June 27, 2022

Texts and video BY Hunter Biden show more loathsome behavior, financed by Joe.

More damning information surfacing from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop.  This time Hunter is apparently in Moscow.  He emails his sister-in-law "I don't have a dime."  The next day, at 6:31 pm, Joe bid wires crack-head Hunter $5,000.

Less than three hours later Hunter films the video at the link below.  He's had some sort of fight with a hooker and is clearly trying to set up a defense by asking her "Are you hurt?  Have I ever touched you?  Have I always asked you if I could touch you??"  Really obvious cover-your-ass stuff.

Oh, and he also tells her--on video, which he obligingly records!--that he's sorry that it took him so long to pay her $10,000.

Wait, didn't he tell his dead brother's wife--with whom he was having an affair--that he didn't have a penny?  So where did the other $5,000 come from?  (Trivial, just showing that the guy is shameless.)


Now, imagine how the Mainstream Media would react if this video had been of one of Trump's sons.  It would be front-page, lead story every night for three weeks.  But Democrat president's son?  Crickets.

And for Democrats who bleat "Dis can't possibly be real!," consider this:  If it were NOT real Andrew Kerr would be facing a huge lawsuit for defamation, and probably getting a 5a.m. visit from the FBI.  Yet he posted it anyway.  Why does he not seem concerned about the possibility of being sued, eh?

You know, of course.  But if you're a Democrat you don't want to believe it.

Democrats will also defend by saying since Hunter was never a government employee, his behavior is a private matter of no concern to Americans.  Would the Media back that up if the video was one of Trump's sons?  Of course not.

Hunter is the way is is because his father is equally corrupt and immoral.  And yet you people either elected biden, or helped cover up the steal.  And I'll go either way you wanna go on that one.



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