June 24, 2022

Fake preznit Porridgebrain calls SC decision overturning NY gun law unconstitutional! Imagine if Trump...

Imagine if, after a Supreme Court ruling on a controversial case, Trump had issued a statement saying "The court's decision defies common sense."  How do you think the Media would have reacted?

Now, reverse the parties: After the Supreme Court overturned New York's unconstitutional anti-gun law (which the Media implied made people safer but only limited the law-abiding, not the thugs), preznit Porridgebrain issued a written statement calling the decision unconstitutional (literally "This ruling contradicts...the Constitution.)

Again, how would the Media have reacted if Trump had done this?  But with Porridgebrain?  Not a single critical word.

And the fact that this was a written statement is significant, because that means it is the position taken by his handlers, the faceless assholes who are really running this lawless government.

Source, at 3:35


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