December 21, 2021

Ooops! one office of CDC accidently admits cloth masks not even remotely effective against Chyna virus.

One of the problems with huge agencies pushing a scam is that often one office in the agency accidently lets the truth slip out without even realizing it.

Latest example: One office in the vast bureaucracy that is the CDC wanted to warn Americans about the health dangers of smoke from forest fires.  So they assembled a collection of pics of smoke particles and some other microscopic things, like a red blood cell.  And a bacterium.  The text warned that "cloth masks that are used to slow the spread of Covid, offer little protection against wildfire smoke.  They do NOT catch small particles found in smoke..."

But WAIT...what's that particle on the far left, to the left of the bacterium?  Hard to read the caption unless you blow up the original, but it's obviously FAR smaller than a smoke particle.  And the text said masks don't stop smoke particles.  So whatever it is, it would have no trouble getting thru a mask that won't stop smoke particles, right?

And it turns out to be...a coronavirus.

So thanks for admitting what those of us who know about micrometers and nanometers have been saying since the first days of the plandemic:  Masks do NOT work.

Typical Democrat: "You lie!  Dis not true!  Lord Fauci say mus' wear mask all time, cuz mask keep duh peepo safe from duh virus!  Lord Fauci nevah lie!  So YOU lie!  Dis pic not true!  You go now!"



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