Dem D.C. mayor orders everyone to wear mask outside home or be fined $1,000
With all the ORDERS issued by Democrat mayors and governors, ordering all citizens to wear masks at all times when they're outside their own home, some Americans might think these people are dictators, throwing their considerable weight around.
For example, yesterday the Democrat mayor of Washington, D.C., Muriel Bowser, issued an executive order demanding that all residents wear masks outside of the home. Here are her own words:
Source: Democrat-loving rag The Hill.
Okay, maybe the last part of the 'graf above is fiction, but as insane as Dems are today, how could you tell?
For example, yesterday the Democrat mayor of Washington, D.C., Muriel Bowser, issued an executive order demanding that all residents wear masks outside of the home. Here are her own words:
“If you’re waiting for a bus, you must have on a mask. If you are ordering food at a restaurant, you must have on a mask. If you’re sitting in a cubicle in an open office, you must have on a mask.”Her dictat imposes an astonishing fine of up $1,000 per violation. So you may think she's just an insane dictator. Oh, not at all, citizen! What could have given you that unsocial idea? Cuz here comes the huge, magnanimous concession to common sense.
Bowser says the fine won't be imposed on children under the age of 3.See, citizen? We told ya you were way off base to think these Democrats were unreasonable dictators, eh? And there's even more concession to common sense:
Bowser says no fine will be imposed on people who are actively eating or does Bowser's order define "actively" eating or drinking? It doesn't, but the mayor's office later sent out "guidance" that to be deemed "actively" eating or drinking--to avoid the $1,000 fine--diners must take a bite or a sip of beverage within 52 seconds of the previous bite or sip, and then must re-mask while chewing. The mayor has ordered police to randomly video diners to ensure compliance.
Source: Democrat-loving rag The Hill.
Okay, maybe the last part of the 'graf above is fiction, but as insane as Dems are today, how could you tell?
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