July 29, 2020

An Albanian understands what the rioting mobs in Portland represent--cuz his nation was killed by it

As leftist mobs continue to destroy and burn Democrat-run American cities, a young Albanian, , recognizes in the mobs a familiar scenario from his nation's past:  Communism.  Here, slightly edited, is his take on what's happening here, and why the world has seen it many times before.
America is far more than a country, more than a land or a group of people. Ultimately the United States is a symbol: the world’s fullest and greatest embodiment of freedom and democracy.  It is the land of the free, the home of the brave, a source of hope, and a defender of justice.
Many don't understand the crucial role of America as an ideal. Some in the United States and Europe have lived comfortably for decades,.  They've never been invaded, never lost their land or property, nor their freedom to think or speak. As a result they don’t value what they already have. It’s an unfortunate reality that you often have to lose something to fully understand its worth.
My country, Albania, is small today, but in the past our lands once spread throughout the Balkans. But over time, neighboring countries with the help of larger empires in Europe slowly took our territories and forced many Albanians to flee. More than 100 years ago, only one country stood up for us, fought for our territorial integrity, and helped us retain the borders we have today: the United States of America.
From the end of WW2 until 1991 Albania was ruled by communism. History was warped and changed, important historical figures were erased, monuments were destroyed, churches and mosques were torn down, and religion found itself hanging in the balance.
Most of what George Orwell writes in his novel 1984, communists and far-left terrorists actually did in Albania. Sure, there was universal health care, free schooling, and no private property. Everything was centralized by the government into the hands of a few well-connected party insiders. As a result, people starved, lost their humanity, and turned against each other.
Our “universal health care” was light-years behind similar systems found in the West. Our “free schools” taught only what the regime allowed. You could go to prison or die for saying the wrong thing or wearing the wrong outfit.  In communist Albania, cars were illegal.  We had 3 million people but only 3000 cars at the end of the communist era in 1991.
While Europe was happy to abandon Albania to communism, we hoped America would rescue us.  And in time, by defeating the Soviet Union and ensuring the fall of the Iron Curtain, it eventually did. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall,” remains one of the most consequential phrases of all time.
Despite 45 years of propaganda demonizing the United States, the Albanian people never forgot what President Reagan often referred to as the “shining city on a hill.” Indeed, no matter the torture and the brainwashing the regime tried, it could never remove the desire for freedom. The desire for freedom, meritocracy, and justice are deeply ingrained in the human soul.
When U.S. Secretary of State James Baker arrived in Albania after the fall of the regime, to his surprise he was greeted by hundreds of thousands of cheering people. The cheers he heard and the thanks he received were aimed at what he represented. Make no mistake, the American standard is what every nation on Earth should aspire to.
Today, however, as America finds itself under attack, it falls upon not just Americans, but to every one of us to return the favor and stand beside it in its hour of need. The ideology that invaded my country for half a century, tore down monuments and tradition, replaced freedom with oppression, prohibited freedom of speech, encouraged spying, swapped hope with terror, and brought famine instead of prosperity, is now trying to destroy the United States of America.
This evil ideology knows as long as America exists, all nations will look to it for inspiration and courage.  Many will fight for their dignity and freedoms. The heralds of the radical leftist ideology infecting the United States have gathered their strength and are trying to destroy America.
A nation that gives equal opportunities to every person, that encourages economic success, entrepreneurship, innovation, and risk-taking is now facing threats from within.
Leftist fascists who hate what America stands for want to transform it into a barren land of misery, without identity or soul.  They don't understand the greatness of the American model, so they want to destroy it. Because the modern radical left is unable to appreciate hard work, love for country, meritocracy, protecting history, or valuing tradition, they do what they do best: destroy.
Heated rhetoric about racial equality is being used to brainwash the weak and the uneducated, as the left often does. A future with such people in charge would lead to the confiscation of property, high taxes, and the rewriting of history. This has happened in many countries in the last century.
I hope the people of the United States will not be fooled and will continue to stand for what is right.  Europe is already lost, and the planet can’t afford to lose the United States as well.
Still, hope remains. I see it every day and not just in America. President Trump stands in front of the advance of the radical leftists in the United States and inspires others around the world to follow his example.
The history of America is filled with inspiring stories of those who stood up, never gave up hope, and resolutely worked for a better future. A strong and prosperous United States means a safer and better world.
Every period in history features strong nations. We're fortunate that one of the three major powers in the world today is a freedom-loving empire of commerce and trust, not of conquest, setting an inspirational example for everyone who longs for a better future.
So, here’s to America winning this lastest, most crucial battle — not only for its sake but for all of us who live on this good earth.
This guy gets it.  Too bad half of the U.S. population doesn't.


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