(Today is 6/25/2022, and I'm writing this to get it down before I forget the pieces.)
The first confirmed case of C19 appeared in Washington state on Jan 29th, 2020.
At that time the economy was booming, inflation was low, Trump was wildly popular with most Americans, attracting 60,000 people to his rallies.
By stark contrast, biden couldn't get two dozen to attend his. Dems were desperate for a way to get rid of Trump, but the few honest opinion polls showed biden trailing. Oooh, what to do?
The Constitution does NOT explicitly give the federal government the power to order mask wearing, or lockdowns, or jabs...and the 10th Amendment says any powers not specifically granted to the central government by the Constitution are reserved to the states ("or to the people"). But there
Dems couldn't force Trump to shut things down, but Democrat governors could. And did. Crazed Dem mayors ordered citizens to wear masks outside (some even went to the outrageous length of ordering people to wear masks inside their own homes!), and *ordered* fines of up to a thousand dollars for violations.
If just one or two of these crazy Dem mayors had been beaten to death, perhaps the rest would have gotten the message--but probably not.
Mayors ORDERED city cops to ticket citizens for exercising outside without a mask. Boom: a thousand-dollar fine. I've watched video of six cops in L.A., in boats, arresting a guy paddling alone on a surfboard 500 feet offshore, for not wearing a mask. Mother takes her child to a park. No one else there. Cops show up, *handcuff her* and write her a ticket for not wearing a mask. It was insane.
Insane "lockdown" rules kept adult offspring from comforting dying parents and grandparents trapped in tyrannical hospitals. They died alone, with their children only able to watch through glass windows as they died.
Same with dying spouses. It was evil and unconscionable--but the wokie adminishits got away with it. If only a dozen had been beaten to death, this would have ended very quickly. But conservatives obey the law, so...
Two safe drugs--approved for human use by "your" FDA 30 and 70 years ago, respectively, cured people infected by the virus in days--but in three states Democrat governors threatened to revoke the medical license of any doctor who prescribed either one. Totally, *TOTALLY* beyond their authority--but they did it anyway, and got away with it.
If only a couple of 'em had been beaten to death, the others would have thought twice before being tyrants. But conservatives obey the law, so not a single official was attacked, or even threatened.
Now the corrupt CDC and FDA approved a test for the virus--a well-known tool called a PCR test that reproduces the DNA of anything in the test well, so that microscopic amounts can be made large enough to detect. Problem is, the PCR test uses a feedback loop, called the "number of cycles." The CDC recommends 40.
The man who invented the test (Kary Mullis) said running a PCR at 40 cycles would give false results, reporting DNA even if you started with distilled water. The CDC ignored that warning, stubbornly keeping the order in place. (They finally junked the PCR test last December, after the damage had already been done.)
Now the CDC issued a *written* directive to ALL hospitals, ORDERING that when any patient died after a positive PCR test, that death was to be counted as "Covid." They agreed to pay hospitals $35,000 for every such death. Hmmm....what do you think happened?
Most government employees--at every level--are Democrats. This includes election officials. And now because the virus was supposedly such an unprecedented threat, many state *election officials* *unilaterally* changed the rules for the coming presidential election to allow all-mail voting.
In case you're unclear on this, it means they lacked the authority to change the rules by DECREE (which is what they did). Only the legislature could do that. But the Democrat election officials did it anyway, knowing they had the "cover" that dey wuz "jus' tryin' to keep you and your precious kids "safe" from duh deadly virus."
November 3rd, 2020: Thanks to massive (massive!) election fraud in six battleground states, made possible in large part by fake mail-in ballots, biden was deemed to have been "elected" president. The fraud also allowed two Democrats in Georgia--socialists Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock--to steal two crucial senate seats in a runoff election on January 3rd of 2021.
That steal made the senate exactly 50-50 for each party. And senate rules provide that if there's a tie vote in the senate, the vice-president--a corrupt moron whose only qualifications for the job were that she was female and supposedly half-black--is allowed to vote to break the tie.
So for all practical purposes, Democrat now controlled both chambers of congress, and the "presiduncy."
Buckle up, it's about to get real.
Jan 21, 2021: biden is sworn in, and immediately dismantles much of the *future* prospects for U.S. oil and gas production. (links to my posts)
Gasoline prices immediately start to increase. After Russia invades Ukraine the white house blame high gas prices on "Putin's price hike," but the truth is that prices started going up the day shithead was installed.
Now things got worse: the corrupt FDA and CDC sign "emergency use authorizations" for the so-called "vaccines." This EUA also gave the companies making the vax legal immunity: citizens who were injured or killed by the vax could NOT sue the companies. Sweet for the companies.
Democrats and other dummies rushed to take the "vax." Dem pols even used their clout to get the shots before everyone else, cuz they were so terrified of the killer virus.
The CDC and FDA--and Fauci and Birx and all the corruptocrats--swore that the vaxes would keep people from getting the virus. They knew all along that this was a lie. As Deborah Birx put it yesterday before a House committee, they simply "hoped" it would work. They just didn't say that at the time. Instead they ASSURED you that the vax would keep you from getting duh dread virus.
Now the biden regime did something totally unprecedented: biden's corrupt handlers wanted everyone to take the jab, but knew that the federal government lacked the authority to order that. And if biden ordered via an "executive order," the Dems would lose millions of votes.
Since lots of Americans were strangely skeptical of the government "ordering" and "commanding" people to take an experimental jab, biden's handlers had a cunning idea: Have the Labor Department issue an order COMMANDING all companies with 100 or more employees to FIRE any employee who refused to take the experimental jab. That way if Americans pushed back too strongly, the regime could say "Oh NO, citizen, WE didn't do dat! It was some low-level lackey in the Dept of Labor. We can't imagine how this became an ORDER!"
The Media never referred to this evil, unconscionable ORDER as an order. Instead the Media echoed the regime's soothing, anodyne term "vaccine mandate."
It takes awhile for people to appreciate the cynical cunning behind this tactic: Federal agencies can issue "rules" on anything they wish, even if that rule is totally beyond their authority. The ONLY way the rule can be overturned is if someone sues in federal court--a process that can take years.
If the rule isn't overturned in court, it becomes de-facto law.
The ORDER ended up affecting roughly 60 million Americans. Many had already eagerly taken the jab, but millions didn't want to. But faced with the ghastly, dictatorial "choice" of taking the jab or your family losing your income, most Americans submitted.
But a million or so didn't, and were summarily fired--including health-care workers who had treated covid patients since the start of the plandemic, without getting the virus.
It was cynical, and evil. But almost all companies went along with the ploy, either because they supported the wokies or because they were afraid to not obey the rule.
Finally a couple of judges ruled that the "mandate" wasn't constitutional. Oooh! The regime appealed, and demanded that the "mandate" continue while the appeal worked its way up the labyrinthine legal system.
The regime lost every time, and finally gave up. But for millions of Americans who'd been fired, it was too late. They lost jobs, then homes. It was evil, the result of a cynical, calculated policy by biden's handlers. May they all burn in hell forever.
Oh wait, I forgot: Democrats don't believe in life after death, so the notion of "hell" isn't at all a deterrent.
But while the Department of Labor's ORDER was overturned, the Democrats had another weapon: school boards. In every Dem-ruled state (and many others too) school boards ORDERED that kids as young as five would have to take the jab to attend school.
I'm not aware of any lawsuit against school boards contesting this. School boards get away with insane violations of constitutional rights, because...well frankly there's not much in the way of logic there. Rather, they've gotten away with it for so long that everyone just shrugs. If they can ORDER that your kid has to take a measles vax to go to school, the same logic applies to any other vax, eh?
If they'd been sued they would have had to present studies showing that the risk of not taking this particular jab outweighed the risk of taking it. They couldn't do this, but no matter, because no one sued--because the courts had long ago given school boards the authority to order your kid to take a dozen vaccines. But those had been extensively tested, and conferred immunity to the disease. The covid jab didn't do either.
Same for masks: School boards DEMANDED that kids wear masks, even though study after study showed NO risk reduction from doing so. Now, slowly, after over two years of insanity, SOME school systems are starting to lift the orders. Not all.
People are STILL wearing their precious masks in grocery stores!
SO...here we are. You may think most Americans have gotten wise to the Democrats' con, and that we're out of the woods. Nope. biden has already said--literally, captured on video--that another pandemic is coming. He didn't specify what it would be (he doesn't know, he's just reading the line off a teleprompter) because it doesn't matter: It could be the "dreaded zeta variant," or "monkeypox," or something you've never heard of.
It literally makes no difference. All they need to do is scare you into believing there's a HUGE risk of death! In which case you'll eagerly let them reimpose total mail-in voting. Which will minimize Dem losses in November.
Right now biden and the Dems are underwater in polls by something like 56 to 38, but just watch: As November approaches the published opinion polls will show the Democrats barely trailing, so as to make the steal appear plausible.
Just watch.