December 24, 2021

Canadian court rules teachers don't have to take a math proficienc test, cuz judge agrees math is raaacist

The U.S. isn’t the only country where leftists are trying to destroy the education system.  

Students in Ontario scored below-average in math, so in an effort to improve those scores the provincial education system implemented a requirement that teachers demonstrate proficiency in math--a "Maths [sic] Proficiency Test."

Not surprisingly, leftists immediately sued, claiming that requiring teachers to pass a math proficiency test was raaaacist.

If a teacher failed the test, the education system allowed them to keep taking the test as many times as needed until they finally passed, so it's hard to imagine how requiring the test would harm a candidate, but the court ruled that simply requiring them to pass a proficiency test was racist.

So last Friday the superior court of Ontario, Canada, RULED that requiring teachers to pass the MPT was unconstitutional--claiming that it was unfair to non-white teacher candidates.

The logic was classic:  More blacks than whites failed the test, by a huge margin.  And according to the wokie nuts running Canada, anything that affects blacks more than whites--a "disparate impact"--must be raaacist and must therefore be banned.  In the name of "equity," of course.

Not surprisingly, every study finds there's a significant relationship between a teacher's licensure test scores and student achievement.  But no matter:  Ontario's students will be penalized with 20% of teachers not being proficient in math.  Academic standards be damned.

Given court decisions like this one, one wonders how long it will be before public schools do away with grades altogether, after some judge rules that requiring students to pass a test to graduate is racist.

A society that has succumbed to moonbattery--as both ours and Canada's have--cannot compete with a society that has not.  People who aren't math-proficient are unlikely to find anything unusual in a report that dozens of precincts in an election tallied more votes than the number of eligible voters in that precinct.

Weakness, incompetence and stupidity inevitably invite aggression from other nations.  Unfortunately by then it won't help to say "We told you this would happen."

Wonder if the Chinese will recognize all 28 wokie pronouns?


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