December 23, 2021

Fear sells. "The new variant is spreading incredibly fast--so fast we didn't have time to order tests!"

Your Democrat rulers are destroying freedom faster than I can post the examples.  If we had an honest, unbiased Mainstream Media that reported truth instead of sucking up to the regime, all this would end in three days.  But we don't, so the destruction continues.

Latest example: the regime's response to the scary "omicron variant."

The variant turns out to be about as dangerous as the common cold.  But you would NEVER know that by listening to the coverage by the Lying Mainstream Media.  Their focus is on the one aspect that will help the regime continue to crush ordinary Americans:  "

"It's far more contagious than delta!!!"  

But why would that be a scary concern if it's no more lethal than a cold?

Simple:  Americans equate positive tests with “cases.” And most Americans equate “cases” with “hospitalized.” So the reaction to huge increases in positive tests becomes “OMG, with all these new *cases* the hospitals will run out of ICU beds, and then grandmother will DIE! cuz no treatment rooms!”

Fear.  It sells newspapers, brings eyeballs to "news" shows and interviews.  And as intended, fear is spikes higher than positive covid tests.

Scared people will support ANYTHING--lockdowns, killing the economy, even firing NURSES because they won’t take the jab. (That’s astonishingly stupid, yet it’s already happened.) Firing defense workers for the same reason. Kicking troops out of the armed forces, same reason.

Yes, those policies are insane. Yet not a single Mainstream reporter has pointed out that a) the much-overhyped omicron scarient is FAR less lethal, and b) most cases are asymptomatic and never go to the hospital.  Look at the graphs (if you can find 'em, only on blogs, taken from government agencies that BURY those graphs so most people can't find 'em).  As “cases” go exponential, hospitalizations have stayed flat. 

The scam would be easy to grasp, IF ONLY a mainstream reporter would tell ’em (and the editor not spike that part).

The blatant fearmongering by government and their media supporters is so obvious that it looks like a bad movie plot. And yet we’re living it, thanks to corrupt, powermad Democrats running every level of the federal government.

And the fear leads to this:  a leftist who thinks anyone who refuses to take the vax should be SHOT.

Thanks, Democrats!


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