June 28, 2022

Seattle public school system has a program open only to black males. It's "Kingmakers" and students are called "Kings"

Rational Americans already know how utterly insane the Leftists who rule Seattle's schools and gruberment are.  These are the folks who claim--apparently seriously--that "math is raaacist!"  They're the same people who abolish advanced courses because...wait for it..."advanced courses are raaaacist because the students in them are predominantly White!!"

(That may seem persuasive until you learn that just 30 percent of black students and 18 percent of Native American students are meeting minimum grade-level standards.)

It's truly insane.  And yet Seattle voters seem oblivious to the insanity.

Well...I just learned about a program the leftists who rule Seattle schools have been running since 2017.  It's only open to black males, and it's called...wait for it..."Kingmakers."  And the black students in it are called...did you already guess?  "Kings."

Seriously.   Here's the link to the page on the Seattle Public Schools' website.

Apparently the morons who run Seattle have decided black males can't be treated like other students, learn math and english and science and history because that's the key to being a productive person, and a good thing.  Instead the po' li'l snowflakes must be given special treatment that "supports the cultural, historical, social, and emotional needs of young black males."

And here we thought government was supposed to treat all races equally, eh?  Silly voters!  Seattle's Dem rulers know better.  Equal treatment ain't woke enough!

Imagine how Democrats' heads would explode if some school system in Florida or Alabama or Texas were to have an identically-named program--"Kingmakers"--open only to White males and calling participants Kings!  The feds would sue in two seconds.  The Lying Mainstream Media would scream "RAAAACISM!" and bloody murder.

But a Democrat-run program open only to black males, and calling black male participants Kings?  "Perfectly fine, citizen.  How can you be put off by something so perfectly reasonable?" 


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