June 29, 2022

CDC enlists Sesame Street's "Elmo" to push the totally safe, totally effective jab for "kids under 5". Wait...

What do you know about propaganda?

Most people older than 50 know propaganda is a tool used by totalitarian dictatorships to convince their people to do something the government wants.  It's usually associated with dictatorial regimes like Hitler, Stalin and Mao.  What you don't realize is that your own government (using "your" ironically) uses propaganda a LOT.

One way to recognize government propaganda is that since the government has essentially infinite resources, it can get every means of communication and entertainment to start pushing whatever new Narrative is.  Suddenly the new Narrative is everywhere.  To use a familiar example, a few days or weeks before a Hollywood studio releases a "big" movie you start seeing TV ads for promotional tie-ins like "action figures" being advertised at a certain fast-food chain, and T-shirts with the movie logo at a couple of department stores.

You see outlets that normally don't run articles about movies running oddly gushing articles about the studio's about-to-be-released movie.  (Word is those are paid articles, have been for decades, and that all movie studios do it, so no one in the business complains--and certainly no one writing the reviews.)

Multiply that by ten and that's what government propaganda looks like.

So with that said: If you pay attention to government you probably know that the ultra-corrupt, incompetent CDC and FDA just approved the risky, ineffective "vaccine" for children under 5.

Wait...how MUCH younger than 5?  Article doesn't say.  And that's one of the tells that the article is pure propaganda, because the UPPER limit isn't the alarming one, but the lower age limit.  And as you all should know if you have kids or grandchildren, that lower limit is...what?  (Once you've said what it is out loud, drag your mouse over the blank at the end of this sentence to show the answer: six months).

Again, the tell that a story is pure propaganda is that it will give the *upper* age--often several times, as if to reassure parents--but never the lower one, because that would cause lots of voters to say "Wait, kids that young just don't get covid, and the survival rate among those that do is over 99.99%.  And the few who do succumb almost always have "co-morbidities."

There are something near 18 million U.S. children between those age limits.  Just over a third of those are kids of Democrat parents, who are so scared of duh Chyna virus that they had their youngest kids jabbed the first day it was offered.  But parents who aren't Democrats are likely to be much harder to sell.

Getting these 12 million to take the jab would be worth something north of $200 MILLION dollars to the vax makers (and of course the regime has already been paid them).  So if the classic scare story ("You're all gonna DIE if you don't get the jab!) didnt' work, how does the regime push reluctant parents to get their kids jabbed?  

Glad you asked.  Here's the propaganda from "Marketwatch," by Nicole Lyn Pesce.

Meet “Vaccinate Me Elmo.”

The little red Sesame Street character revealed on Tuesday that he just gotten his COVID-19 vaccine, a week after the FDA and the CDC authorized the Pfizer and Moderna shots for children under 5.

“Elmo got the COVID vaccine today, just like Elmo’s mommy and daddy!” reads a post from the Muppet’s official Twitter account. “Elmo’s daddy had a lot of questions, but Elmo’s doctor said the vaccine would help keep Elmo healthy, and all of Elmo’s friends and family too!”

The tweet included a video by the Sesame Street Twitter account featuring Elmo’s dad, Louie, explaining how their family pediatrician recommended the vaccine, which was recently approved for the youngest American children.

[Click to read side-story:]
["Related: COVID vaccines for kids under 5: what parents need to know"]

“I had a lot of questions about Elmo getting the vaccine. Was it safe? Was it the right decision?” Louie says in the video. “I talked to our pediatrician so I could make the right choice.  I learned that Elmo getting vaccinated is the best way to keep himself, our friends, neighbors and everyone else healthy and enjoying the things they love.

This video was also shared on YouTube, with comments turned off.

Gee, why do you think YouTube turned the comments off, eh?

The tweet drew plenty of comments and reactions,  Reactions were mixed. Some praised the public health announcement, while others suggested Elmo was being used as a puppet for the CDC.

Gosh, what would make anyone think that?  Oh yeah: the PSA was done in partnership with the CDC.

The public service announcement comes from Sesame Workshop, the educational nonprofit behind the “Sesame Street” PBS series, and produced in partnership with the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics. [invoking presumed experts] The AAP has given a “strong recommendation” for administering the authorized COVID-19 vaccinations to all infants, children and adolescents 6 months of age and older who do not have contraindications to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, noting that the vaccines were evaluated by “a long-standing, rigorous and transparent process by the FDA and CDC.”

"Rigorous and transparent," you say?  Not even close.  When the FDA finally responded a Freedom of Info lawsuit (after ignoring the FOIA request) for all the approval request paperwork, the agency said they'd comply but that due to "staffing concerns" it would take them 75 YEARS to "review" all the papers.  Yeah, that sounds like transparency, eh?  And we know Pfizer didn't have time to test the jab on, oh, pregnant women, for example.  Rigorous?  No.  

“Many parents understandably have questions about the COVID-19 vaccines for young children, and we want to encourage them to ask questions and seek out information,” Jeanette Betancourt, Sesame Workshop official said in a statement. “With help from Elmo and his dad Louie, we want to model real conversations, encourage parents’ questions, and help children know what to expect.”

Indeed, plenty of parents have had questions about COVID vaccine for kids under 5.  Just one in five parents of kids under 5 said they plan to vaccinate a child right away. And a little over half of parents with kids in this age group said they needed more information about the vaccines’ safety and effectiveness for young children — although with back-to-school just a few months away, health officials are urging parents to get their children vaccinated without delay.

Wait...how many kids under 5 are in public school?  Daycare, maybe, but the regime hasn't previously ordered kids in daycare to be jabbed.

“These are very safe vaccines, and we know that COVID can be dangerous, including in children,” said Dr. Adam Ratner, director of pediatric infectious diseases at [place]. More than 30,000 children under 5 have been hospitalized with COVID-19, and nearly 500 deaths have been reported in that age group. 

Deaths caused by covid?  Or deaths from all causes with a positive PCR test?  Article doesn't say. (I've seen official figures of 170 deaths over two years.  It's VERY hard to pin down the numbers. In a population of 18 million over two years, 500 deaths would be one in 36,000, which is a risk far lower than the identified risks to young people from the vax.

BTW, another indicator of propaganda is that because "the story" is usually just a cut-and-paste, it's often assigned to a newbie with no experience.  In this case the subject of author Nicole Lyn Pesce's last piece is shown below:   

As you see, the editors at Marketwatch put Nicole on the really challenging stories, eh



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