December 31, 2021

Where things stand now regarding duh virus, duh CDC, testing and quarantining

Let's see if I’ve got this straight:
    People who have been triple-jabbed with a potentially deadly so-called vaccine--that doesn’t actually keep them from being infected-- wait in long lines for hours to get a test that's been known for almost two years to give lots of false positives.

They take the notoriously unreliable test to find out if they've caught the latest scariant--because its symptoms are so minimal that without the test 99% of 'em would never know they'd been infected.

If the test is positive, they're ordered to quarantine themselves for ten days, because...wait for it..."The Science is Settled!"

Wait, make that five days.  What study said five days?  Uh...none, but who needs studies when you have smaht CDC hobbits who can arbitrarily set any number they want, eh?

Remember, "The Science is Settled," comrade!

This quarantine keeps asymptomatic people who've been diagnosed positive--by the unreliable test!--from spreading the virus to other "fully vaccinated” people--who wouldn’t need to be kept away from them if the “vaccine” actually worked.

On the one-in-a-thousand chance that an infected person does get symptoms, they go wait in line at the emergency room--where too many people with no symptoms at all, but a positive test (thus "a case") are clogging the system trying to get tested AGAIN, keeping the cycle going ad infinitum.

And if a symptomatic person does have the misfortune to be admitted to the supposedly healing halls of the hospital, they won’t receive ANY of the treatments known to work (ivermectin, HCQ), but will instead be injected with remdesivir--pushed hard by Lord Fauci--which has a very good probability of killing them or leaving them permanently damaged.

And as of midnight tonight, when the CDC's July order banning the flawed PCR test takes effect, "cases" will plummet, and the Media will wildly applaud biden and the Dems for "shutting down the virus."

Did I miss anything?


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