June 26, 2022

Vax injuries and deaths: What did the CDC and FDA know, when did they know it...and why didn't they tell you?

"Cheer up," they said.  "Things could be worse."  So I cheered up, and sure enough, things got worse.

You may be wondering these days if our country can get any crazier. The FDA and the CDC seem bent on killing and maiming as many Americans as possible. Proof abounds that the mRNA “vaccines” not only don’t work but are grossly unsafe.  And yet a week ago the corrupt FDA and CDC approved the jab for kids down to six MONTHS old.

Question is, with the *massive* amount of evidence that's been there all along but that's only now coming to the attention of the average American, how can the people who run the CDC and FDA not have know these things all along?  And that, friend, is a great question.

We've known since a couple of weeks after the "vaxes" were approved that they produce a staggering array of serious disorders ranging from hepatitis to myocarditis to sterility to clots to brain damage.  If the Rulers were honest you’d think that if mere *rumors* of these things reached them, they would have at least paused the injection program while they investigated.

Obviously they didn't.  Not only that, they supported the ORDER from the regime that companies must fire any employee who refused to take the jab.

At BEST this is negligent homicide.  ("Reckless misconduct")  And if it can be proven that anyone knew and ignored, that pushes it into criminal conduct.

Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky (head of CDC) and Robert Califf (FDA) had to have known the jab didn't work, and in fact injured and killed thousands of those who were forced to take it.  

To repeat:  They had to have known.

Walensky lies that they are "waiting on the data” to see what's true about the fake vax.  But she’s not. She’s just saying that to make it seem that they don't already know.  But the data are already in:  all over the world the data show the same thing.  It's finally being published in respected medical journals--though of course the average American will never see those studies, won't ever know they exist.

Some unfavorable studies have even been published by the agencies on their own websites, but Kunstler says the agencies are being far more careful now about not revealing studies that don't show the vaxes favorably.

The data seem to show that people who've been “vaccinated” and “boosted” are suffering immune-system damage, making them more vulnerable to a host of viral and bacterial diseases that normally wouldn't be a problem--so-called "opportunistic infections."  There also seem to be lots of blood clots and heart damage.  And finally, a unprecedented number of in-shape young athletes with no known health problems suddenly dying.  Cause is always "unknown," and no autopsy is ever done.

Most interestingly, no reporter ever asks if the deceased had taken the jab.  Never.  And yet you'd think, given the wave of "mysterious deaths from no known cause" that readers would want to know about vax status, eh?

SO...do you believe highly-educated agency heads somehow missed all this?  *Surely* these well-paid bureaucrats would never even *think* of helping pharma companies foist a dangerous, ineffective "vax" on the public, do ya?  That's just crazy conspiracy talk, citizen!  Next you'll be trying to tell us they wanna vax kids as young as six months, despite almost no kids under ten years dying from duh Chyna virus (unless they already had "co-morbidities").

But then you start seeing other pieces of the puzzle: the ruthless suppression of known, effective drugs-- approved years or decades ago by the FDA for human use--for use by Americans.

You see three Democrat governors who even threatened to revoke the state medical license of any M.D. who prescribed any of the effective drugs.

You read reports that the CDC co-sponsored a vast trial of ivermectin in one of the most densely-populated states in India, and brought the death rate from ten-THOUSAND per day down to less than a hundred per day in six weeks--at a cost of $3 per cure.  And yet Rochelle Walensky has never been asked if she knows about this, or wishes to deny that her agency co-sponsored the trial.

You read that for over a year the CDC had exactly one approved test for covid, called a "polymerase chain-reaction" test (PCR), but that test was known to often give false positives when run over 35 cycles on pure water!  Yet the CDC recommended 40 cycles, ensuring a huge percentage of false- positive tests.

You read that the CDC notified all hospitals in the U.S. that if someone died in their care after a positive PCR test, that death was to be reported as "covid" **even if the patient had no symptoms.**  And that the CDC would pay those hospitals $35,000 for each such death--but nothing if the death was not reported as "covid."

Finally you read that when a well-known watchdog group filed a Freedom of Information request asking the FDA for copies of every paper filed by Pfizer in its application for "emergency use authorization" for their "vaccine," the FDA first ignored the request while they consulted with Pfizer about how to hide the smoking guns, then finally agreed to release the information--but with one little catch: the FDA said they'd have to "review" every page to ensure that mumble mumble bullshit bullshit, and due to only being able to assign two employees to this task, they would only be able to release a hundred or so pages a week.

Since the application contained something like 400,000 pages of data, the FDA admitted it would take them 75 YEARS to release all of it!

Fortunately an honest judge said "Nice try, assholes," and ordered the FDA to get it all out in two years or so.  Remains to be seen how much they'll destroy before releasing.  Because you can be sure they'll never release data that shows the agency knew the problems but ignored 'em.

And at SOME point a rational person has seen enough facts pointing to the same conclusion:  something corrupt has been happening, since roughly December of 2020 when the first EUA was issued.

Twenty years from now Democrats will claim that since no one was ever charged with any wrongdoing, that proves there wasn't any--that everything you just read is merely coincidence.  Of course it does nothing of the sort, but they'll claim that, in an effort to avoid any culpability for killing tens of thousands of young Americans.

"WAIT," says Democrat voter, "I didn't work for the FDA or CDC or Pfizer, so even if you could prove they knew this was all a scare-story I'm not in ANY way responsible."  Ah.  Did you not vote for biden and his merry band of tyrants?  Cuz before his "vaccine mandate" only a few Americans--all members of the armed forces and federal employees--had to take the jab.

After a million Americans were fired for refusing the jab, all the others took it, and the risk just went exponential.  So yeah, you helped put us here.

But don't worry a bit, cuz conservatives are peaceful, law-abiding folks.  I'm sure conservatives who had a child die from being forced to take the jab to attend school will be very forgiving.  Same for those whose spouse died after being FORCED to take the jab as a condition of keeping their job.  I'm sure they won't be unhappy with you.

It's all perfectly fine--not a bit stalinesque. 

Adapted from James Howard Kunstler.


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