Brian Williams, NYT writer and MSNBC claim $500 million divided by # of Americans equals...a million bucks?
The video below is from last March. I wrote a piece about then but the video croaked, so I wanted to fix it. Old post wouldn't fix, so here it is from scratch:
You all assume the "elites" in the Mainstream Media must be smart. Perhaps some are, but most seem dumber than a freshman womens'-studies major. Case in point: "Mekita Rivas" is a latina female who writes for the hopelessly leftist WaPo. Among her numerous dumbass writings is a tweet saying that if one of the Dem presidential candidates--who spent $500 million running--had instead divided that amount to all Americans, he could have given every American...a million dollars!
As you may know, the population of the U.S. is around 340 million people. When you divide 500 million by 340 million, is there a single "non-elite" American who thinks the answer would be anywhere near million bucks? It's actually about $1.50.
Yep, a buck-fifty.
But the funny part isn't the stupidity of a hopelessly incompetent latina diversity hire. Oh no. It's that on MSNBC, Brian Williams was hosting a black female writer for the vaunted, totally competent NY Times, Mara Gay, who told Williams about Rivas's tweet. Williams said "Yes, we've got that. Let's put it up." And they showed a pre-prepared graphic of Rivas's dumb-ass tweet.
So the hoot is that Brian Williams, Mara Gay and apparently everyone in the control booth had ample time for someone with an IQ over room temperature could have realized Rivas and Williams and Gay were...a bit off--like, by a factor of 600,000 or so.
And these are the people half the country trusts to a) tell you what to do; and b) tell you who should run the country.
They're the same people who love telling the rest of us rubes how smart they are.
Oh, and every one of the elites supported Obamacare--it made perfect economic sense to them. And they support "Medicare for all," free housing, free college and banning carbon fuels. They're sure all those will be great for the econnomy, just like giving a million bucks to every American would have been.
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