experts claim is due to the ten percent of deplorable anti-vaxxers who have stubbornly refused to take the totally safe, effective vaccine.  And the booster.  And the second booster.  We haven't settled on a name for this variant yet, but it looks really scary, so we're recommending that all states go to all-mail voting for November.  

Does history teach us ANYTHING? Most likely depends on your political party


Vax injuries and deaths: What did the CDC and FDA know, when did they know it...and why didn't they tell you?

"Cheer up," they said.  "Things could be worse."  So I cheered up, and sure enough, things got worse.

You may be wondering these days if our country can get any crazier. The FDA and the CDC seem bent on killing and maiming as many Americans as possible. Proof abounds that the mRNA “vaccines” not only don’t work but are grossly unsafe.  And yet a week ago the corrupt FDA and CDC approved the jab for kids down to six MONTHS old.

Question is, with the *massive* amount of evidence that's been there all along but that's only now coming to the attention of the average American, how can the people who run the CDC and FDA not have know these things all along?  And that, friend, is a great question.

We've known since a couple of weeks after the "vaxes" were approved that they produce a staggering array of serious disorders ranging from hepatitis to myocarditis to sterility to clots to brain damage.  If the Rulers were honest you’d think that if mere *rumors* of these things reached them, they would have at least paused the injection program while they investigated.

Obviously they didn't.  Not only that, they supported the ORDER from the regime that companies must fire any employee who refused to take the jab.

At BEST this is negligent homicide.  ("Reckless misconduct")  And if it can be proven that anyone knew and ignored, that pushes it into criminal conduct.

Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky (head of CDC) and Robert Califf (FDA) had to have known the jab didn't work, and in fact injured and killed thousands of those who were forced to take it.  

To repeat:  They had to have known.

Walensky lies that they are "waiting on the data” to see what's true about the fake vax.  But she’s not. She’s just saying that to make it seem that they don't already know.  But the data are already in:  all over the world the data show the same thing.  It's finally being published in respected medical journals--though of course the average American will never see those studies, won't ever know they exist.

Some unfavorable studies have even been published by the agencies on their own websites, but Kunstler says the agencies are being far more careful now about not revealing studies that don't show the vaxes favorably.

The data seem to show that people who've been “vaccinated” and “boosted” are suffering immune-system damage, making them more vulnerable to a host of viral and bacterial diseases that normally wouldn't be a problem--so-called "opportunistic infections."  There also seem to be lots of blood clots and heart damage.  And finally, a unprecedented number of in-shape young athletes with no known health problems suddenly dying.  Cause is always "unknown," and no autopsy is ever done.

Most interestingly, no reporter ever asks if the deceased had taken the jab.  Never.  And yet you'd think, given the wave of "mysterious deaths from no known cause" that readers would want to know about vax status, eh?

SO...do you believe highly-educated agency heads somehow missed all this?  *Surely* these well-paid bureaucrats would never even *think* of helping pharma companies foist a dangerous, ineffective "vax" on the public, do ya?  That's just crazy conspiracy talk, citizen!  Next you'll be trying to tell us they wanna vax kids as young as six months, despite almost no kids under ten years dying from duh Chyna virus (unless they already had "co-morbidities").

But then you start seeing other pieces of the puzzle: the ruthless suppression of known, effective drugs-- approved years or decades ago by the FDA for human use--for use by Americans.

You see three Democrat governors who even threatened to revoke the state medical license of any M.D. who prescribed any of the effective drugs.

You read reports that the CDC co-sponsored a vast trial of ivermectin in one of the most densely-populated states in India, and brought the death rate from ten-THOUSAND per day down to less than a hundred per day in six weeks--at a cost of $3 per cure.  And yet Rochelle Walensky has never been asked if she knows about this, or wishes to deny that her agency co-sponsored the trial.

You read that for over a year the CDC had exactly one approved test for covid, called a "polymerase chain-reaction" test (PCR), but that test was known to often give false positives when run over 35 cycles on pure water!  Yet the CDC recommended 40 cycles, ensuring a huge percentage of false- positive tests.

You read that the CDC notified all hospitals in the U.S. that if someone died in their care after a positive PCR test, that death was to be reported as "covid" **even if the patient had no symptoms.**  And that the CDC would pay those hospitals $35,000 for each such death--but nothing if the death was not reported as "covid."

Finally you read that when a well-known watchdog group filed a Freedom of Information request asking the FDA for copies of every paper filed by Pfizer in its application for "emergency use authorization" for their "vaccine," the FDA first ignored the request while they consulted with Pfizer about how to hide the smoking guns, then finally agreed to release the information--but with one little catch: the FDA said they'd have to "review" every page to ensure that mumble mumble bullshit bullshit, and due to only being able to assign two employees to this task, they would only be able to release a hundred or so pages a week.

Since the application contained something like 400,000 pages of data, the FDA admitted it would take them 75 YEARS to release all of it!

Fortunately an honest judge said "Nice try, assholes," and ordered the FDA to get it all out in two years or so.  Remains to be seen how much they'll destroy before releasing.  Because you can be sure they'll never release data that shows the agency knew the problems but ignored 'em.

And at SOME point a rational person has seen enough facts pointing to the same conclusion:  something corrupt has been happening, since roughly December of 2020 when the first EUA was issued.

Twenty years from now Democrats will claim that since no one was ever charged with any wrongdoing, that proves there wasn't any--that everything you just read is merely coincidence.  Of course it does nothing of the sort, but they'll claim that, in an effort to avoid any culpability for killing tens of thousands of young Americans.

"WAIT," says Democrat voter, "I didn't work for the FDA or CDC or Pfizer, so even if you could prove they knew this was all a scare-story I'm not in ANY way responsible."  Ah.  Did you not vote for biden and his merry band of tyrants?  Cuz before his "vaccine mandate" only a few Americans--all members of the armed forces and federal employees--had to take the jab.

After a million Americans were fired for refusing the jab, all the others took it, and the risk just went exponential.  So yeah, you helped put us here.

But don't worry a bit, cuz conservatives are peaceful, law-abiding folks.  I'm sure conservatives who had a child die from being forced to take the jab to attend school will be very forgiving.  Same for those whose spouse died after being FORCED to take the jab as a condition of keeping their job.  I'm sure they won't be unhappy with you.

It's all perfectly fine--not a bit stalinesque. 

Adapted from James Howard Kunstler.

FDA summary of vaccine effectiveness for ordinary, long-studied flu virus

Typical Democrat voter: "Say, Muffy, got any idea what dis is?"


Typical response: "Nah. Looks like some kinda code to me.  Probably not important.  I wouldn't worry about it."

Of course if it wasn't hugely important I wouldn't have wasted your time, eh?  First, this was published by the FDA, by researcher Lisa Grohskopf, in March of this year.  Here's the heading: 

Now if you haven't already figured out what the table at the top means, let me tell you:  Obviously from the title just above, the table shows "vaccine effectiveness" against two variants from the 2021-22 flu season.  And as you see, the research showed the vax was 8 percent effective on strain A, and 14% on A/H3N2.

And this is for a virus that's been known and studied for decades.  So rational humans shouldn't be surprised that the so-called "vax" for C-19 doesn't do any better.  And yet every year the FDA pushes Americans to take the flu shot.  Hmmm....

But at least the government didn't FORCE Americans to take the flu shot, eh?  But with the full support of FDA grifters who knew all about this, the biden regime FORCED Americans to either take the ineffective "non-vax" for covid, or be fired.

Starting to get it yet?  

Again, the annual shot for plain ol' FLU is as low as 8% effective, but they harrangue you to take the shot.  But with C-19 they FORCED Americans to take the ineffective shot--knowing it didn't prevent getting or transmitting the virus, nor did it keep "vaxxed" people from dying.

Now are you starting to get it?  Follow the money...

June 25, 2022

Summary of government response to the Chyna virus

(Today is 6/25/2022, and I'm writing this to get it down before I forget the pieces.)

The first confirmed case of C19 appeared in Washington state on Jan 29th, 2020.

At that time the economy was booming, inflation was low, Trump was wildly popular with most Americans, attracting 60,000 people to his rallies.

By stark contrast, biden couldn't get two dozen to attend his.  Dems were desperate for a way to get rid of Trump, but the few honest opinion polls showed biden trailing.  Oooh, what to do?

The Constitution does NOT explicitly give the federal government the power to order mask wearing, or lockdowns, or jabs...and the 10th Amendment says any powers not specifically granted to the central government by the Constitution are reserved to the states ("or to the people").   But there

Dems couldn't force Trump to shut things down, but Democrat governors could.  And did.  Crazed Dem mayors ordered citizens to wear masks outside (some even went to the outrageous length of ordering people to wear masks inside their own homes!), and *ordered* fines of up to a thousand dollars for violations.

If just one or two of these crazy Dem mayors had been beaten to death, perhaps the rest would have gotten the message--but probably not.

Mayors ORDERED city cops to ticket citizens for exercising outside without a mask.  Boom: a thousand-dollar fine.  I've watched video of six cops in L.A., in boats, arresting a guy paddling alone on a surfboard 500 feet offshore, for not wearing a mask.  Mother takes her child to a park.  No one else there. Cops show up, *handcuff her* and write her a ticket for not wearing a mask. It was insane.

Insane "lockdown" rules kept adult offspring from comforting dying parents and grandparents trapped in tyrannical hospitals. They died alone, with their children only able to watch through glass windows as they died.  

Same with dying spouses.  It was evil and unconscionable--but the wokie adminishits got away with it.  If only a dozen had been beaten to death, this would have ended very quickly.  But conservatives obey the law, so...

Two safe drugs--approved for human use by "your" FDA 30 and 70 years ago, respectively, cured people infected by the virus in days--but in three states Democrat governors threatened to revoke the medical license of any doctor who prescribed either one.  Totally, *TOTALLY* beyond their authority--but they did it anyway, and got away with it.

If only a couple of 'em had been beaten to death, the others would have thought twice before being tyrants.  But conservatives obey the law, so not a single official was attacked, or even threatened.

Now the corrupt CDC and FDA approved a test for the virus--a well-known tool called a PCR test that reproduces the DNA of anything in the test well, so that microscopic amounts can be made large enough to detect.  Problem is, the PCR test uses a feedback loop, called the "number of cycles."  The CDC recommends 40.

The man who invented the test (Kary Mullis) said running a PCR at 40 cycles would give false results, reporting DNA even if you started with distilled water.  The CDC ignored that warning, stubbornly keeping the order in place.  (They finally junked the PCR test last December, after the damage had already been done.)

Now the CDC issued a *written* directive to ALL hospitals, ORDERING that when any patient died after a positive PCR test, that death was to be counted as "Covid."  They agreed to pay hospitals $35,000 for every such death.  Hmmm....what do you think happened?

Most government employees--at every level--are Democrats.  This includes election officials.  And now because the virus was supposedly such an unprecedented threat, many state *election officials* *unilaterally* changed the rules for the coming presidential election to allow all-mail voting.

In case you're unclear on this, it means they lacked the authority to change the rules by DECREE (which is what they did).  Only the legislature could do that.  But the Democrat election officials did it anyway, knowing they had the "cover" that dey wuz "jus' tryin' to keep you and your precious kids "safe" from duh deadly virus."

November 3rd, 2020:  Thanks to massive (massive!) election fraud in six battleground states, made possible in large part by fake mail-in ballots, biden was deemed to have been "elected" president.  The fraud also allowed two Democrats in Georgia--socialists Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock--to steal two crucial senate seats in a runoff election on January 3rd of 2021.  

That steal made the senate exactly 50-50 for each party.  And senate rules provide that if there's a tie vote in the senate, the vice-president--a corrupt moron whose only qualifications for the job were that she was female and supposedly half-black--is allowed to vote to break the tie.  

So for all practical purposes, Democrat now controlled both chambers of congress, and the "presiduncy."

Buckle up, it's about to get real.

Jan 21, 2021:  biden is sworn in, and immediately dismantles much of the *future* prospects for U.S. oil and gas production.  (links to my posts)

Gasoline prices immediately start to increase.  After Russia invades Ukraine the white house blame high gas prices on "Putin's price hike," but the truth is that prices started going up the day shithead was installed.

Now things got worse: the corrupt FDA and CDC sign "emergency use authorizations" for the so-called "vaccines."  This EUA also gave the companies making the vax legal immunity: citizens who were injured or killed by the vax could NOT sue the companies.  Sweet for the companies.

Democrats and other dummies rushed to take the "vax."  Dem pols even used their clout to get the shots before everyone else, cuz they were so terrified of the killer virus.

The CDC and FDA--and Fauci and Birx and all the corruptocrats--swore that the vaxes would keep people from getting the virus.  They knew all along that this was a lie.  As Deborah Birx put it yesterday before a House committee, they simply "hoped" it would work.  They just didn't say that at the time.  Instead they ASSURED you that the vax would keep you from getting duh dread virus.

Now the biden regime did something totally unprecedented: biden's corrupt handlers wanted everyone to take the jab, but knew that the federal government lacked the authority to order that.  And if biden ordered via an "executive order," the Dems would lose millions of votes.  

Since lots of Americans were strangely skeptical of the government "ordering" and "commanding" people to take an experimental jab, biden's handlers had a cunning idea:  Have the Labor Department issue an order COMMANDING all companies with 100 or more employees to FIRE any employee who refused to take the experimental jab.  That way if Americans pushed back too strongly, the regime could say "Oh NO, citizen, WE didn't do dat!  It was some low-level lackey in the Dept of Labor.  We can't imagine how this became an ORDER!"

The Media never referred to this evil, unconscionable ORDER as an order.  Instead the Media echoed the regime's soothing, anodyne term "vaccine mandate."

It takes awhile for people to appreciate the cynical cunning behind this tactic: Federal agencies can issue "rules" on anything they wish, even if that rule is totally beyond their authority.  The ONLY way the rule can be overturned is if someone sues in federal court--a process that can take years.

If the rule isn't overturned in court, it becomes de-facto law.

The ORDER ended up affecting roughly 60 million Americans.  Many had already eagerly taken the jab, but millions didn't want to.  But faced with the ghastly, dictatorial "choice" of taking the jab or your family losing your income, most Americans submitted.

But a million or so didn't, and were summarily fired--including health-care workers who had treated covid patients since the start of the plandemic, without getting the virus.  

It was cynical, and evil.  But almost all companies went along with the ploy, either because they supported the wokies or because they were afraid to not obey the rule.

Finally a couple of judges ruled that the "mandate" wasn't constitutional.  Oooh!  The regime appealed, and demanded that the "mandate" continue while the appeal worked its way up the labyrinthine legal system.

The regime lost every time, and finally gave up.  But for millions of Americans who'd been fired, it was too late.  They lost jobs, then homes.  It was evil, the result of a cynical, calculated policy by biden's handlers.  May they all burn in hell forever.

Oh wait, I forgot:  Democrats don't believe in life after death, so the notion of "hell" isn't at all a deterrent.  

But while the Department of Labor's ORDER was overturned, the Democrats had another weapon: school boards.  In every Dem-ruled state (and many others too) school boards ORDERED that kids as young as five would have to take the jab to attend school.

I'm not aware of any lawsuit against school boards contesting this.  School boards get away with insane violations of constitutional rights, because...well frankly there's not much in the way of logic there.  Rather, they've gotten away with it for so long that everyone just shrugs.  If they can ORDER that your kid has to take a measles vax to go to school, the same logic applies to any other vax, eh?

If they'd been sued they would have had to present studies showing that the risk of not taking this particular jab outweighed the risk of taking it.  They couldn't do this, but no matter, because no one sued--because the courts had long ago given school boards the authority to order your kid to take a dozen vaccines.  But those had been extensively tested, and conferred immunity to the disease.  The covid jab didn't do either.

Same for masks: School boards DEMANDED that kids wear masks, even though study after study showed NO risk reduction from doing so.  Now, slowly, after over two years of insanity, SOME school systems are starting to lift the orders.  Not all.

People are STILL wearing their precious masks in grocery stores!

SO...here we are.  You may think most Americans have gotten wise to the Democrats' con, and that we're out of the woods.  Nope.  biden has already said--literally, captured on video--that another pandemic is coming.  He didn't specify what it would be (he doesn't know, he's just reading the line off a teleprompter) because it doesn't matter:  It could be the "dreaded zeta variant," or "monkeypox," or something you've never heard of.

It literally makes no difference.  All they need to do is scare you into believing there's a HUGE risk of death!  In which case you'll eagerly let them reimpose total mail-in voting.  Which will minimize Dem losses in November.

Right now biden and the Dems are underwater in polls by something like 56 to 38, but just watch:  As November approaches the published opinion polls will show the Democrats barely trailing, so as to make the steal appear plausible.

Just watch. 

June 24, 2022

Interviewer: "What continent are we on now?" Answer: "What's a continent?"

The guy with the mike goes to malls and asks young people things like 

  • "What continent are we on now?"  or 
  • "Can you name a country in Africa?"  or 
  • "Who did America win its independence from?" or 
  • "Who fought in the Civil War? or
  • "What year was the United States founded?"

And not one of 'em know any of those things.

Democrat: "Wuh...wuh...dis is NOT real!  Kids not really like dis!  We has gud public skools, teach "critical race theory" an' how to protest.  Dis fake newz!"

You're right, sparky.  American kids could NOT POSSIBLY be this poorly educated about such basic things, eh?

Source: Citizen Free Press  



Libs of TikTok melt down over SC decision

After the SC decision was released today, the lunatics on Libs of TikTok didn't disappoint: First it's "Our rights are being taken away!"  Flash: the Constitution does not contain a right to abortion.  The original decision in Roe had to invoke a "penumbra" to reach its ruling.  The right was NEVER in the Constitution.

 Libs are screaming that "They're coming for contraceptives next!  And gay marriage!  And interracial marriage!"  It's crap, but as far as Dems are concerned, it's okay to say anything that fans the flames.

Next are all the nutters claiming the SC has outlawed abortion on demand.  No, it hasn't.  Yet the nutters are saying "If you can possibly leave the country, do so."  Couldn't agree more.

You really need to see this vid, to get an idea a) of how crazy these people are; and b) what we're up against in November.


Unelected gov of NY screams that SC overturning her state's unconstitutional gun law makes residents unsafe

NY governor Kathy Hochul is one of the dumbest Democrats around--and that's quite an accomplishment.

NY has (had) an anti-gun law that essentially made it impossible for citizens to carry a gun. After the SC overturned that law--ruling it unconstitutional--Kathy made two written statements that contain two lies.  See if you can spot 'em:

The first lie is that the NY law limited "those who can carry concealed weapons."  The word "those," combined with the idea of the law applying to everyone equally, implies that everyone was equally affected.  That's a lie.  The law only prevented law-abiding citizens from carrying.  Thugs were not at all affected.--because as anyone with an IQ over 80 knows, thugs routinely ignore laws. 

Democrat voter: "NOOoooo!  Duh law apply to ev'ryone!  So GOOD law!  Keep us safe!"

Except in the last decade NY has refused to prosecute thugs for carrying a gun.  So no, the law does NOT keep thugs from carrying a gun.  Maybe it did at one time, but under wokie rule imprisoning thugs for carrying a gun produces a "racially disparate impact," which under wokie rule is forbidden.

Now look at the second tweet: if thugs routinely carry--knowing they won't be punished--but law-abiding citizens obey the law (because they know they'd be jailed for breaking it--unless they're connected Democrats, of course), so are defenseless against the thugs.  How, exactly, does that make "US" safer, Kathy?

It doesn't.  But Democrat voters are dumb enough that they believe what this idiot bitch spews.

Keep voting Democrat, people.  Their policies have put us where we are today.

Fake preznit Porridgebrain calls SC decision overturning NY gun law unconstitutional! Imagine if Trump...

Imagine if, after a Supreme Court ruling on a controversial case, Trump had issued a statement saying "The court's decision defies common sense."  How do you think the Media would have reacted?

Now, reverse the parties: After the Supreme Court overturned New York's unconstitutional anti-gun law (which the Media implied made people safer but only limited the law-abiding, not the thugs), preznit Porridgebrain issued a written statement calling the decision unconstitutional (literally "This ruling contradicts...the Constitution.)

Again, how would the Media have reacted if Trump had done this?  But with Porridgebrain?  Not a single critical word.

And the fact that this was a written statement is significant, because that means it is the position taken by his handlers, the faceless assholes who are really running this lawless government.

Source, at 3:35

June 23, 2022

After SC ruling overturning NY unconstitutional anti-gun law, Democrats go postal!

After the Supreme Court's ruling overturning New York's unconstitutional restriction on guns, Democrats went into orbit, screaming that this was the Most Awful Thing Evah!!!!  Here's Gavin Newsom:

Of course Newsom wants to make it harder for law-abiding citizens to own or carry guns.  But criminals?  That's just peachy with shithead liberal Newsom.

How do we reach that easy conclusion?  Because he refuses to enforce gun laws already on the books that would put gun-using thugs in prison for meaningful terms.  Takes the thugs about two seconds to figure this out, and the result is an explosion of gun crime.

Newsom knows law-abiding citizens aren't a threat.  The threat is the thugs--who, by definition, routinely violate laws.  (This is a shocking revelation to most Democrats.  They literally have never considered that possibility.)  But Newsom also know that most Cali voters are dumb Democrats, and if he acts outraged enough about the court ruling, dumb-shit Democrats will believe there's merit to what he's bleating.

Result?  More votes for Democrats.  Sweet deal.

Supreme Court overturns NY state anti-gun law. Democrat **shrieking** with anger!!!!

New York has had a law that said if you wanted to carry a gun, you had to ask the State for permission.  And you could only get the state's permission if you could credibly claim to have received credible death threats.

Result?  New York state issued virtually no licenses to carry.

Today the Supreme Court issued a decision overturning NY's law.  The main argument was that no other right requires additional permission from the state to exercise.

First, regardless of whether the Constitution permits exercise of other rights without state permission, states and cities have imposed laws saying you have to get state or city permission to freely assemble.  It's called a "parade permit."  It's gotten rooted because no one had the balls to shoot the first son of a bitch who demanded it.  But I digress...
Leftists claim guns are bad.  Of course the top leftist strategists don't actually believe that--any laws they write will ensure *they* have guns, just not you--but their useful idiots believe it, SO...they don't care if any proposed anti-gun law will actually reduce crime.

Instead, they see any law that makes it harder for citizens to own effective weapons as a Good Thing, even if it doesn't reduce crime.  Reason is that by a series of small nibbles, they want to disarm law-abiding citizens, to render them unable to defend themselves against either thugs or the government.

If you're skeptical, try asking a Democrat pol this basic question, "How, exactly, would your proposed gun-control law prevent the crime that just happened--the one you say you're proposing this gun law will prevent?"

They can't give a cogent answer--because the real purpose of so-called "gun-control laws" is NOT about stopping gun crime; it's about ending civilian ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens. 

Source: Ace of Spades

Clip of dozens of top Democrats--including Cankles--claiming Trump was not legitimately elected. "Insurrection!"

If you're conservative who claims the 2020 election was fraudulent, the FBI raids your home at 5 am and seizes all your electronics.

But if you're a Democrat--a Hilliary fan--complaining that Trump "stole the 2016 election from our dear Hilliary", what do you think happens?

You already know: nothing.

Democrats: "WAIT, our side NEVER said a single word claiming the election was stolen from dear Hilly!  We would NEVAH do dat!  Cuz even if we thought it was stolen, we would NEVAH claim dat cuz dat bees an "insurrection"--an' we don' like dem insurrections!"

Oh really, assholes?  Take a look at this clip of dozens of Democrat leaders claiming Trump stole the 2016 election--with Russia's help, naturally, even though that makes NO sense.



Shooter in road-rage killing of mother of six 15 months ago just now indicted. Not a single news story

 On March 25 of last year a Pennsylvania couple was getting on an interstate when they had a close call with another vehicle.  The driver of that car then pulled alongside, rolled down his window and fired six shots, killing Julie Eberly, who was in the passenger seat.

A week later sheriff's deputies arrested Dejywan R. Floyd.  Floyd has a long criminal record, including felony breaking and entering, assault, and assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill.

Floyd was released from prison for those convictions in 2018.  As a convicted felon, Floyd was barred by law from possessing a gun. 

Even though this happened 15 months ago, the guy has only now actually been indicted for the killing.  See, we need lots of time to pass so witnesses can die or move away, so the state will have to offer him a plea deal: expired license tag, $100 fine and free to go.  But interestingly, a google search under "news" didn't have a single hit.  Same with a general search.  Almost like google wants this "incident" to vanish from everyone's memory. 

There's also a hell of a lot of relevance to the current screaming about needing stronger gun-control laws:

Democrat: "This is AWFUL!  It's exactly why we need the government to confiscate all guns from civilians!"

Me: "So you think passing a...a LAW...ORDERING every American to turn in all civilian-owned guns, will prevent outrageous, tragic acts like this?

Democrat:  "Yes, of course!  Cuz how could he have killed that poor woman if he hadn't had a gun?  Are you dense?"

Me:  "Um...I just need your party to be very clear in your...um...reasoning here:  You claim passing a...a LAW...ORDERING that civilians not be allowed to possess guns would have prevented this?"

Democrat:  "Yes.  You must be dense, because I just said that!"

Me:  "Just wanted to make sure you were saying what you meant.  Cuz as the article noted, there's already a law against this guy (and any felon) possessing a gun.  In case you're not clear on the facts, he brazenly defied that law.  So what makes you think passing yet another of the same thing would be any more effective, eh?"

Democrat:  "Wuh...wuh...wuh...it just would!  Cuz we WANT it to work!  We DEMAND that it work!  So it WILL work!  We have spoken, and everyone WILL comply, or we'll hold our breath until we turn blue!"

Julie Eberly is survived by her husband and six children.

Dejywan Floyd

Here's what you and your kids are up against

It's hard-wired into humans to believe other members of the "human" race are at least roughly like we are.  That's not even remotely a good assumption, but we unconsciously make it because it simplifies our lives--until you run into something that wants to kill you, in which case the faster you jettison the assumption the better your odds of surviving.

As exhibit #4,507, 193 let me present Democrat "activist" "Saira Rao."  Here's the latest pearl of...whatever passes for "wisdom" by leftists, from Rao:

You may be curious as to how anyone born in the U.S. could have this twisted, warped, raaaaacist viewpoint.  Was she abused as a child?  Perhaps parents or sibling killed by "domestic white extremists"?  Raped, perhaps?  Forced to work 12 hours a day in a mill, whipped by eeebil white slavemasters?  Surely?

Hahahahaha!  No.  She's got a law degree from NYU, worked as a television producer for a CBS affiliate in DC.  An author, and started a great scam shaking down guilty white Karens in a thing she called "Race2Dinner," in which 15 Karens would fix dinner in one of the Karens' homes, after which Saira would lecture them on how guilty they were. 

For which the Karens paid Rao and her co-conspirator $2,500 each.  And after George Floyd died of self-administered fentanyl, Rao doubled the guilt-charge to $5,000 apiece.

Having tasted the fruits of raking in $75,000 from rich, white-hating Karens for an hour-long harrangue, Rao realized she could use this shtick to get elected to Congress.  Lost, and this as much as anything infuriated her.  Just was NOT fair that voters preferred someone else to Rao's great...talent.

Anyway, this is a microcosm of what you and your kids are up against--and will be, for the rest of your lives and theirs.  Re-read the last line of her tweet:  "Seeing the American flag makes me want to vomit."

And to think she almost made it to congress--where she would have joined AOC, Tlaib, Ayana Pressley, Kim Cook and other Democrat crazies helping team biden continue to wreck the U.S.

She wants everything you have, and then some.  Here's the charmless, raaacist grifter Saira:

As a humorous aside, her Wiki page was so quickly slapped together by her supporters that they unintentionally got one thing right.  The pic below is a screenshot from 5 minutes ago: