June 29, 2022

Some oddities in Maricopa County, Arizona

Trump won almost all of Arizona except for Maricopa county--the largest by population in the state.  A large number of...irregularities were found in the county's procedures, including voting machines and scanners that were allegely improperly programmed.  In any case, the official vote in Maricopa went for Biden by something like 80,000 votes.

The official vote for the whole state had biden winning by about 13,000 votes out of some four million.

The state's legislature has been trying to investigate ever since.  They brought in an expert named Jovan Pulitzer, who found and documented dozens of...anomalies.  One of these was that Maricopa bought its ballots from a printing company called Runbeck.  The company's website features a testimonial from the election director of Maricopa county, so they have a cozy relationship.

By March of 2020 no one knew so many states would use Covid as an excuse to institute all-mail voting.  Yet on March 1 Runbeck placed the largest order ever for envelope-stuffing machines.

Pulitzer finds that odd.  How did they know?  I have the order and everything. 

Pulitzer also notes something interesting about the US Postal Service:

Our United States Post Office has what’s called a mail cover system. This is how when somebody sends anthrax to the president; you’re able to track it. And our Postal Service, when that comes in and goes on the conveyor belt, it snaps the front and back photo and it’s automatic. Those records are kept for six years—for investigational work like we do.

As soon as Runbeck ordered, the machines our United States Post Office stopped its mail cover program—on April 1. It undid it from six years and changed it to 30 days. Let the election run, let Biden get installed, and then turned it back on. We do not have the physical evidence trial. That’s what I was telling you. This is the highest levels of the government. This is how far it goes.”

Now, I haven't confirmed this, but it should be quite straightforward to do so.  And if Pulitzer is right, that the Post Office had the installed system taking front and back pics of all letters, then turned it OFF on April 1and changed the retention policy for the images, but then turned the system back on after the election--meaning the system was never removed, was never not working due to mechanical problems--this would seem...odd.



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