December 29, 2021

bidenfail regime ORDERS all cars sold in U.S. to AVERAGE 55 mpg--just 4 years from now. Or you'll pay a new tax.

An unfailing defining trait of dictators is that they issue orders without being the least bit concerned about how those orders will affect ordinary citizens.

That may strike you as odd, but it's true.  They don't have to be concerned because the rulers don't need the approval of their subjects, so they can issue any arbitrary order they wish, and subjects will obey or be punished--fined, jailed, beaten, even executed.

Example: Last Monday bidenfail's EPA ORDERED that just four years from now all new cars sold in this suffering nation that are NOT electric must average 55 miles per gallon.

In case you're curious, new cars sold today average 24.9 miles per gallon, meaning at a single stroke the rulers have ordered that average gas mileage be more than doubled.

If you know anything about the laws of physics and thermodynamics you already realize that the only way to achieve this would be if the average new car was made of plastic and weighed a third of what you're driving now.

This RULE will literally cause 10,000 extra deaths per year as plastic boxes collapse in crashes--but of course that won't matter to your rulers because they'll still be whisked around in the same big Lincolns and Cadillacs you see now.  Their families will still be able to buy normal SUVs.

Wait, you say, how will that be possible if those cars don't get 55 mpg?

The key is that word "average:" buried deep in the new EPA RULES for car makers is a provision that big, heavy, safe cars can still be sold even if they only get 20 mpg--but the car maker will have to pay a "gas-guzzler tax" if its overall sales don't average the stated 55 mpg.

And of course like all taxes, this tax on "gas-guzzlers" is passed on to consumers, making all cars more expensive.  Which is the point.

Like all Democrats, the Biden regime considers oil and gasoline eeeevil, so good Democrat rulers must end their use (except for government officials and the elites, obviously).

The administration will say their new RULE will save you money on gas.  Which is true in exactly the same sense that ordering everyone to live in an 800-square-foot apartment cuts your utility bills compared to a 2,500 sq ft home.  

Don't want to live in a hive?  But look at all the money you'll save on utility bills, peasant!

So just as Biden's order stopping construction of the Keystone pipeline and stopping leasing drilling rights offshore has caused the cost of gas to almost double in less than 12 months, this is another move to make life more expensive for us, while the elites are essentially unaffected.   

Small electric cars are fine— as commuter cars and cars for single people or even small (emphasis on small) families.  But they don't do the job for large families.  

There isn’t a single piston-powered car that meets the 55 mpg standard.  Consider what that implies about the reason JoHo's EPA issued this new RULE.  It's to make non-electric cars so costly that people will be forced to switch.

Of course the carmakers are ready to give you full-size electric cars--but they're a bit more expensive.  Like the new GM Hummer EV--base price $112k.  But it's got great range, because it has twice the battery of any other EV.  Weighs 10,000 lbs (literally), and each tire is expected to cost $500.  But it can go as far between charges as a gasoline-powered Honda Civic!

The point of the new EPA RULE is to make the gas-powered cars you love today so expensive that they'll be unaffordable for most people.  Yet according to EPA bureaucrat Michael Regan, “We are setting robust and rigorous standards that will aggressively reduce the pollution that is harming people and our planet — *and save families money at the same time.”*

So your car payment jumps from $400 per month to $800 per MONTH for a small EV, but you'll save $200 per month on gas, eh?  Seems t' me that you're actually seeing a net *loss* of $200 per month, eh?

Of course at the end of the 5-year battery life the EV's re-sale value will drop by $10,000 to $25,000, depending on size.  So an extra cost of $2,000 to $5,000 per year.  Gosh, do ya think the EPA has factored that into your "savings"?

The EPA said it expects its new rule to “unlock” over a TRILLION dollars in "net benefits."  Since you'll be paying a LOT more for transportation, those benefits must really be something, eh?  And here ya go:  They say it'll be by reducing "climate  change" and "improving public health,"

And they also claim the new, unreachable fuel-economy RULE will save between $413 billion and $947 billion through 2050 on fuel costs!  And that over the lifetime of the average 2026 vehicle, EPA estimates that the fuel savings will exceed the initial increase in vehicle costs by more than $1,000 for consumers!  Isn't that faaabulous, citizen!

Okay, I made up those numbers.  So did the EPA, and both sets are meaningless.  If I claim leaving fuel economy standards alone--just for Americans, mind you--would cause "climate change" damage of a TRILLION dollars, it makes the case for raising the standards.  But it's all speculation.  Horse shit.  They're just pulling these numbers out of their ass.

Hint: The new EPA rule is NOT about "saving you money on gas.”  It's total smokescreen, to make people who can't do math think they'll save money by buying electric.  And rich elites will be happy to pay an extra $5,000 tax on their SUV if they think it'll save the planet.

The EPA rule will reduce just one thing:  The number of piston-engine cars on the road.

Which is the entire point of the thing.


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