Imagine if some group had flown a huge banner saying "RESIST" right after Obozo's inauguration
Imagine how the mainstream media would have reacted if, just three days after the inauguration of the socialist Muslim Barack Obama, some group had climbed a crane just across from the White House and unfurled a huge banner saying "Resist."
Every single media outlet would have screamed bloody murder, wailing that flying a "Resist" banner next to the White House proved that conservatives were refusing to accept the new, duly-elected president. They would have screamed that it was the duty of all Americans to accept the results of elections, and that "resistance" was treasonous.
The Media would have screamed bloody murder, for weeks if not months, as reporters found ways to insert references to the old act into new so-called "news" stories. You may have noticed this in stories aboutriots "mostly peaceful protests" in Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, Chitcongo and other cities, where the death of George Floyd was recounted in the 4th or 5th 'graf of every story, as a rationale for the rioting, burning and looting.
So when a group of Democrats/socialists/liberals hired a crane and flew a banner screaming "Resist" just across from the White House, three days after Trump's inauguration, how did the media react?
Not a single critical word. Instead pro-socialist, pro-Democrat NPR made the story about how brave one of the lesbian protesters was, to have the courage to climb the crane despite her fear of heights.
No criticism, just praise for the brave protesters.
Wow, no bias there, eh citizen?
Of course you think I'm just making this up, cuz it's so outrageous that it just couldn't be true. Well, click this link and read for yourself.
This is one of the dozens of ways the Lying Mainstream Media supports Democrats--including the thousands of Deep-state Democrat saboteurs in goverment offices. And it'll get worse as we get closer to November.

Every single media outlet would have screamed bloody murder, wailing that flying a "Resist" banner next to the White House proved that conservatives were refusing to accept the new, duly-elected president. They would have screamed that it was the duty of all Americans to accept the results of elections, and that "resistance" was treasonous.
The Media would have screamed bloody murder, for weeks if not months, as reporters found ways to insert references to the old act into new so-called "news" stories. You may have noticed this in stories about
So when a group of Democrats/socialists/liberals hired a crane and flew a banner screaming "Resist" just across from the White House, three days after Trump's inauguration, how did the media react?
Not a single critical word. Instead pro-socialist, pro-Democrat NPR made the story about how brave one of the lesbian protesters was, to have the courage to climb the crane despite her fear of heights.
No criticism, just praise for the brave protesters.
Wow, no bias there, eh citizen?
Of course you think I'm just making this up, cuz it's so outrageous that it just couldn't be true. Well, click this link and read for yourself.
This is one of the dozens of ways the Lying Mainstream Media supports Democrats--including the thousands of Deep-state Democrat saboteurs in goverment offices. And it'll get worse as we get closer to November.
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