December 29, 2021

Conversation with a Democrat about whether the vaxxes produce immunity

Conservative: "I don't get it.  In the past, for something to be called a 'vaccine' it had to produce immunity from a disease in the person who took it.  But these millions of breakthrough cases show that whatever Pfizer and Moderna and J&J have produced don't produce immunity, so how can they be considered 'vaccines'?"

Democrat: "That's because the vaccines DO produce absolute, *total* immunity."

Conservative: "That's so obviously false.  How can you say the vaxxes make people immune to covid?"

Democrat: "Didn't say covid.  I'm talking about the manufacturers--who are immune from all legal liability.  So if your 25-year-old marathon-running wife or husband has a heart attack a day after taking the jab, or your precious 5-year-old who's forced to take the jab to go to school, there's not a damn thing you can do about it.  I'd say that's total immunity."

   "And when the Supreme Court upholds mandatory vaccination for everyone, you can try to delay as long as you can, but when our faaabulous Sec. of Transportation--the dreeeamy Pete B--orders that no one can fly unless they have a vax passport, what will you do?

   "Ah, y'say you'll just stop flying?  Okay, but the regime will just increase the pressure until you submit.  First, to keep your job you'll be forced to take a weekly test--at your own expense.  A year of those will set you back about $5,000.  Your kids' school will make 'em wear a mask and won't let 'em talk to other kids because their dad isn't vaccinated.  And how do you think you can make the school stop that, when every other parent is convinced your kid--even though vaxxed--might have gotten the virus and so is a danger to their kid?

    "Still holding out?  Biden's next "executive order"--which has the force of law--will be to ORDER hospitals not to admit unvaxxed people.  'State of Emergency, overriding danger to others.'  So if your wife or kids get sick with, say, appendicitis, hospitals won't treat 'em.  And you won't be able to sue the hospital cuz they were following biden's EO, right?

    "Still holding out?  In that case you're clearly guilty of 'reckless endangerment' to others.  Because it's your first offense they'll just throw you in jail for, say, 90 days.  But if you appeal or complain, they'll double it with the stroke of a pen.  Anyone who tries to post your treatment on social media will have their account deleted.  We'll only have to do that a few times before others get the message.

    "Think you can't be jailed for exercising what you think is your right to refuse the jab?  Tell us...before January 6th of 2021 would you have believed 100 American citizens could be held in a DC jail for a full year, without charges being filed, and without trial?  Yeah, didn't think you would.  And yet 45 or so are still there, locked in a tiny cell for 23 hours a day.  And the Media haven't said a word.  Republicans in congress are silent.  It's like they don't exist.

    "How long do you think they could be jailed before anyone took action to get them released?  Two years?  Five years?  Ten years?   No.  No one will act, just as no one will act to free you.

    "Still holding out?  Sounds like you're an 'extremist.'  And there's no punishment too harsh for 'extremists,' eh comrade?   How about ten years in a supermax prison?  When you get out your oldest daughter will already be married.  Your wife will have gotten a divorce and remarried.  Every American will have had a booster shot every year.  But our compassionate Democrat-ruled government will still give you a chance to apologize and take the jab, as you should have back in 2021.  Sucks to be you, eh?" 

    "We win.  You lose.  We will always win.  You and those who think like you will always lose.  Because we have the power, and are not afraid to use it.  Ever.


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