America is under siege
For the past dozen years America has been under siege by the Democrat Party-- a party that will
gladly accept the wholesale destruction of communities in its lust for
absolute power.
Democrat mayors and congresscreeps have effectively removed your right of free speech, which is supposedly guaranteed by the First Amendment. They've done this by Dem mayors ordering their controlled city cops not to protect conservatives from being attacked by BLM/Antifa mobs, and by passing laws that make it a crime to refer to someone by a pronoun they don't like.
Amazingly, as the leaders of the Democrat party have done this, they've been able to portray themselves as defenders of human rights, while accusing righteous, innocent, Constitution-loving Americans of being racists.
Reality has been stood on its head. The Mainstream Media repeatedly tells you that rioting, burning and looting are merely "peaceful protests." Anarchists and terrorists kill people simply for saying "All lives matter," and topple statues of Washington and Jefferson.
Violent thugs rule our largest cities (always Democrat-ruled) with impunity. Mayors support the thugs in Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Atlanta and Washington DC, without a single word of protest by the Lying Mainstream Media.
Look around you. Try to find real evidence that a single word written above is false.
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
Democrat mayors and congresscreeps have effectively removed your right of free speech, which is supposedly guaranteed by the First Amendment. They've done this by Dem mayors ordering their controlled city cops not to protect conservatives from being attacked by BLM/Antifa mobs, and by passing laws that make it a crime to refer to someone by a pronoun they don't like.
Amazingly, as the leaders of the Democrat party have done this, they've been able to portray themselves as defenders of human rights, while accusing righteous, innocent, Constitution-loving Americans of being racists.
Reality has been stood on its head. The Mainstream Media repeatedly tells you that rioting, burning and looting are merely "peaceful protests." Anarchists and terrorists kill people simply for saying "All lives matter," and topple statues of Washington and Jefferson.
Violent thugs rule our largest cities (always Democrat-ruled) with impunity. Mayors support the thugs in Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Atlanta and Washington DC, without a single word of protest by the Lying Mainstream Media.
Look around you. Try to find real evidence that a single word written above is false.
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
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