Shooter in road-rage killing of mother of six 15 months ago just now indicted. Not a single news story
On March 25 of last year a Pennsylvania couple was getting on an interstate when they had a close call with another vehicle. The driver of that car then pulled alongside, rolled down his window and fired six shots, killing Julie Eberly, who was in the passenger seat.
A week later sheriff's deputies arrested Dejywan R. Floyd. Floyd has a long criminal record, including felony breaking and entering, assault, and assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill.
Floyd was released from prison for those convictions in 2018. As a convicted felon, Floyd was barred by law from possessing a gun.
Even though this happened 15 months ago, the guy has only now actually been indicted for the killing. See, we need lots of time to pass so witnesses can die or move away, so the state will have to offer him a plea deal: expired license tag, $100 fine and free to go. But interestingly, a google search under "news" didn't have a single hit. Same with a general search. Almost like google wants this "incident" to vanish from everyone's memory.
There's also a hell of a lot of relevance to the current screaming about needing stronger gun-control laws:
Democrat: "This is AWFUL! It's exactly why we need the government to confiscate all guns from civilians!"
Me: "So you think passing a...a LAW...ORDERING every American to turn in all civilian-owned guns, will prevent outrageous, tragic acts like this?
Democrat: "Yes, of course! Cuz how could he have killed that poor woman if he hadn't had a gun? Are you dense?"
Me: "Um...I just need your party to be very clear in here: You claim passing a...a LAW...ORDERING that civilians not be allowed to possess guns would have prevented this?"
Democrat: "Yes. You must be dense, because I just said that!"
Me: "Just wanted to make sure you were saying what you meant. Cuz as the article noted, there's already a law against this guy (and any felon) possessing a gun. In case you're not clear on the facts, he brazenly defied that law. So what makes you think passing yet another of the same thing would be any more effective, eh?"
Democrat: " just would! Cuz we WANT it to work! We DEMAND that it work! So it WILL work! We have spoken, and everyone WILL comply, or we'll hold our breath until we turn blue!"
Julie Eberly is survived by her husband and six children.
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Dejywan Floyd |
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