Harvard will scrap SAT and ACT scores for applicants--supposedly for just five years
If some malevolent entity was determined to destroy our society by imposing some new policy that the entity knew, beyond doubt, would have the intended, horrible result, what's the first thing the entity would do?
Answer: Eliminate any way of objectively measuring the effect of the new policy. Because without any objective way to measure "better or worse," the only way Americans could grasp the effect of the entity's sabotage would be...memory.
The problem with that is NOT that no one has a good enough memory, but that since MOST Americans weren't up to speed on any given policy before it was changed, they have nothing to compare the new results to. So they'll believe whatever the Mainstream Media tells 'em.
And you already know who the Media are working for, eh?
To paraphrase George Carlin, it ain't you.
So with that background, we note that Harvard--which with Yale essentially set American education policy--has announced it won't use EITHER SAT or ACT scores for the next five years.
Why do you think this might be significant?
Well, it's obvious that the reason for eliminating test scores in applicants is to allow Harvard to admit as many otherwise unqualified students as they feel will make the administrators feel "woke" enough. But it's been pretty conclusively shown that when students who don't have the necessary academic background are admitted to Hahvahd, a huge percentage of them drop out.
Of course this won't hurt Hahvahd a bit. And if Hahvahd was the only uni to order this policy it wouldn't even hurt the country. The problem will be that every university will eventually will eventually adopt this policy, lest they be accused of raaacism. And when that happens, the shift of 30 or 40 percent of admission slots from academically qualified to unqualified students will result in a similar reduction in STEM graduates each year, and more "DIEversity consultants."
If you don't think this will hurt the U.S., and you doubt this was and is known to the anti-American nuts who pushed for this change, you probably also think the covid virus acquired its lethality to humans totally naturally.
Just a few more points: First, is there any adult with an IQ over 80 who thinks Hahvahd won't make this policy permanent after five years? You're kidding, right?
Second: Surprisingly, Hahvahd wasn't the first university to junk the SAT and ACT for applicants. That wokie prize goes to the University of California system, with 280,000 students and an annual budget of $42 BILLION. So now we can expect competition to see which school can admit the highest percentage of academically unqualified applicants.
Equity, comrade.
Third: When students who lack the prep to graduate from Hahvahd start dropping out, how long do you think it will take the woke administrators to order an end to grades?
Oh, you think that's absurd? Impossible? Actually Hahvahd, Yale, Stanford and other top schools have already scrapped grades in many courses, so abolishing grades altogether will be an easy step. Then everyone passes, and Equity will be re-established.
So as China turns out increasing numbers of engineers and scientists, the U.S. will turn out fewer. And it's utterly predictable.