June 30, 2022

When all indicators point to recession and stock plunge, look for articles saying "Great time to buy Stocks!!!"

When every indicator--record low consumer confidence, record high inflation due to doubling the supply of paper money, big drops in business orders, high energy prices, the loss of trillions in the collapse of crypto, low presidential approval--points to a big drop in the stock market, start looking for "shill" articles  in supposedly-unbiased Media channels like CNBC, Marketwatch and others touting the brilliance of buying stocks.

It's as predictable as the sunrise.  Here's an example from today, written by one "Jonathan Clements" and published by Marketwatch.com.

Two years ago we were hiding out in our homes, fretting over a global pandemic and worrying about an economic collapse. Today, COVID-19 is still spreading like wildfire but vaccines have helped slash the number of hospitalizations and deaths—and folks are spending so merrily that we’ve ended up with 8.6% inflation.

Didja get that last cutesy bit of Democrat propaganda?  Putative "expert" Clements (hey, Marketwatch published an article he wrote, and they wouldn't do that if he wasn't an expert, right?) blames inflation on...wait for it...people like you spending so "merrily"!  So any inflation is YOUR fault, NOT the regime's for green-lighting the doubling of the amount of printed money in circulation.  Can Clements really be unaware of the link between governments printing paper money and inflation? 

He attended Cambridge so he probably knows, but he also knows that the average American doesn't have any idea that printing oceans of paper money causes inflation.  

Clearly, all is not right with the world, but that doesn’t seem to justify today’s widespread pessimism.

Oh you bet, sweetheart.  Go back and re-read the indicators in the first 'graf above.  How could anyone who knows about those factors be pessimistic about the future, eh? 

In fact, you can count me among the optimists.

Glad you cleared that up, sparky.  For ten seconds there we weren't sure how you were gonna jump.

Worried about your investment losses? Keep these ideas in mind:

Expectations. The financial markets reflect what’s already happened and what the consensus expects. Will the news in the months ahead be surprisingly bad—or not quite as bad as feared?  If it’s the former, the stock-market sale will likely last a few months more.  If it’s the latter, we’ll look back and wistfully wish we’d bought in June 2022.

So don't worry, citizen.  Be happy!  And all the indicators you thought were causes to worry?  Do not be alarmed!  They're not causes for worry, but causes for optimism!  Buy stocks NOW, while the market is down!  Yeah, dat's duh ticket!




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