July 21, 2020

3 black males killed in a single attack in Detroit last Sunday. Media ignores it.

Last Sunday in the cesspool called Detroit, a raaacist person shot 4 peaceful black persons at point-blank range, killing three of them.

Of course given the screaming racial war created and stoked by the Mainstream Media (at the screaming demand of Marxist BLM-ers), the Mainstream Media led every evening newscast with this story--especially since the shootings were captured on video, making it perfect for network "news."

The NY Times and WaPo and Detroit Free Press put this on their front pages, top story, because...3 peaceful blacks killed by a raaaaacist. 

Surely you saw those headlines and stories, right?

Wait...ya say you never heard a single word about this ghastly murder of 3 peaceful blacks?

How can that be?  Cuz wasn't this the lead story in every liberal paper?

Oh, that's right:  It wasn't broadcast by any member of the Lying Mainstream Media.  Didn't make the WaPo or NY Times or CNN or...well, anywhere.

Gosh, that seems...odd, doesn't it?  I mean, if it was Chitcongo or Baltimore or Philly you could understand, since murders are so commonplace in those Dem-ruled cesspools.  But this was Detroit--and a triple-murder, caught on video--so you'd think it might be...um...newsworthy.  But your Lying Mainstream Media ignored it.  Why?

Look at the vid and the answer is clear.  So the Mainstream Media has a total double-standard when deciding if the murder of blacks is newsworthy.  Depends entirely on the race of the killer.


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